
Chapter 4

Back in his house, Tang Hao was waiting for his children to come back. He did not want to think about their spirit awakening and embarking on the path of cultivation, but he doubted they wouldn't do it anyway.

Tang San's drive for power and cultivation was something Tang Hao knew well. He was always practicing something and was very hard working, he was clearly talented in fighting and was smart. Tang San really was the ideal son in Tang Hao's opinion, he was hard-working, talented, decisive, and he was also very obedient to him. In time Tang Hao was sure Tang San could rejoin the Clear Sky Sect and help lead it to greatness to repay for all the troubles Tang Hao has caused in the past.

Just like a proper filial son should.

As for Tang Xing... yeah, Tang Hao would rather he was born with no noteworthy talent and died as a regular civilian instead of entering the way of the spirit master. Tang Xing was still his kid, sure, but Tang Hao was not stupid enough to not see the truth in front of his eyes. The kid, for some reason Tang Hao was entirely unable to understand no matter how much he thought about it when not drunk, had a bone to pick with Tang Hao even after he provided a mostly intact roof over his head and changed his diapers (or paid someone to do it since, as a Title Douluo, doing such menial chores was beneath him, just like most house chores as that is the work of servants).

Besides that, Tang Hao had to reluctantly admit that Tang Xing's personality was too much like that of Tang Hao's grandfather, Tang Cheng.

Tang Cheng was the strongest Clear Sky Douluo in their sect's history, and also the one who killed the most members of the sect. He brought unparalleled unity to the sect, making it the strongest sect on the mainland and bringing it the greatest glory it has ever experienced in its thousands of years, but he did so by hammering to death any and all dissidents to his rule. From the moment Tang Cheng reached Title Douluo he became the god of slaughter for his own clan without any hesitation or care. Anyone who disagreed with him, anyone who showed cowardice in the face of the enemy, anyone who harmed the Clan's interests, anyone who committed a crime according to the clan's laws, no matter who they are or how important they are to the clan, they were all executed without hesitation by having their heads smashed to a thousand pieces. The man was direct, taking shit from no one and not showing proper respect or care for his elders, it is said that during the first year of his reign the sect had a smell of blood constantly and the sect's population lowered by an astounding 40% by the end of this first year alone!

Tang Xing was too much like that man in Tang Hao's eyes. Their ways of acting and little actions are too much alike according to what little Tang Hao remembers of the man and the stories the elders told about him. A man like that was a blessing and a curse for any sect as it would bring it to glory, but kill many of the sect's members in the process. Tang Hao already caused too many problems for the Clear Sky sect, he feels it would be better if Tang Xing never entered the road of cultivation as otherwise there may come a day when he would decisively kill this ungrateful son of his for the sake of the sect members.

As Tang Hao mused about the possibility of killing his own son, feeling a bit sad at the possibility but accepting that sacrifices for the sect must be made, he felt others approaching the house. Feeling only Tang San coming he frowned, expanding his spirit power he found Tang Xing moving further and further away from the village together with the people of Spirit Hall.

Don't look down on Tang Hao's intelligence, with just this degree of information he could predict that this child of his likely went towards Spirit Hall to join them, likely because he was born with cultivation talent. It didn't surprise Tang Hao that his children would be talented in the way of cultivation, they were his kids after all, and also kids of his dear wife who, in turn, was a 100 thousand years spirit beast. If his kids were not born talented in cultivation it would be weirder.

Seeing his favored son (who knew the respect that Tang Hao believed that, as the youngest Title Douluo, he deserved) enter the house Tang Hao grunted a welcome and when Old Jack wanted to speak he just told him to fuck off. His mood over the 'betrayal' of his least favorite son was already bad enough even without the old Jack yammering about things he could not understand.

How could Old Jack complain to him, the Clear Sky Douluo, so frivolously? Well, Tang Hao was magnanimous enough not to kill him for the disrespect, after all, how could Old Jack understand Tang Hao's suffering of what he went through? In Tang Hao's opinion, old Jack, as well as no one else, could understand his pain of losing what he cared the most for, and thus no one else could judge his actions regarding his life since that point in time. As such, Tand Hao felt he was perfectly justified in spending his days trying to forget the pain by drinking his ass off instead of doing menial things like taking care of the kids he had.

Back in the sect, no great man who reached Contra, much less Title Douluo, was expected to do any of the child-raising anyway.

That was a job for a woman or servants, not a big and strong man like him.

