
Douluo: I am Ultraman

Vaiss was reborn in Douluo Dalu 1 and almost died at first. Knowing the dark future of this world, he used the gift from the system to change the future. #System #Ultraman #Maybe a harem

Fluffas · Cómic
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23 Chs

Chapter 4: Soul Ring and Soul Bone

In the depths of the Great Star Dou forest, a giant silver dragon with serious injuries was sleeping when she suddenly woke up. Gu Yuena looked in the direction of Spirit City, she felt a similar aura from six years ago.

"So, the child has grown up."

Six years ago, when she felt Father of Ultra power, she could feel the power was purifying the abominable power of Shura god in her body. 

Back then, she didn't dare to ask Father of Ultra to help her. The power of Father of Ultra was stronger than the Dragon God and all the gods in the god domain combined, how could she ask such an expert to help her?

But she could ask his son, so she waited for Vaiss to awaken. But she would examine Vaiss's character first, she couldn't let an untrustworthy person know about this place after all. It would spell trouble and the gods may discover her.

As for who to send to observe Vaiss, she finally chose Di Tian. He was the strongest and he could take care of things on the slim chance that he was discovered. 

"Di Tian."

Gu Yuena spoke directly to Di Tian's mind.

"Yes, Lord?"

Outside, Di Tian kneeled when he heard Gu Yuena's voice.

"You should feel the awakening of the child from six years ago, observe him. Determine whether he is trustworthy or not, and make sure you are not discovered."


Di Tian stood up, he looked at the other fierce beasts.

"I'll go on a mission, I'll leave this place and the lord to you."

Di Tian disappeared directly and flew to Spirit City.


In the Pope's hall, while everyone was frozen, Vaiss was ecstatic. The moment his Ultraman Vaiss martial soul awakened, he felt his body change, it grew stronger and tougher. His senses also grew sharper. He was sure that he could unleash energy base moves now. 

He could drive the previously unmoveable massive energy of [Blazing Sun Heart]. And the control was so easy, just like moving his own limbs.

Vaiss could no longer wait any more, he wanted to try it! 

"Martial soul possessed!"

With a yell, Vaiss and martial soul Ultraman Vaiss combined, resulting in a small Ultraman Vaiss. The Dawn Breaker martial soul disappeared and a mark of Dawn Breaker appeared on Vaiss's left hand, on his right hand was the mark of Ultraman Vaiss martial soul.

Vaiss felt all his attributes were doubled. He clenched his fist and ran toward the door.

"Mom, I'm going to play!"

Vaiss disappeared and everyone returned to normal, Bibi Dong saw Vaiss running away and chased after him. Everyone followed.

"Vaiss, wait! Stop!"

But Vaiss was nowhere to be seen, the guard outside was looking at the sky blankly.

"Where did he run?"

Bibi Dong yelled at the guard. The guard flinched and quickly pointed at the sky.

"The young master flew that way."

Bibi Dong was surprised that Vaiss could fly but quickly chased after Vaiss with everyone, leaving Hu Liena and the rest alone in the hall.

Vaiss, on the other hand, was enjoying himself. The feeling of air hitting him was pleasant and the view from up here was gorgeous. He flew while doing tricks. Somersault, barrel roll, zig-zag, etc. After flying for a while, Vaiss saw a suitable rocky valley to test his power. He looked at a boulder below and locked on it as a target.

At this time, Bibi Dong and the others have already caught up. Vaiss dived down, then concentrated his energy on his feet and kicked the boulder.

With a loud sound, the boulder exploded and a dust cloud rose. When the dust cloud cleared, the boulder disappeared, Vaiss was standing in the middle of a crater. 

"This power… Comparable to level 30 assault spirit master."

Ghost said after seeing the damage caused by Vaiss. Meanwhile, Vaiss was checking his body, despite falling from such a height, he wasn't hurt. He confirmed that his body was stronger.

Now, it was time for the highlight. The main show. Vaiss took a deep breath, he concentrated his energy on his arms. As his arms glowed, he spread them and raised them slowly. When he created a Y shape, he pulled his hand and formed an L shape with his arms. 

A white beam shot out from his vertical right hand, the beam shot through a boulder and five thick trees before Vaiss stopped it. Looking at the devastation, Vaiss was overjoyed. It was a wide shot! He imagined doing it when he was a child but now he could do it in real life. 

In great excitement, Vaiss let out his energy and shaped it into a chakram in both hands and threw it. The chakram flew through a few trees and hit a big stone. At first, the trees and stone looked unharmed but then the trees and stone slipped and fell.

