
Death of a Genius?

After a couple more days of recuperation at the hospital, the couple was allowed to be discharged and took Wulin back to their home. The house was a cosy one-story building, just enough to fit a family of three, with a guest room. After entering the house, Wulin, carried by Xue'er was brought to a small room which was decorated in light and warm colours of blue, white and yellow. A crib was positioned next to a wall and would be where Wulin spends the early years of his life. Wulin's life was very relaxing, and so was the life of raising him. Wulin slept when it was time to sleep and ate when it was time to eat. He would only cry out when he needed to use the toilet and quickly mum after he was done. It was mainly Xue'er taking care of him while Chen Tian went to work, Xue'er would constantly talk to Wulin about anything, from how his first words should be mama to if he would look cute in dresses and even about potentially arranging a marriage for him with one of her friends' daughters.


One year went by and Wulin had grown enough to start memorising the things he saw and bring meaning to them. He had a growing curiosity and already started crawling and would try to sneak around the house when Xue'er wasn't watching. However, she would always be able to find him quickly, as if she installed a tracking chip in his neck. Wulin, with his newfound capabilities could see his parents' appearances in the full glory.

Xue'er was about 170cm tall and had a perfect hourglass body. She had long black hair, reaching all the way down her back, before stopping at her butt. Her face looked like it was carved out of jade, smooth and without blemishes. She had perfectly curved eyebrows and clear brown eyes which had a bit of a mischievous squint. Her mouth often had a natural curl to the lips as if she is trying not to laugh from her schemes, emphasising her mature, yet still youthful beauty.

While Chen Xue'er was a super beauty, Wulins father Chen Tian was nothing short of ordinary. He was 180cm tall with short brown hair and average looks, the kind of face you could have sworn you have seen before but can never put an exact name on it because it reminds you of too many people. The only redeeming feature would be his masculine body, which he must keep due to the demands of his work as a police officer.

Wulin had more of his mother's appearance, while not as devastatingly beautiful as Xue'er, Wulin

Could grow up to be at least a 7/10 in the future. He had warm features, brown hair and brown eyes like his father and an inviting smile, which was sure to garner many friends.

A couple months pass and Wulin finally said his first words, "Dada.". This lead to Chen Tian getting a beating and having to sleep on the couch until Wulin said "Mama" a couple days later.


4 years later Wulin has already started showing his genius capabilities, easily memorising everything and quickly comprehending mathematics. This year Wulin started going to school, all he had to do was flash his signature smile then he was able to make friends with everyone. He was able to soak everything up like a sponge soaks up water, quickly learning how to pronounce all the words he read, except for "Island".


Time passed on as Wulin continued making friends and showing off his capabilities, even being able to pronounce "island". Now, at the top of his class, Wulin was becoming known as a little genius by his teachers and made his parents proud. Soon, Wulin was in his final year of primary school. Nearing the end of the year, there was a group project which required the group to make a fun video of the chosen topic. Wulin was discussing with his friends about what kind of video they should make while Wulin was playing around on a slightly elevated metal pole. Suddenly, while swinging around Wulin blacked out, unable to do anything as he fell face first into the concrete ground, chipping his tooth and hitting his head.

The class could hear the low moans of the unconscious Wulin from the classroom upstairs and rushed down to see what had happened. After seeing Wulin the teacher rushed Wulin to the nurse's office where he would wait for his mother.

The teacher called his mother, who rushed to the school like a fierce tiger and quickly took Wulin to the doctors for a check-up. On the way to the hospital Wulin woke up and tried to tell Xue'er about what happened, however when doing so his tongue slithered across where his front teeth were meant to be and could only feel a shortened sharp point with some fleshy gums. After arriving at the hospital, the doctor diagnosed Wulin with severe concussion, which can lead to post traumatic brain injury and loss of memory. Hearing this, Wulin's mood kept declining to the point he felt there was no reason to smile anymore.

Last chapter before my exam today, It's either I die or Wulin dies so wish me luck that it's me. After the exam I will really kill Wulin off so we can start the story already.

If you have suggestions feel free to shoot them at me, but I already have his spirit/s and wishes figured out.

The_Wulincreators' thoughts