
Douluo Dalu: The Rise of Pokémon

As someone who is a animal right activists, Wang Shòu died after saving an injured dog instead of human But to Wang Shòu's surprise, he actually reincarnated in Douluo Dalu?! And not only that, he actually turn into Pikachu, the mascot of Pokémon! He find out later on, as long he get strong enough, he can turn into other Pokémons and even Legendary Pokémon! Looking at all of the unfairness that spirit beast is subjected to...he made a choice in his heart. Humanity! As long I am alive, you will never persecute the spirit beasts again! So watch the journey of Zero as he bring the rise of Pokémon and bring down the cruel God-King Tang San. -The mc is going to be anti-humanity, but in some cases, he will choose to cooperate with good humans such as Tang Wulin. Also in this novel, Gods and Titled Douluo will be much stronger.

Supreme_Lazy_Otaku · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
60 Chs

Snake's Cunning


A huge blue-black bird zoomed through the Great Star Dou Forest, its wings beating with a swift, swooshing sound.

Perched atop the swift bird was a small pink creature.

It turns out to be Corvisquire and Clefairy!

Over the past two years, Wang Shóu had often went out alone, transforming into both Clefairy and Corvisquire to fly through the forest in search of powerful spirit beasts to battle.

Through these endeavors, Corvisquire and Clefairy quickly level up much faster than usual.

Today is no different; Wang Shóu is on the hunt for spirit beasts to level up.

Flying through the forest, his sharp gaze, grant by his Corvisquire form, immediately spot a conspicuous creature a hundred meters ahead.

Quickly slowing down, he peered carefully at the creature.

There, he saw a ten-meter-long snake with pink-yellowish skin, slowly slithering through the grass.

Wang Shóu immediately recognized this large pink-yellow snake.

'...Hey, isn't this the Datura Snake?'

He still vividly remember the Datura Snake; after all, it was the first spirit beast that Wang Shóu encounter when he first came to Douluo Dalu.

If it hadn't been for his quick wit and the system's reminder, the Datura Snake would have kill Wang Shóu, which would be a shameful fate for someone who had just transmigrated.

'...Anyway, that's all in the past. Now I have become a lot more powerful and will continue to grow stronger.'

Looking at the Datura Snake, Wang Shóu quickly recall information about it.

From what he remembered, once the Datura Snake breaks through the 1000-year bottleneck, its body color changes from ink green to pink, shrinking back to one meter. Afterwards, with every 100 years of increase, it grows by one meter until it reaches 2,000 years old.

Then, it shrinks back and repeats this process until it reaches 10,000 years. During this process, the pink color slowly changes into yellow until it fully turns yellow at 10,000 years old.

Judging from the majority of its body being yellow with a few pink parts, Wang Shóu estimated that the Datura Snake was around 6,000 years old.

Lost in thought, Wang Shóu's thought process is interrupt by a hissing noise.

Looking downward, he notice the Datura Snake looking up at him, hissing provocatively.

"Hisss!" (Come fight me, you coward!)

'Oh? You're provoking me? Are you sure you want to do that?'

Wang Shóu thought, with an extremely confident smile on his face.

While Corvisquire and Clefairy may only be 3,000 and 4,000 years old respectively, the victor of the battle wasn't easily decided by cultivation ages.

Not to mention that Clefairy, as a fighter, is also a healer and supporter. After two long years of fighting together, the cooperative ability between the two Pokémon allow them to fight beyond their level!

(A/N: In this battle, I will refer to them as Corvisquire and Clefairy instead of Wang Shóu to prevent confusing the readers. I will do the same when multiple Pokémon forms fight together in the future.)

Pulling back his head slightly, an ominous white light shrouded Corvisquire's beak, and then he charge forward!


Charging at the Datura Snake at breakneck speed, the Datura Snake did not panic; instead, it flexibly twist its body far beyond what a normal snake could do.


Corvisquire crash into the ground, and the Datura Snake, dodging it, immediately coil its body to choke the enemy.

But Clefairy, on top of Corvisquire, wasn't about to let the Datura Snake do that. Clefairy open his mouth and let out a charming cry.

'Disarming Voice!'

A pulse of pink glow spread from Clefairy's mouth outward in the air and head toward the Datura Snake.

Despite its seemingly harmless appearance, danger lurked within the pulse.

Seeing the pink pulse, the Datura Snake didn't know what it was, but it instinctively felt it shouldn't come into contact with it.

The Datura Snake quickly uncoil its body and twist away to dodge out of the pink pulse's range.

Unfortunately, the Datura Snake didn't know that Disarming Voice is a Guaranteed-Hit move. The pink pulse immediately turn around and struck the Datura Snake in the face.