The incision on the trees and stone was smooth like glass. Vaiss was laughing, this was the attack he saw from Shin Ultraman and he really liked it. Bibi Dong and the others were already numb, looking at Vaiss throwing out powerful moves one after another. And what's more, it was all self-created soul skills.

Having created one just after awakening was already monstrous enough but Vaiss created two and the two moves were powerful. How could this not shock them?

Bibi Dong quickly came to Vaiss.



Vaiss undid his possession and flew to Bibi Dong for a hug. Unlike before, Vaiss could already use his energy, whether in his normal form or martial soul possession form. Flying was basic operation.

Bibi Dong was already numb, she was no longer surprised Vaiss could fly without possessing his martial soul. A thing only title douluo could do. She held Vaiss and checked for injury.

"Vaiss, where did you learn those soul skills?"

"Mom, after I awakened, many moves just appeared in my head. The first move was called Wide Shot and the second was Light Chakram."

Vaiss didn't plan on keeping his inheritance a secret, he just limited how much he could let out. As for Ultraman moves, they would be known sooner or later, no sense keeping it a secret.

Bibi Dong couldn't help but envy Vaiss a little, he just awakened and was given self-created soul skills. But also proud, her son had such mastery over self-created soul skills he just received. As expected of her son, so talented!

The other title douluos came down.

"Bibi Dong, let's test Vaiss's spirit power first."


Bibi Dong answered curtly to Qian Daoliu, Ghost already took out the glass ball to measure spirit power.

"Young master, please touch this orb."


When Vaiss touched the glass orb, he felt his spirit power flow out of his body to the glass orb, then he realized. He had been using the energy from his [Blazing Sun Heart] not his spirit power. The two energies didn't mix, and the spirit power was dominated by blazing sun energy. 

When compared, the energy from the [Blazing Sun Heart] was much stronger and denser than spiritual power.

The glass orb shone with light, and starlight began to light up, one by one. Finally, twenty starlights lit up in the glass orb. 

"Hisss… Innately level twenty spirit power!"

Ghost and the Pope's Palace title douluos were surprised, while Bibi Dong and the title douluos from Douluo's Palace already expected it. Vaiss was the second innately level twenty spirit power they saw, the first one was Qian Renxue.

Vaiss felt normal, he was a twin god-level martial soul, innately level twenty spirit power was just basic. 

"Vaiss, what kind of soul skills do you want for your first soul skill? Mom already checked it, you can absorb a two-thousand-year-old soul ring."

A millennium first soul ring, it was something thought to be impossible, but after seeing Vaiss physical strength and miraculous twin god-level martial soul. It didn't seem impossible anymore.

Vaiss grew silent, Bibi Dong thought he was thinking about it. While in fact, he was talking to his system.

"System, is it possible to create a soul ring with soul skill using [Item Creation]?"

"Yes, but only [Item Creation] lv1 can create items containing laws."

"Okay, then is it possible to create a soul skill that has the power to create a soul ring that can be spread all over the continent?"

"Yes, it is possible."

"Great! Then increase [Item Creation] level and create the soul skill for me!"

"Upgrading [Item Creation] will consume 10,000 points, continue?"

Vaiss was taken aback by the huge cost but fortunately, he was prepared.


"Ding, upgrade success! Proceed to create the soul ring?"

"Hold on."

Vaiss looked at Bibi Dong.

"Have you decided?"

"Mom… What if I told you I can create my own soul ring?"

Vaiss whispered, Bibi Dong looked blankly at Vaiss, she could accept what happened before but not this. The other people were also taken aback, they were title douluos, and they heard Vaiss whisper. 

Bibi Dong first thought was a transformed soul beast but that was impossible, she raised Vaiss and she knew Vaiss was human. 

As for lying, Vaiss was not a child who lied or joked about this kind of thing.

"Vaiss, what do you mean?"

"Mom, the inheritance in my head said that soul rings are just a crystallization of a tiny piece of law, and I can condense such things easily and even help others create their soul rings."

"Really? Is it true?"

"I won't lie to you, mom!"

Vaiss' face was serious, Bibi Dong didn't know what to say. If Vaiss was saying the truth then it would change the world.

"Mom, I'll prove it to you!"

Vaiss came down from Bibi Dong's hug and sat cross-legged on the ground.

"System, start creating the soul ring!"

"Yes. Host, due to the constraint of the spirit level, the maximum age of the soul ring you create is a thousand years old. But please rest assured, your soul ring is a growth soul ring, it can grow stronger with you while others are fixed.

And due to the similarities of soul ring and soul bone, the created soul skill can create both, just that creation of a soul bone is a lot more difficult than a soul ring.

