

Rune is a werewolf with a powerful desire to wake up his father, who has been lying down for ten years after being tortured by the hunters. Therefore, he grieves deeply against the hunters and is determined to kill them all. He must get the right human heart to be able to wake his father, Adlar. Rune suddenly meets a woman who can make him fail to transform into a werewolf. At first, he didn't know that fact and only tried to take Velisa's heart because that woman had holy blood. After learning it, he also gave up the intention to kill the woman. The problem was that Rune couldn't kill her because that woman was his Mate. So, what is the plan for Rune to do next?

MunCL · Fantasía
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17 Chs

6. Doomed to Death

Sometime later, Velisa woke up in a house in a residential area. She had also wrapped the wounds on her arms and legs with bandages. Finally, she returned to the village where she was born. She also turned towards the door, which a man who looked younger than her opened. "Thank you for saving me."

The man smiled as he handed him a glass of warm drink. "I didn't do that for free. You know that I also risked my life to kill that werewolf."

Velisa took a sip of the warm drink given to her. "I will still be grateful. I will fulfill whatever your request is in return. So, I also need to know your name."

"My name is Dicky. You can call me Dick. You and I joined the underground hunter group in the near future. I entered a year after you joined," said Dicky as he sat on a wooden chair beside the bed.

The underground hunter group was an organization that was well known throughout the village. Citizens wishing to join the organization must be over the age of fifteen. Velisa also joined the organization just when she was fifteen years old. "I joined there about five years ago. You . . . know me?" asked Velisa, who looked disbelieving.

"As someone who's been around for a long time and a year older than me, you're pretty bad at shooting," said Dicky, laughing lightly.

"Hey! I'm not bad at shooting!" protested Velisa, who was glaring at the man who was younger than her. "You dare mock someone older than you?"

"Your shooting ability is no better than mine. During your five years of joining, you have never killed a werewolf. I wonder why you still want to stay in the underground hunter group with your meager skills," said Dicky in a flat and indifferent tone. Facial expressions.

"Hey! Don't you think before you speak? You offend me," said Velisa, trying to hold back her anger.

"I want to kill more werewolves. I must be able to be in a higher position than now. Therefore, I need your help," said Dicky, looking into Velisa's eyes with a serious face.

"Wait! What? Weren't you the one who said that my shooting skills were terrible?" Velisa asked while looking away in annoyance.

Dicky sighed, then stood up. "You have advantages that no one else, not even yourself, can see. However, I've been watching you ever since I joined this group of hunters. You're more suited to be used as doomed to death."

Velisa smiled when he heard Dicky's first sentence, but the smile disappeared after hearing the last sentence. "Gosh, I don't know whether to thank or swear," he mumbled flatly.


Alexa escorted Rune to the front of the room. Before going to her bedroom, the woman held Rune's cheek while smiling warmly. "If you need someone to talk to, I'll be there. You can do telepathy because I'm having trouble with my ears."

Rune immediately grabbed Alexa's arm when she was about to turn around. Alexa looked at him in surprise. "I'm sorry for ignoring you all this time. From now on, let's be on good terms," ​​said Rune doubtfully.

"I won't refuse your invitation," Alexa said with a big smile.

Rune immediately fell silent seeing that smile. Unknowingly, the corners of his lips lifted into a smile. Alexa waved goodbye and said goodnight. Meanwhile, Rune was quiet until the woman's back was no longer visible.

Alexa walked through three rooms to reach her bedroom. She closed the bedroom door slowly, then jumped for joy. After that, she threw herself onto the bed and screamed with her face buried in the pillow.

Alexa imagined when Rune asked her to have a good relationship. She looked up at the ceiling with a happy face. "Does that mean that Rune will open her heart to me?"

Alexa pulled the blanket over her head. She stomped her feet with joy, took off her blanket a second later, and looked up at the ceiling. She sighed harshly. "My heart feels like it's about to explode," she muttered.

However, her happiness seemed to fade when she pictured someone's face. Feelings of guilt immediately enveloped her heart. She also changed position to sit with a gloomy face. "Why does it feel like... I'm having an affair?"

That's Teddy. After the man died, Alexa realized that Teddy had noticed her problem ear. The person always accompanies her hunting prey and helps whenever the hunter comes. She felt stupid for not recognizing his feel in the first place.

"Why do you like someone like me, Ted?" Alexa complained as she grabbed her hair.


The next day, the wolves returned to look for prey at night. This time, Rune didn't ask to look for animals as prey. He targeted all the hunters who were in the forest. His ambition to get the heart he needed made him no longer have mercy on hunters.

The runes attacked the hunters who were lying down behind the bushes. He tore apart the bodies of those he managed to pounce on. He did that too quickly like a hungry beast. He didn't even care if there were women among the hunters.

"I just need your hearts. After all, it's a risk that the underground hunters won't come home because werewolves ate them," thought Rune, who kept sniffing and stalking prey like a wolf.

Rune smelled a familiar scent through its smell. He kept sniffing until the scent carried him to a woman he knew, Velisa. He transformed into a human form when he saw it. Her brow furrowed in wonder why the woman was still in the forest.

Velisa turned until their eyes met. However, the woman immediately widened her eyes. His legs and arms couldn't stop moving. He became panicked as Rune got closer.

"Don't come here!" shouted Velisa spontaneously. Dicky, who was still aiming at the target, frowned. The runes stopped walking and sharpened their senses. The man was furious that he had almost been trapped. "You can read my mind, can't you? If it's true, please don't hurt my comrades! Go and think we're mutually beneficial since no one dies."