
Douluo: I am Ultraman

Vaiss was reborn in Douluo Dalu 1 and almost died at first. Knowing the dark future of this world, he used the gift from the system to change the future. #System #Ultraman #Maybe a harem

Fluffas · Cómic
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23 Chs

Chapter 21: Beating Tang San and Fleeing from Tang Hao

Tang San clenched his fist, he sneered, he would make Vaiss regret being so arrogant. 

Vaiss thought that since it was the first time he played with Tang San, how could there be no BGM? Since he seemed to be a villain who NTR'd Xiao Wu from Tang San, the BGM should match his character setting, but there was no good villain theme song for Ultraman. Then Vaiss remembered a certain kamen rider song.

'Let's play the song of a certain god complex kamen rider.'

"I hope you don't mind if I add music to this battle?"


After picking the song, everyone near the field heard it.

"DEEP INSIDE Dare no tame?

DEEP INSIDE Nani no tame?

Chikara motomete samayou."

"Don't be alarmed, this is music from my soul tool. I like sparring with music."

Vaiss smiled.

The other student felt envy for Vaiss's wealth, the number of soul tools was pitifully scarce, and every soul tool could be sold for a lot of money. Having one proves that you're pretty wealthy. Some of the students also liked the music, they were wondering what kind of musical instrument could produce such a sound and the language of the song.

"Do you take this as playing?"

Tang San felt Vaiss didn't take him seriously and looked down on him.

"This is just sparring, no need to be so serious."

"Good, I'll see if you can still smile when I put you to the ground."

Tang San said with a cold smile. 

Yu Xiaogang, who acted as referee, looked at the two from outside the ring.


Tang San rushed instantly using ghost shadow, he turned to afterimages, the students on the side couldn't see it. Vaiss, on the other hand, stood still. Tang San and others thought he was frozen by fear, they laughed and yelled that he was done. 

On the contrary, to Vaiss, Tang San was too slow. He could see clearly Tang San was running on a serpentine trail, Vaiss could see the excitement in Tang San's eyes.

'You're so eager to get beaten but unfortunately, I don't have much time, so I'll spare you by just turning your head to a pig.'

Tang San came to Vaiss and attacked Vaiss's face with a claw, he secretly dipped his fingers in poison, the wound would leave a deep scar, and he wanted to destroy Vaiss's face.

'He must have used his face to deceive and ruin many girls, I'll destroy it on the behalf of heaven.'

Vaiss looked at the claw attacking his face, even if he took it head-on, it probably ended up with Tang San breaking his fingers but Vaiss didn't want Tang San to touch him, it felt dirty. Vaiss acted like he was shocked and leaned his head back, dodged the claw, and attacked back with a backhanded slap, Tang San, who was in disbelief that his attack was dodged, didn't have any time to defend himself and was slapped away like a fly by Vaiss.

Tang San flew back faster than when he rushed at Vaiss, he rolled on the ground a few times before he stopped. The peanut gallery was shocked, they couldn't follow the movement between Vaiss and Tang San, he only saw Tang San disappear and suddenly flew back like thrown rags.

"This…What happened?"

"You ask me who do I ask?"

"Little brother, so handsome!"

Xiao Wu gasped and covered her mouth with her hands. She had expected that Vaiss was strong but to think that the gap was this big. But she felt a little happy that Tang San was abused.

Yu Xiaogang was also stunned. How could it turn out like this? he thought. But he quickly ran to Tang San.

'Sister, I'm sorry but I couldn't hold back, who told your son to be so vicious, to use poison in a spar.'

'N-no…it's okay.'

Ah Yin's doubt became bigger, she was sensitive to stuff like poisons, the moment Tang San used it, Ah Yin already noticed it. She couldn't believe it, this should be her son's first time seeing Vaiss but his action was too extreme. And that poison, she didn't know its specific effect but she could tell the sap used in it, flesh wound would rot if it touched the sap. She began to believe what Vaiss said.

"I'm sorry, this student was too fast, I was shocked and couldn't limit my strength."

Vaiss smiled apologetically, Tang San, who sat up with Yu Xiaogang's help, gritted his teeth after hearing Vaiss, how dare he humiliated me like this! Then he hissed in pain again, his left side face already swelled and blood slipped out from his mouth. His left eye was closed because of the swelling.

"How could you strike so heavily?!"

Yu Xiaogang yelled at Vaiss, how could he accept that his dear apprentice was hurt like this.

"Didn't I already apologize, that student aimed his attack at my face, intending to gouge my face, I haven't even complained about that. His swelling looks bad but it will subside in a week or so, it is not a heavy attack like you said. Or are you telling me that your student is allowed to hurt others but others can't attack back?"


