
Douluo Dalu: Serpent's Legacy

Li Xin, a modern-day enthusiast of fantasy novels and martial arts, meets an unexpected end, however in a twist of fate, his soul is reborn as Dugu Xin, the young son of Dugu Bo, within the Douluo Continent. The story is inspired from "Douluo's poison is supreme". Here is the link if you wish to read it: https://www.wuxiahub.com/novel/douluos-poison-is-supreme.html I write this for fun so I don't have any specific day I release chapters. I will try to post 2 chapters per week, maybe more if I have the time for it.

Night_Builder · Cómic
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44 Chs

Ch.7: Aftermath

As the minutes stretched into what felt like eternity, Dugu Bo's worry grew with every passing second. His frantic gaze swept across the clearing where the array had been uncovered. Anxiety gnawed at him, mingling with a profound sense of guilt. He had allowed Dugu Xin to venture alone into the depths of the Sunset Forest, and now he was paying the price for his decision. His mind raced, thoughts swirling in a tumultuous whirlwind.

'He shouldn't have gone alone.' he berated himself. Every fiber of his being screamed for him to act, to find his son and ensure his safety. The talisman he carried, usually attuned to Dugu Xin's presence, now yielded no response. Panic tightened its grip around his heart, his fears manifesting in the uncertainty that had taken root within him.

'What if he's hurt? What if he's in danger?' These thoughts echoed in the recesses of his mind, each one a painful reminder of his responsibility as a father. Dugu Bo's hands clenched into fists, his nails digging into his palms as his eyes searched for any sign, any indication of Dugu Xin's return.

And then, as if in response to his desperate thoughts, the array beneath his feet blazed to life. Its intricate lines illuminated the clearing with a celestial light, and in its heart, a figure emerged. It was Dugu Xin, his form materializing from the luminous matrix of the array. Relief surged through Dugu Bo, a mixture of gratitude and a father's overwhelming love.

"Dugu Xin!" His voice trembled with a mixture of concern and emotion. Dugu Bo's gaze softened as it fell upon his wounded son. The waves of concern and responsibility that had churned within him converged into a single sentence, a plea rooted in love and care.

"Don't do that again," he whispered. In that moment, Dugu Bo's arms enveloped his son in a tight embrace. Time passed, and eventually, Dugu Xin eased himself out of his father's hold. A tinge of embarrassment colored his cheeks, as his breath steadied, he met his father's gaze, a playful glint in his eyes.

"I managed to avoid being killed," Dugu Xin quipped, a wry smile playing on his lips. "Though I did come close to being smothered by your overprotectiveness, Father." Dugu Bo's laughter filled the air, the tension that had once gripped his heart giving way to amusement. With a playful flick to Dugu Xin's forehead, he chuckled. "Seems like you've recovered quite well, my spirited child. Teasing your old man."

Amidst their conversation, a subtle realization washed over Dugu Xin, behind his father he could see his father's martial soul. But what truly caught Dugu Xin off guard was the intuitive knowledge about his father's soul rank, rank 73 Spirit Saint, that accompanied this vision. 'Is this part of the eye's abilities?' His mind whirled with questions, his focus split between his father's form and his own thoughts. I can see his martial soul without him consciously releasing it.

The two exchanged a knowing look, the shared humor an unspoken bridge that mended any lingering unease, as their laughter echoed through the clearing. "Xin'er" Dugu Bo's voice was suddenly heard, stopping the laughter of the two.

"I was worried. I thought something had happened to you." Dugu Xin's tired smile was a balm to his father's heart. "I'm here, Dad, and I am ok." Dugu Bo's hands resting on Dugu Xin's shoulders as he studied his son's face. Dugu Bo's eyes flickered over his son's features, lingering on the unfamiliar aspects that caught his attention.

It was clear that Dugu Xin's eyes now had 2 pupils, at the same time, a green crystal adorned his chest—a radiant gem that seemed to pulse with life. Dugu Xin," Dugu Bo's voice held a mix of curiosity and concern, "What happened? Your eyes, and that crystal on your chest?" Dugu Xin met his father's gaze, his expression calm and composed.

"When I activated the array beneath us," he began, his voice steady, "I was transported to a sub-realm linked to an extinct clan's legacy. There, I discovered these eyes and the crystal, along with two cultivation manuals."

'As much as I love dad, I would rather not have him find out that the place belonged to a god. In the future I am sure he would either find out by himself or I would tell him myself.'

Dugu Bo's brow furrowed, his concern deepening. "A sub-realm? Extinct clan's legacy? Tell me more." Dugu Xin nodded, understanding the weight of his father's worry.

"The array acted as a portal to this hidden realm, where there was a giant mansion with a big court. In there I found these relics. The eyes and the crystal were part of that inheritance. When I touched them, they fused with me, causing the changes you see." His father's eyes widened, his mind grappling with the magnitude of what Dugu Xin was revealing.

"Fused with you? Are you ok, are they harmful?" Dugu Xin hurriedly replied

"No! Not at all, in fact they have brought me only benefits." Dugu Xin's gaze held a glint of excitement. "The eyes allow me to see in 360 degrees, all around me. I can even see the particles of soul power around us. And the crystal," he gestured to the radiant gem.