Unable to react, the Datura Snake was stunned, and then it felt a stinging pain on its face.


While the Datura Snake is distract, Corvisquire quickly rose up from the ground.

Seeing the distract Datura Snake, Corvisquire and Clefairy has already made a plan.

Clefairy jump off from Corvisquire's back and quickly raise his hand in the air.


Clefairy's eyes glow with a soft pink hue as he channel a mystical force in his hand. Moving his hand down, the gravity around the Datura Snake suddenly intensifies, causing it to be smack down into the ground.

The Datura Snake was sluggish under the increased gravitational force, feeling as if its body was filled with lead.

'Now's the chance!'

Corvisquire didn't let this chance go and immediately rose up high in the sky. With its sharp eyes marking the Datura Snake, he propel himself with amazing force.

Propelling through the air, Corvisquire quickly spun his body around, with his sharp beak acting as a drill.

'Drill Peck!'

Almost immediately, Corvisquire arrive toward the Datura Snake and penetrate its body with amazing force due to the speed acceleration.


Despite the Datura Snake's desperate struggle to evade, it was too late due to Clefairy's Gravity move. The impact sent a shockwave through the air, and a cloud of dust and smoke billowed out from the point of impact.

Soon the smoke clear to reveal the Datura Snake lying on the ground, deeply injured, with blood pouring from its body, while Corvisquire stood beside it calmly, though his feathers were ruffled.

The next second, Corvisquire and Clefairy heard the system's sound notification.

[Congratulations, you level up! You are now currently level 37! (Corvisquire)]

[Congratulations, you level up! You are now currently level 39! (Clefairy)]

[Congratulations, you level up! You are now currently level 33! (Basculin)] (It is due to Exp Share)

'Phew, it was tough, but I manage to beat the Datura Snake!'

Wang Shóu had a bright smile on his face. How could he not?

With the power of Corvisquire and Clefairy together, he manage to beat a much superior Datura Snake, and at the same time, he level his three Pokémon up!

With those two together, it would be weird if Wang Shóu didn't feel happy. Though his happiness was quickly interrupt by a weak groan behind him.

"H-hiss..." (H-help...)

Looking backward and seeing the Datura Snake in a pitiful condition, Wang Shóu could only shake his head secretly.

'Sorry, but you brought this on yourself, pal.'

If the Datura Snake hadn't tried to provoke Wang Shóu, maybe it would never have suffer such a serious injury. But there is no medicine for regret.

Sighing at the Datura Snake, Wang Shóu retract his Corvisquire form and walked toward the Datura Snake in his Clefairy form.

Though it was the Datura Snake's fault, it is undeniable that Wang Shóu did want to fight the Datura Snake, and thanks to it, his three Pokémon leveled up, so he didn't mind being generous.

Arriving at the Datura Snake's injured body, Wang Shóu waved his hand with a pink aura showing up.

'Healing Pulse!'

Thick pink magical aura gather around the Datura Snake, and soon, the grievous injuries quickly begin to heal.

After a full minute, the Datura Snake's body was much better and was no longer in danger. Though the Datura Snake still retain some injuries, after all, it was the Datura Snake's fault for provoking the fight.

Hissing, the Datura Snake slowly raise its body up. Then, it bowed its head.

"Hiss..." (Thank you...)

Hearing the Datura Snake's thanks, Wang Shóu cheerfully reply.

"Clefairy!" (Don't mention it! Now, I will be going on my way.)

Saying that, Wang Shóu twirled his body around and walked straight ahead merrily, leaving the Datura Snake behind.

Unbeknownst to Wang Shóu, the Datura Snake was not grateful but carry resentment in its eyes.

It didn't care if Wang Shóu heal its body. In the Datura Snake's eyes, which always adhere to the law of the jungle, that was the height of foolishness!

On the contrary, the Datura Snake was full of killing intent. It could accept being defeated by stronger spirit beasts, but as an arrogant being, it could not tolerate losing to a weaker spirit beast in its eyes!

Gazing at Wang Shóu walking happily, it lowered its body to the grass and slither like a snake predator.

Slithering sneakily behind Wang Shóu, who was unaware, the Datura Snake carefully hid its murderous intent.

Waiting for the perfect moment like a hunter, Wang Shóu, in Clefairy form, suddenly bent down.

Seeing Wang Shóu bend down, the Datura Snake's eyes burst with light for the perfect opportunity, and it immediately pounce, its mouth wide open.

"HISS!!" (DIE!!)


A/N: The 3rd Trimester for my school has started and now I'm no longer busy. I have finalized my book updating schedule. On every Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday, you can expect me to update the book. But if I haven't update without warning, then the next time I will update, I will also add an extra chapter. But I will let you know ahead of time if I can't update, and no, I will not add an extra chapter.