"So, are we done here? Or are you going to continue?"

Yu Xiaogang looked hesitant, he wanted to stop here, he felt that Vaiss was not easy and he had a big background, his guess was based on Vaiss's wealth.

He couldn't see Vaiss's cultivation, which means either Vaiss's level was higher than his or he had a soul tool that hid his cultivation, Yu Xiaogang believed the latter. Giving a child two soul tools, was something only those big forces or hidden families could do.

But mad with anger, Tang San stood up and resisted the pain in his face, he wanted revenge. In his mind, he already sentenced Vaiss to die.

"We Continue!"

Yu Xiaogang wanted to advise Tang San to stop but he knew Tang san was stubborn and gave up, so he walked out of the field.

Tang San glared at Vaiss like he wanted to devour him, Vaiss still smiled, then suddenly Vaiss froze for a second before returning to normal. Tang San rushed forward again, but he didn't go for a melee, he took out dozens of needles. These were Refined Iron Needles and Armor Breaking Needles he forged in the past few years, he didn't believe Vaiss could defend against this.


The needles flew in an erratic trajectory, all aimed at Vaiss. 


Xiao Wu looked at the numerous needles and covered her eyes, she didn't want to see the scene of Vaiss being skewered by the needles. 

Unbeknown to everyone, Vaiss was under attack by a bone-cold killing intent and titled douluo suppression, but Ah Yin, who was camouflaging as a bracelet, noticed it.

'This killing intent…Tang hao! How could he do this to a child!'

Under this suppression, Vaiss won't be able to move! Isn't this killing him!, thought Ah Yin.

Ah Yin was about to move and deflect the needles.

'Sister, I'm okay. This kind of trick doesn't work on me.'

Vaiss already noticed Tang Hao hiding not far behind him and had been prepared for a sneak attack from him, but he was relieved that Tang Hao used this method to attack him. 

If Tang Hao tried to suppress him physically, it would have worked. But just killing intent and spirit power suppression didn't work on him. Killing intent was some kind of negative influence, it was blocked by his [Blazing Sun Heart] and [Body of Light]. As for spirit power suppression, his [Tyrant Body] was not an empty name.

'Since you threw this away, let me dispose of it.'

Vaiss waved his hand, and a white dome with red streaks materialized around him, the surrounding temperature instantly rose. Tang San was almost burned and quickly distanced himself from Vaiss, the needles that touched the dome instantly vaporized and nothing remained. Tang San was gobsmacked by what he saw, but then he saw Vaiss had disappeared. Before Tang San could look around, another slap hit him, now on his right side.

Tang San flew outside the arena and hit Yu Xiaogang, the two rolled on the ground a few times before stopping. Vaiss intentionally did this and he used more power this time, this time it would probably take months before the swelling disappeared and a couple of cracked ribs for Yu Xiaogang, they would need to ask for help from a healing-type spirit master.

Behind Vaiss, Tang Hao's fingers already dug deep into the tree he used as cover, and his killing intent became more prominent. But he wouldn't attack Vaiss yet, he would wait until there were sparse people before he did it.

Noticing the rising killing intent, Vaiss wasn't disturbed, he was confident in his escape speed. And Tang Hao had not realized that he knew where he was, it would be easy to dodge any sneak attack. Vaiss turned the BGM off and walked to Xiao Wu.

"Let's go."


Xiao Wu grinned and followed behind Vaiss.

Vaiss paused when he passed the gasping Yu Xiaogang and passed out Tang San.

"Tell that student to reign in his malice when he goes out, it is fortunate you meet a patient guy like me, he only ends up with a swelling face. If he met others, he would probably be a corpse already."

Vaiss ignored Yu Xiaogang's eyes full of hatred, such trash wouldn't be able to do anything to Vaiss no matter what he tried to do. Xiao Wu laughed at them as she passed by.

'Vaiss, Tang Hao…'

'Don't worry, sister, he won't be able to harm me. More importantly, what is your opinion on your son?'

'...I want to observe him for a little while longer.'

'Sure, I haven't found any conclusive evidence that he was a seized body yet, I won't do anything to him unless he keeps picking a fight with me.'

'...Thank you.'

Ah Yin decided to observe Tang san tightly, it was too easy for her as every blue silver grasses were her eyes and ears. If Tang san was really her son, she would re-educate him on how to be a person. But if he was seized, then she would do everything she could to destroy the foreign soul that was using her son's body and let her son's body rest in peace. Ah Yin's eyes were firm, women were soft but mothers were strong.

