

*Beep, beep, beep*

"Ugh, shut the hell up." I slam my hand on the clock.

I get up out of my bed and start my morning routine. Ok, time to hit the shower. I then walk into the bathroom and take off my clothes. I head into the shower washing my body.

"Princess Anethesia, are you ready for your dress?"

Oh sorry, that right there was my most trusting maid. Marie is the best. She's the only one who actually gets me. She's also my only friend.

"Sorry Marie, but I kinda just woke up so give me about five more minutes," I yell back at her.

"Its ok Princess Anethasia. I'll wait for you in your room." She tells me.

I didn't answer but I continued washing my body. After rinsing off, I took my golden robe and placed it on my body. I walked out of my bathroom and see Marie. I gave her a big hug.

"Prin-princess, watch your step. Both your father and your mother will kill me if they find out that I made you fall." Marie says.

"Ok, bestie. Anyways, wheres my dress?" I asked letting go of her.

"Its in my hand. I hope it didn't get dirty. But then again, you're clean so here's your dress and ill be waiting for you in the dining room for breakfast. "She tells me.

"You work too much," I tell her before she left making sure she heard me.

"And that's why you luv me?" She answered back and continued walking.

Well, part of that is true considering she does do my work from time to time. Oh well, I put on my dress then.

It was a pink sparkly dress with strips of gold in it and riffles along the bottom. It was truly a beautiful dress but I rather wear some jeans or shorts.

Wait, everybody, I have a secret to tell you. Listen carefully. I've never worn jeans before in my life.

I know right? It's so bad. So just keep that between me and you and let's get some breakfast.

I walked down the stairs slowly and giggle at how slow I was walking. I'm so silly sometimes. I also hate myself because the embarrassment in being goofy as a princess is too much to bear.

After I was taking my time down the stairs, I reached the dining room. Do you want to hear how it looks?

Well too bad because I ain't telling you sh*t. Oops, I'm not supposed to curse as a princess. Its a secret between you and me. Remember that everybody.

As soon as I reached downstairs, I was tackled by Marie. Well not tackled but she did run up to me pretty fast. I looked up and saw her looking anxious before she started whispering to me.

"Anethasia, you're late. Today both of your brothers are sitting at the dining table waiting to talk to you about something. So prepare yourself." She whispered frantically.

I forgot to tell you all that Marie here likes my older brother Prince Rantold. He's the oldest and my other brother Prince Entitle is right after. But I call them Enty and Ranty.

I smiled because I was really excited to see them. They went somewhere for some prince duties but I never listened to where they were going. Hehe.

I ran into the dining room and jumped at Ranty first.

"Ranty, I missed you." I hug him.

I then run over to Enty but when I tried to hug him, he dodged me and made me fall.

"I'm telling Mother," I whine.

"Gomen, gomen (sorry). I'm sorry Anethasia." Enty apologizes.

"Ranty, you never said hi to me"

"Oh sorry Athy." Ranty is more open up about his feelings so he calls me Athy while Enty still calls me Anethasia.

How rude.

I then sat in my seat. I felt someone stare at me so I looked back and it was Marie gesturing me to talk about her to Rantold. I nodded and she smiled at me.

"Sooooooo, Ranty I should've come down earlier. But I made you wait. Gomen." I apologize.

"It doesn't really matter Anethasia." Enty told me.

"Well I wasn't talking to you, was I?" I smiled brightly at him making him grit his teeth in annoyance.

"Anyways, Ranty, Marie is the one who told me that you two were here. So thank her." I smiled at him.

"Marie huh? Hey, Marie come and sit down with us. You deserve a break. Just because you're young doesn't mean you have to work constantly every day." Ranty told Marie who blushed in response.

I giggled at her.

"Yes sir." She said walking towards the seat next to Ranty.

"Anyways, Marie. We actually wanted to tell you something from Mother and Father since they're not here." Enty starts off.

"Ooh, can I finally stop working?"

"No," they both said simultaneously.

"Got my hopes up for nothing." I pout.

"Mother and Father have advised you to get married. You're going to marry Prince Loki." Rantold told me.

I froze right then and there. I know I always complained about finding princes but Loki was like my dear little ototo (brother). He was my childhood friend and nothing more.

"WHAT? NO." I yell which startled the two brothers. I never yell at them.

"Why? Isn't he your childhood friend" Entitle teased because I always used to say that when I was younger.

"No, I wont marry him. That would be so wrong. Has Loki even agreed to this?"

"Well he suggested it. Seems to me that he has liked you since you were young." Rantold told me.

"But calm down. You're 18 and you're normally supposed to be getting married around 16 but we left you off the hook." Entitle spoke.

He's right. But I would like anyone else. Anyone but Loki.

"Well no use to think about it because we're going on a little vacation for the time being. Mother and father had suggested it to us a while ago but we nev....


Oops. I just technically "cursed" in front of my brothers. I'm so going to get in trouble for this.

"Calm down. Well, let you off the hook for today. But a lady should never speak those voguer words again." Entitle glared at me.

"G-gomen, but is there any way to not marry Loki," I ask.

"Yea. Just find someone you love. Find someone that we can deem worthy of marrying our little sister." They both said simultaneously which made me shiver.

"Ok, thx," I answer.

"But, I doubt that you'll find someone worthy enough for us."

"Challenge accepted."