

My name is Princess Anethasia. "Ane" meaning love and "thasia" meaning princess. I honestly hate being a princess. There's nothing good about it. Its just work work work. I'm 18 and I have to work. I thought princesses were about finding princes and things like that. But guess what? I was dead wrong. All I have been doing for my whole life was work work WORK and I H-A-T-E it.

One day, ill get a King and that person will love me forever. Aaaah, just thinking about it gets me excited. But girls and boys, you'll help me right? Youll find a handsome prince for me right? Cmon, I'm begging you. Please do it for me. I just want to get these princess duties away from me for a while.

BUT I DIDNT MEAN TO GET ME TWO A THEM!!!! ONE IS ENOUGH, THANK YOU VERY MUCH. YOU NAUGHTY PEOPLE. Well, thanks for helping anyway. This is my story of me finding a loved one. Hot, cute, smart, funny, or free. Which one is better? Well ill be choosing them if you continue reading.

(Hello everybody. Author-chan here. I hope you all enjoy this story luvs. Wish me the best.)

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