As for Tang Hao, when she restored her cultivation, she would confront him, but for now, she would stay hidden and recuperate. Since Vaiss said Tang Hao wouldn't be able to harm him, she believed him. After what happened, she was willing to believe in this handsome boy she just met.

As expected, Tang Hao followed them. Vaiss acted as if he never experienced killing intent or suppression, while Xiao Wu was following behind Vaiss with a smile, she stopped from time to time and asked Vaiss to buy her food. Vaiss was also a little interested in the local food, so the two of them walked slowly and enjoyed the various foods.

In Vaiss' eyes, the cooking technique of the douluo world was much worse than his previous life, but the various types of soul beasts and plants made up for the difference. Vaiss was gnawing on a giant drumstick covered in sauce and at the same time, he was communicating with Ghost.

'Grandpa, you go first, I will catch up.'

'What's wrong, young master?'

'Tang Hao is following me, but don't worry, as I said before, he won't be able to touch me. So you can go ahead with peace of mind, it won't be long before I catch up with you.'

'...Understood, please be careful, young master. And call me if anything happens, I'll do anything to help you.'

'Got it, grandpa.'

After throwing the bone into a trash can, Vaiss reached out to Xiao Wu.

'Act normal, the Tang Hao I said before is following us.'

Xiao Wu choked because of the sudden news, Vaiss handed her water. After big gulps, Xiao Wu returned to normal.

'Are you sure? Why did he follow us?'

'I beat his son, he came to avenge him, obviously.'

'Then what should we do?!'

'Don't worry, I have my way.'

Xiao Wu panicked but she believed in Vaiss.

Vaiss suddenly kneeled.

"Are you tired? Come up, I'll carry you."

'Do it, you are too slow, I'll carry you while we escape.'

"O-oh, thanks."

Xiao Wu leaned on Vaiss, He covered Xiao Wu and Ah Yin with his spirit power, and the two went out of the city, Tang Hao showed a cold smile. He felt a little weird that the two didn't hire a carriage and there was no one guarding them, but at this time, he didn't care anymore. All Tang Hao wanted to do was to kill these two kids and avenge his son.

After they walked a hundred meters from the city gate, Vaiss suddenly sped up, he rushed out like a rocket. Tang Hao was shocked by Vaiss's speed and thought that he was found, but he quickly chased Vaiss. When Tang hao caught up, Vaiss jumped up and launched an attack.

A ring of light was thrown out and multiplied midway, the numerous light rings were like a wave coming to drown Tang Hao.

"Hmph! Petty tricks!"

Tang Hao summoned his Clear Sky Hammer and waved it, the numerous light rings only held on for a minute before they were destroyed. But it was enough to shock Tang Hao, he was a titled douluo, any random attack could easily destroy the attack of those below titled douluo, but Vaiss's attack was able to stay for a minute before being destroyed. 

Tang Hao was more determined to kill Vaiss, this child had too much potential and he had forged a resentment with Tang San, such danger must be nipped in the bud. 

"Fourth soul skill, Lightning Hammer!"

Tang Hao rushed toward Vaiss like lightning and hit him with his hammer, but unfortunately, if Vaiss was on the ground, it might be possible to hit him, but it was impossible to hit him in the air. Just as Tang Hao appeared in front of Vaiss, a sonic boom sounded and Vaiss was already a hundred meters away.

Tang Hao was stunned, he couldn't believe Vaiss managed to dodge. In the distance, Vaiss already summoned Dawn and electricity was accumulating in the twelve main cannons.

"I don't know who your excellency is but since you attacked me, I will return the gesture. Full salvo! Lightning Blast!"

With the sound of thunder, the bluish energy shot out and hit Tang Hao in an instant. Tang Hao might dodge blazing sun energy shots, but few could dodge lightning.


The violent lightning energy overwhelmed Tang Hao and the pain was excruciating, it wasn't enough to kill him or seriously injure him, but even Tang Hao who returned from Slaughter City would succumb for a moment. But that tiny time frame was enough for Vaiss to escape, when Tang Hao recovered half a minute later, Vaiss was gone.

Tang Hao went crazy from anger, he was fooled and attacked by a child and let him get away, Tang Hao couldn't accept it, he swung his hammer randomly and destroyed his surroundings for an hour before he calmed down.

"Sooner or later, I'll find you and death will be a luxury for you."

Tang Hao went back, the next few days, there were rumors of a rampaging soul beast near Notting city. 



Another update of the day, it's still 23:22 at my side, so it still counts. Please enjoy.

If there are typos or grammar errors, please tell me in the comment.

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