

Rune is a werewolf with a powerful desire to wake up his father, who has been lying down for ten years after being tortured by the hunters. Therefore, he grieves deeply against the hunters and is determined to kill them all. He must get the right human heart to be able to wake his father, Adlar. Rune suddenly meets a woman who can make him fail to transform into a werewolf. At first, he didn't know that fact and only tried to take Velisa's heart because that woman had holy blood. After learning it, he also gave up the intention to kill the woman. The problem was that Rune couldn't kill her because that woman was his Mate. So, what is the plan for Rune to do next?

MunCL · Fantasía
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17 Chs

7. Super Power

"What have you done?! We lost our chance to kill him!" annoyed Dicky as he came out of hiding. He slammed the weapon while ruffling his hair in frustration.

"Sorry, I feel so scared that it's hard to focus. I'm still traumatized after almost dying yesterday," said Velisa with a sad face. She was making excuses. "Fortunately, the werewolf didn't pounce on me right away."

Dicky was trying to catch his breath so as not to get emotional. He retrieved his weapon from the ground. "Whatever. If you ruin my plans again, I'll make sure you're the target!" annoyed.

Velisa cursed herself for doing such a risky thing. She was lucky because Dicky believed her statement. If not, there may be many difficult questions for her to answer. "Let's move to another place!" invited her. Dicky nodded and walked ahead of him.


After waking up, Rune saw a pile of hearts that he had just put into small boxes. Then, he channeled magical power into the hearts there one by one. Again, none of them fit. Over the last few days, anxiety continued to interfere with his life. For ten years, he collected human hearts, but none of them matched his father's needs.

After experimentation, Rune decided to visit his father in the chest and weapon storage room. Rune sat beside the chest where his father lay. The magical power that protected his father's body to keep functioning is now starting to fade correctly. Fremont came over and stood in front of him.

"According to legend, only one person has a heart that can pump holy blood. It is the heart that can react to magical powers. That is, you have to kill the woman in order to take her heart," said Fremont, simply explaining the story he had heard before.

"Impossible!" rejectedRunee by shaking his head. He looked down at his trembling palms. "I can't kill people without becoming a werewolf. As long as I'm a werewolf I don't have to feel guilty when I kill humans or animals. However, if I kill them when I become a human..."

It wasn't just his instincts as humans and animals that he couldn't resist. But also about Velisa, who had told him about traps and baits. Even though he could survive even if Velisa didn't tell him, the information was still essential and made no werewolf killed last night. Hunters usually killed at least one werewolf.

"If you don't get that heart, your father will never wake up, Rune," said Fremont, who crouched down and looked at Rune, who couldn't continue the sentence. "If that's what you choose, then just forget about your dream of waking your father."

Again, Rune sighed tiredly. He could easily choose to find someone else to get the heart of a person with holy blood, which would take longer. If he made Velisa an option, it would mean that he would have to become the natural killer to get the long-sought heart.

"Could you leave me for a moment? I was thinking about it alone," said Rune with her head lowered. Fremont nodded, leaving him with his father in the darkness immediately.

Rune hugged her knees with her head lowered. He thought about everything that had happened. He brought a foreign woman into this palace when the full moon appeared. Until now, he didn't understand why he had brought her into this room. He now got a clear clue that Velisa is indeed the owner of the holy blood because of his decision.

"Is Velisa really the person I've been looking for?" muttered Rune as she raised her head. He stood up and looked around the room. He also picked up a piece of rope lying there.

"Cancel my magical power in transforming into a werewolf," Rune thought while looking at the rope she was holding. Then, he turned his gaze to another corner of the room. There were a lot of guns piled up there. Those were the weapons he had gotten from the hunters that the werewolves had managed to devour.

Rune let out a resigned sigh as she walked outside. He couldn't imagine killing someone with a gun. Before leaving, he turned to the chest where his father lay. After that, he went straight to the bedroom to change clothes.

When entering the bedroom, Rune immediately remembered Velisa's words when she was in her bedroom. "I hate humans and werewolves."

It left Rune speechless for a moment. His mind became chaotic because of the bad things that might have happened if Velisa was still alive. He thought that the hatred that the woman harbored would explode one day. "It's not impossible. That woman will kill all the werewolf races because she has a super power that other humans don't have."


Fremont laughed hard while talking with the other werewolves at the training ground. He was waiting for Alpha, who would lead today's practice. Finally, saw a rune walking from the gate. However, he immediately squinted when he saw the object the Rune was carrying.

Fremont immediately walked quickly towards Rune. "Why did you bring this thing to the training ground, Rune? Are you going to kill me in front of these werewolves?"

"Stop talking nonsense, Mont," said Rune lazily. Fremont instead looked at him with a questioning look. It bothered him a bit. "To be honest, I want to practice shooting with a rifle."

"Why do you suddenly want to practice using a rifle?" asked Fremont with an innocent face. Rune looked at him with a straight face. That man immediately covered his mouth in surprise when he realized something.

"I can't just stare at the prey in front of my eyes," said Rune with a severe face.

"Have you decided?" asked Fremont, still in disbelief. After Rune nodded slowly, she grabbed both of Rune's shoulders while smiling happily. "Whoa! Is this Rune I know?"

The other werewolves looked confused at the two people. They were standing in a circle as Rune walked closer. They did that automatically when the runes were about to start training. The Rune is in the center, being the center of attention.