
Scarlet Nine-headed Bat King_1



As soon as Chu Qin finished speaking, he waved his Azure Dragon Claw, easily tearing apart the bizarre soul beast's blood sphere. His pupils then turned white, and he looked into the blood fog!

Under the power of his Clairvoyant Force, Chu Qin finally saw the true form within the blood fog!

It was a crimson bat with an unusual appearance—small in body but large in head, and astonishingly, it had nine heads, each opening its bloody maw!

Chu Qin recognized the soul beast at a glance!

"Scarlet Nine-headed Bat King!" Chu Qin exclaimed in surprise.

Hearing Chu Qin's voice, the dense blood fog dissipated, revealing the true face of the Scarlet Nine-headed Bat King. It also made an angry sound, "So it's you, human!"

"Oh, looks like you are the Bat King from Slaughter City who was manipulating Tang Chen!" Chu Qin said with an indifferent smile.

"That's right, it's me!" The Bat King said sinisterly, "You bastard, using saint power to expel me from that human's body, and you destroyed my Slaughter City. I will kill you, kill you!"

"Kill me?" Chu Qin said with a nonchalant smile, "That's perfect. I need your soul ring anyway!"

No sooner had Chu Qin finished speaking, the Azure Dragon Claw opened to reveal a dark red giant sword!

"This is the Asura Sword, this is my sword, damn it, give it back to me!" The Bat King had hardly finished speaking before it transformed into a cloud of blood mist, charging at Chu Qin!

"Fine, I'll return it to you now!" Chu Qin said, lifting the Asura God Sword with one hand before slashing down fiercely!

In an instant, the Scarlet Nine-headed Bat King was sent flying by Chu Qin's direct strike, two of its heads severed and tumbling heavily to the ground!

Without the power of Slaughter City to back it up, the Scarlet Nine-headed bat King could at best match a human level ninety-six Titled Douluo—how could it be an opponent for Chu Qin, who was an Unparalleled Douluo in strength?

Therefore, with just a simple strike, Chu Qin had taken half its life!

"You actually have mastered the Asura God Sword, how is this possible!" The Bat King exclaimed in shock as it lay on the ground!

"Alright, you've had enough last words. Go to Hell!" said Chu Qin with an indifferent smile, already standing before the Scarlet Nine-headed Bat King. The Asura God Sword was poised to strike!

"Wait, wait, human, don't kill me, I can tell you a secret!" The Bat King hurriedly pleaded for mercy.

"I'm not interested in your secret," replied Chu Qin.

"No! No! No! You must be interested. It's a path that transcends humans, attaining immortality, inheriting Divine Power!" the Bat King shouted desperately.

At these words, Chu Qin paused his executioner's blade. He remembered that the Scarlet Nine-headed Bat King had parasitized Tang Chen during his final Asura God Test!

Which meant that the Bat King's secret could very well be the Asura God Test itself!

Even though Chu Qin mostly had no chance of ascending to the Divine Realm, knowing a path to immortality was all benefit and no harm!

"Oh, let's hear it!" So Chu Qin said with a smile.

"Alright, I'll tell you!" said the Bat King, "Actually, Hell Road, as well as the Asura God Sword in your hand, are both part of the tests left by the Asura God King!"



"Humans, as long as one passes certain trials, one can inherit the power of the Asura God King! And you, wielding the Asura God Sword, are the second most qualified person to pass the Asura God Test. The first was the human I once parasitized, but in this lifetime, he will never inherit the position of Asura God again! Therefore, you are the only one truly qualified!" The Scarlet Nine-headed Bat King said in one breath, trying to convince Chu Qin.

Hearing these words, Qian Renxue and Ye Lingling both looked bewildered, completely unable to understand what the Scarlet Nine-headed Bat King was talking about, so they just listened quietly on the side.

"A bunch of nonsense, get to the point!" Chu Qin said coldly.

"Fine! Inside the mountain to the left of Slaughter City, there lies the Asura God King's ritual altar. There, you can initiate the Asura God Test! And the key to open the mountain is the Asura God Sword in your hand!" the Scarlet Nine-headed Bat King continued, "Believe me, human, you are the most qualified to obtain the Divine Position of the Asura God King, to achieve immortality! I have told you this great secret, can you spare me now?"

"Are you done?" Chu Qin asked, the corner of his mouth curling up, "First, I have no interest in inheriting the so-called position of the Asura God; second, do you remember what you did to Yan Yu in Slaughter City?"

No sooner had his words fallen than Chu Qin swung the Asura God Sword, decapitating the heads of the Scarlet Nine-headed Bat King one by one, finally putting an end to its life!

Only one head of the Scarlet Nine-headed Bat King remained, gasping for breath, its words incomplete, but undoubtedly cursing Chu Qin!

Chu Qin paid no attention to this. The agony Yan Yu suffered back then, Chu Qin wanted the Scarlet Nine-headed Bat King to repay in full!

Chu Qin turned to Qian Renxue and said, "Xue'er, this Scarlet Nine-headed Bat King is a hundred-thousand-year soul beast. Take a look, can you absorb it? If you can, I will pass on it for now."

When Qian Renxue heard about the hundred-thousand-year Soul Ring, she was startled first and then hurriedly shook her head, "Although this fellow is a hundred-thousand-year soul beast, it obviously has evil attributes, which are incompatible with my Seraph. Absorbing it would instead bring negative effects. Chu Qin, you take it!"

"Alright then!"

Thereupon, Chu Qin pierced the heart of the Bat King with the Asura God Sword.

Following a wretched howl, the body of the Scarlet Nine-headed Bat King was instantly devoured by the power of the Asura God Sword, turning into a mist of blood that entered the sword!

And only a dark red Head soul bone and a hundred-thousand-year Red Soul Ring were left behind.

Immediately, Chu Qin released Daji, "Daji, I'm going to absorb the Soul Ring, I need you to both protect me and look after Xue'er and Ling Ling!"

"Don't worry, Master!" Daji said with a sweet smile, obediently nodding her head.

Under Daji's protection, Chu Qin boldly began to absorb the hundred-thousand-year Soul Ring!

Now, for Chu Qin, absorbing a hundred-thousand-year Soul Ring was as simple as drinking water, thus in just ten minutes, a fourth Red Soul Ring appeared beneath his feet!

Immediately after, Chu Qin took the dark red soul bone into his hands. It was unfortunate that he had previously given away the Head soul bones to Ye Lingling, meaning she couldn't absorb this one.

However, Chu Qin had already thought of a better master for it—Hulena!

Hulena was the only mental system Soul Master among his many women, making her the best recipient!

Seeing Chu Qin put the soul bone into the Soul Guidance Container, Qian Renxue and Ye Lingling felt no jealousy, but the former said with a hint of grievance, "Now look, I went out with you to find Soul Rings, didn't find one for myself, but ended up finding a hundred-thousand-year Soul Ring for you instead!"

"Hahaha, Xue'er, don't worry, we'll keep looking!" Chu Qin said with a tender smile, "If we don't find it today, we'll continue tomorrow!"

"I don't want to, I don't want to spend the night outside!" Qian Renxue shook her head.