"What spirit did you get?" Tang Hao grunted nonchalantly, thinking that it must not be the Clear Sky Hammer otherwise the people from Spirit Hall might have captured him.

... Did Tang Xing got captured due to having the Clear Sky hammer? If so Tang Hao had to hurry and take Tang San somewhere safe far away to make sure that little San is safe, after he makes sure that Tang San is perfectly safe and sound Tang Hao can come back and rescue Tang Xing... if circumstances allow it.

Yeah, Tang Hao plays favorites and has far too large a pride, the two combined make him give absolute preference to his favorite and most pleasing child instead of the one he considered might harm the sect later on.

"Dad, it's blue silver grass." Tang Said said, showing the spirit to his father.

"Blue silver grass?" As Tang San answered that he didn't expect too large a reaction. But, unlike his thoughts, once Tang Hao heard these three words, his body suddenly trembled all at once, and in his eyes also showed a trace of sparkling brilliance.

Tang Hao's expression changed, only paying attention to Tang San at this moment as he saw the blue silver grass manifest.

"Though it's blue silver grass, but I was still born with innate full spirit power. I want to be a powerful spirit master, I heard of schools that help teach that so I intend to go to one of them." Tang San said, hoping to go to one such school to learn more about this world.

"Blue silver grass, blue silver grass." Tang Hao, again and again, murmured these few words, abruptly lifting his head. In his eyes showed a strong light Tang San had never seen before, completely different from the usual anger, indifference, and reproach he had when looking at his sons, as if they were responsible for his suffering. After a while of considering everything, he said quietly. "This won't do, you shouldn't become a spirit master. Besides, a waste spirit is a waste spirit, even if you train it can't amount to anything. You should just live a normal civilian life and become a blacksmith like me."

"I understand father, but I still have a second spirit." Tang Sand said as he opened his free hand. As he did so a small black hammer appeared in said hand.

Tang Hao staggered back as he was muttering.

"Twin Spirits, it is actually twin spirits. This sort of talent, this is..." Tang Hao then showed a complicated expression before turning resolute. "Tang San, do you truly desire to become a spirit master?"

"Yes." Tang San said instantly as he still needed strength if he was to become strong.

Tang Hao looked conflicted before he sighed. After seeing the Blue Silver Grass spirit memories of his wife surfaced and Tang Hao did not want to see that spirit hurt, but if Tang San has twin spirits he really should become a Spirit Master.

With such a talent he would surely become a strong person in the future and then, father and son together would be able to take the Clear Sky Sect to new heights!

"Very well," Tang Hao heavily nodded at Tang San's wishes. "but, before you leave, I will teach you what I know about blacksmithing, it should help you pay the tuition in your college."

Tang San nodded resolutely before speaking.

"And about brother Xing, will you go meet him in Spirit Hall?"

Tang Hao froze as he had honestly forgotten this second son of his for a moment there. After thinking for a bit he said.

"What spirit did he have? Is it also Blue Silver Grass or a hammer like yours?" Tang Hao questioned.

Tang San shook his head in the negative as he explained.

"He also has twin spirits and innate full spirit power, but unlike me his spirits are nothing like mine. They are a weird green shroud and a purple winged lion." Tang San explained and Tang Hao frowned a bit before asking Tang San to explain everything that happened.

With Tang San's memories, he naturally told his father everything, including the more offensive things that a good brother might have not said. As Tang Hao heard everything, including the matter regarding how Tang Xing didn't even bother to come over to talk things out, the mood of Tang Hao got darker and darker due to how this kid clearly was not a good seedling. Tang Hao was just glad he had at least one dutiful and good son to take pride in, even if the other was a traitorous snake that decided to join Spirit Hall and did not even have the balls to come and ask for his opinion.

"Very well, if he doesn't want to admit me as his father and pay proper respect for me, then he can go on his way and I won't help him either. Come, little San, I will teach you some interesting things." Tang Hao said as he pulled Tang San along.

In his heart, Tang Hao was angry with the ungrateful little twerp, but at least he did something right by not having the Clear Sky hammer or the Blue Silver Grass. He would do well in hiding Tang San's identity for a while at the very least and, later, Tang San would become the strongest powerhouse and help reestablish the Clear Sky Sect to its former glory!

And Tang Hao was sure that this son of his could do it.

After all, Tang San had the Blue silver Emperor (unawakened) spirit, which is a top plant spirit, as well as the strongest Tool Spirit, the Clear Sky hammer. How could the mutations from the stupid son who couldn't understand Tang Hao's greatness compare with this sort of natural talent?