Start creation…"

Bibi Dong felt a strand of spirit power flow out of Vaiss's body, slowly mixing with the aura of heaven and earth and forming a ring shape. Then a massive amount of heaven and earth aura was injected into the ring and it slowly turned into a white soul ring. Then with time, the soul ring changed color. Light yellow, golden yellow, and finally to light purple, the color of a thousand-year-old soul ring.

Bibi Dong and the others watched the whole process but they still could hardly believe it. 

"Big offering, is it possible that it was a god-given soul ring?"

The second offering, Golden Crocodil douluo, weakly asked Qian Daoliu. 

"No, I could confirm it is not a god-given soul ring, I felt no divine power throughout the process. Vaiss… This kid, he really can make a soul ring…"

Qian Daoliu sighed and forcibly calmed his heart. He was a little tired, all the shock Vaiss gave him today almost gave him a heart attack.

Bibi Dong heard Qian Daoliu's words and finally believed that Vaiss was telling the truth. When it came to knowledge, she still believed the old man.

Vaiss stood up and felt his body grow stronger again. And after checking his first soul skill, he was satisfied, it checked all his desires.

"Vaiss, what's your soul skill effect?"

Bibi Dong hugged Vaiss into her arms.

"Mom, my first soul skill is called Tower of Light. It creates a tower made of light. And it can be moved away from me without a range limit and can be maintained as long as there is someone who supplies it with spirit power when it dims. Its function is to create soul rings and soul bones. When used by someone, it will take some of their soul power to create a matching ring. The soul power is also used to maintain the tower.

Although you cannot choose the specific effect, you can give directions on what kind of soul skills you want."

Bibi Dong was shocked, the effect was just too heaven-defying. It could create soul rings and soul bones, and you could even give direction on what kind of effect you want, this was much better than hunting your own soul ring. There was no danger and there was no randomness in the acquired soul skill.

And the creation of the soul bone was even greater. Soul bone was a scarce resource in the world, there was demand but no supply. But with Vaiss soul skill, soul bone would no longer be rare and even be common goods.

"But of course, there was a flaw. First, the maximum age of the soul rings and soul bones are tied to my spirit power level. As of now, the maximum is a thousand-year-old. And the soul bone requires a large amount of spirit power to create, even for a thousand-year-old one, the higher age was even more so.

And because the soul bones are made to perfectly match the provider of the spirit power, asking others to create it for you won't work."

"Enough. Even with all the flaws, your soul skill is perfect. As expected, Vaiss is mom's pride!"

Bibi Dong praised Vaiss, his soul skill was a killer weapon. Using his soul skill, the Spirit Hall could attract a large magnitude of spirit masters.

"Let's go back. We need to ascertain the effect of Vaiss soul skill."


Bibi Dong nodded to Qian Daoliu's words. Hugging Vaiss, Bibi Dong and the others returned to the Spirit Hall.

In the Pope's Hall, Bibi Dong explained what happened to Hu Liena and the others, and the three were dumbfounded. Vaiss let them take it all in and went to the center of the Pope's hall.

"First soul skill, Tower of Light!"

Three floating five meters tall light pillars with a thickness of two meters appeared, on the top of the pillar was a golden ring. The golden ring and pillars were spinning in opposite directions. 

"Mom, this is the Tower of Light. I can only create three of them once a day, and unless I allow it, they cannot be moved elsewhere. If forced, the tower will self-destruct. 

To use it, you only need to input some of your spirit power and pick 'soul ring' to create one. And pick 'soul bones' to create soul bones. Every tower can create five soul rings at the same time. But only one soul bone, as creating it will need the full power of the tower. And each tower can only create one soul bone a day.

I forgot to say, the created soul bones are random, and there's a slim chance an external soul bone is created."


Everyone in the Pope's Hall exclaimed and looked at the three towers intently. All of them were eager to try.

"Okay, you'll all have a chance. First, let's try creating a soul ring. Ghost, recruit students who have reached level ten in the Spirit Academy."

"Yes, Pope."

Ghost quickly went to recruit students, the golden generation was a little disappointed. Unfortunately, they didn't need a soul ring yet and the maximum age of the created soul ring was too low for them. Hu Liena was level 35, and Xie Yue and Yan were level 34.

Soon, six students came to the Pope's Hall. The oldest was seven years old, they felt nervous and excited at the same time. After all, they were about to meet the pope.

The six of them saw many people and three strange glowing pillars, but they quickly found Bibi Dong. They lined up and bowed.

"Meet the Pope!"

"Um, Be at ease."

Bibi Dong glanced at Ghost and he immediately got the cue.

"Children, the reason you are here today, is to get you all your first soul ring. The tower you see is called the Tower of Light, the soul skill of the Pope's son. Its effect is to create a soul ring.

When you create your soul ring, the longer you endure the higher the age of the soul ring, with the maximum being a thousand-year-old."

The six students were shocked, is there such an outrageous soul skill? They all thought. But since the Pope recruited them, it must be true.

Ghost told them how to use the tower and the caution of absorbing the soul ring, the first to try was the oldest of them. He sat cross-legged before the tower and took a deep breath before offering some of his spirit power and choosing a soul ring.

The offered soul ring was divided into half, one absorbed by the tower and the other creating a ring shape behind him. Then the tower repeated the way Vaiss created a soul ring. The boy held on but he stopped when the age hit 600 years old. 

Everyone nodded, the age of the soul ring exceeded the standard. As for a thousand-year-old first soul ring, they never hoped for it. Only a monster like Vaiss could do it.

"Child, what's your soul skill effect?"

Ghost asked with a kind tone.

"Elder, my soul skill is called Air Strike, I strike the air with my Warhammer martial soul, and the attack travels through the air and hits my enemy, the distance is five meters."

The boy was satisfied with his skill, initially, he planned to add a soul skill the same as his dad, Strong Strike, a charged swing of a Warhammer. But now he had a soul skill that could hit a distant enemy, his dad only had one when he reached Spirit Elder.

"Good Skill." 

It was rare for a hammer-type martial soul to have a long-distance attack.

"Did you wish for a long-distance attack?"

"Yes, my Warhammer is strong in close melee but slow me down, I can be kited easily. So, I want a soul skill that can attack distant enemies."

"Good thinking. Keep working hard, next!"

After a few hours, all the other five also get their soul ring. Although not all of them exceed the standard first soul ring age, the skills match what they wish. And they were slightly stronger than the soul skill that was acquired by hunting.

Vaiss asked the system the reason, and it said that soul skill from the soul ring that was made by the power of law and the aura of heaven and earth were purer and thus could channel more power.

After sending the students back to school, everyone watched as Bibi Dong sat in front of the tower. It was an attempt at creating a soul bone.

Bibi Dong took a deep breath and chose to create a soul bone. The tower lit up, Bibi Dong poured in her spirit power while calculating how much she spent. Bibi Dong's spirit power and the heaven and earth aura mixed and slowly formed a pair of sharp spider legs. After an hour, the process was done and the spider leg gently dropped to the ground.

"It took me a total of spirit power equivalent to the level 60 Spirit Emperor spirit power to create this soul bone."

Everyone frowned, a spirit power of level 60 for a thousand-year-old soul bone was expensive but then again it was for soul bone. As a title douluo, spirit power was something they had in abundance. Everyone could accept it.

Bibi Dong looked at the pair of spider legs and felt that her luck was too good.

"Teacher, what kind of bones are these?"


Hu Liena asked curiously.

"The name is Spider Claw, it is… An external soul bone."

Bibi Dong smiled faintly and picked up the soul bones, placed them on both arms and absorbed them

"What? External soul bones?"

Hu Liena covered her mouth in surprise and the other douluos envied Bibi Dong, getting an external soul bone on the first try. As for Vaiss, he was not interested in soul bones, he disdained to add soul bones to his body. Was Ultra bloodline not good enough? 

After half an hour, Bibi Dong finished absorbing the soul bones. After being absorbed by Bibi Dong and nourished by her spirit power, the soul bone age quickly reached 90.000.

Then she walked toward the place Vaiss usually trained with everyone. 

A meter-long scythe-like purple blade appeared on both forearms of Bibi Dong. The blade was thin and translucent like a cicada's wings. It felt so fragile, it was like a work of art rather than a weapon. 

Bibi Dong waved it gently against the boulder, and the blade cut the boulder with no resistance, like a hot blade through butter. 

The boulder fell, the incision was shiny like a mirror.

Everyone let out a cold breath. Bibi Dong was also very satisfied with the soul Bone. She didn't add any spirit power or strength in that attack, the soul skill of soul bone was also not used. 

The soul skill in the soul bone was called Purple Web. The user attacked twelve times in a second, the target only saw purple lines like a spider web before being dissected by the purple light.

Looking at the boulder and the purple blade, all the title douluo felt even more eager on creating soul bone.


Spirit Rank:

1 to 10, Spirit scholar 

10 to 20, Spirit Master

20 to 30, Spirit Grandmaster

30 to 40, Spirit Elder

40 to 50, Spirit Ancestor

50 to 60, Spirit King

60 to 70, Spirit Emperor

70 to 80, Spirit Saint

80 to 90, Spirit Douluo

90 to 94, Title Douluo, Average Douluo

95 to 98, Super Douluo

99, Limit Douluo/Demigod 

100, God

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Thank you for reading my work and please enjoy :)

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