"I'm actually not sure what it does." When he heard that Dugu Bo began to ponder but decided to leave it for later.

"We will try to see its effects once we reach back home." Dugu Xin nodded, happy to return home. 'Finally, I can go back and sleep on a real bed and not moss and rocks.'

Dugu Bo escorted Dugu Xin back to their family house, a journey marked by a mixture of relief and reflection. Upon their return, the familiarity of their surroundings brought a sense of solace. As they entered their home, a mixture of exhaustion and the weight of recent events settled upon Dugu Xin's shoulders. His body and spirit had been pushed to their limits; the toll of his adventure evident in every weary step. With a sense of urgency and concern, Dugu Bo guided his son to his room. It was time for Dugu Xin to rest, to allow his body and spirit the opportunity to recover from the trials they had faced. As he lay in his bed, the exhaustion that had been simmering beneath the surface engulfed him, pulling him into a deep slumber for the next 2 two days.

When he finally stirred, the memories of his adventure still lingered, but it was accompanied by a renewed sense of strength. Dugu Xin's eyes fluttered open; the room bathed in the gentle light of a new day, accompanied by the blue particles flowing of soul power flowing in the air.


2 days later…

As Dugu Xin's eyes fluttered open, a soft voice reached his ears—a familiar tone that brought him back to consciousness. A maid stood by his bedside; her presence gentle yet purposeful.

"Young Master," she spoke, her voice respectful, "Master Dugu Bo has requested your presence in the courtyard once you awaken." Dugu Xin nodded in acknowledgment, his gaze lingering on the maid for a brief moment. In that instant, he glimpsed at her martial soul—a simple spear with a cultivation of level 34 Spirit Elder with a resonance that marked her as a skilled practitioner at level 34. With a grateful nod, Dugu Xin swung his legs over the edge of the bed and stood, his strength fully returned. His eyes held a spark of curiosity as he observed the maid for a moment, before turning and heading towards the courtyard.

Upon reaching the courtyard, he found his father standing there. Dugu Bo turned as his son approached, his eyes filled with a mixture of pride and concern.

"Dugu Xin," he began, his voice carrying a father's affection, "you've awakened."

"Father," Dugu Xin's voice held warmth, a reflection of the bond they shared. "You asked to see me?" Dugu Bo nodded, his gaze searching his son's face.

"I wanted to hear about your hunt, to understand the changes you've undergone." Dugu Xin spoke of the encounter Gu Rong, their hunt together for both of their spirit rings, and the battle with the Pink Queen. His father listened attentively, his eyes reflecting a mixture of understanding and curiosity.

"And your soul power," Dugu Bo's voice carried a note of concern, "it reached level 30 during that time. Yet, I sense that your foundation may not be as solid as it should be." Dugu Xin met his father's gaze, his expression earnest.

"The increase in my soul power is thanks to the absorption of the 'Four-Pupils Mystic Eyes,' as I've named them, and the green gem. But you're right, Dad. I can feel that my foundation needs consolidation."

Dugu Bo's brow furrowed slightly, his concern deepening. "Xin'er, your journey has undoubtedly granted you power, but it's essential that you build upon a solid foundation. Rushing into the next step could prove detrimental."

His son's understanding gaze met his. "I know, Dad. I intend to spend the next year focusing on strengthening my foundation before attempting to absorb my next spirit ring."

A smile tugged at the corners of Dugu Bo's lips, "A wise choice, a year should be enough for you stabilize your foundation and become accustomed with your new abilities."

"Dugu Xin," Dugu Bo's voice held a tone of anticipation, "let me see your second spirit skill." In response to his father's request, Dugu Xin's focus shifted inward. His soul power surged, and the Jade Phosphor Serpent Emperor appeared coiled around him while 2 spirit rings appeared and floated behind him.

As Dugu Xin's martial soul appeared, Dugu Bo's keen eyes caught a detail that sent a shock of recognition through him. The 3rd eye on its forehead held a familiarity that stirred memories from the depths of his heart. It was an emblem that echoed the memory of his wife's martial spirit, the Three-Eyed Golden Lion. The realization hit him like a wave, the connection undeniable. The presence of that third eye brought forth a rush of emotions

'Yue'er. She awakened her martial spirit's 3rd eye while still a spirit king,' his inner thoughts murmured, his heart full of nostalgia. 'While also carrying Dugu Xin within her. Perhaps that awakening also caused a change in the martial soul which was awakened now due to Xin'er explosive growth this early.'

As Dugu Bo gained a hold of his emotions, Dugu Xin entered Martial Spirit Possession. His hands and forearms became enveloped in an intricate pattern of green-jade scales, his nails extended slightly, and on his forehead, a 3rd eye emerged, with black sclera and a blood red iris. With a surge of power, he activated his second spirit skill. "2nd Spirit Skill, Red Demon Poison Mist". As Dugu Xin activated his 2nd spirit ring, his aura shifted, a crimson fog materialized around him, spreading and enveloping the entire courtyard that covered 150 square meters.

"This skill," he began, his voice carrying a touch of excitement, "produces a red fog that disrupts an opponent's vision. It also reduces their attributes by 10%, while boosting all of my attributes by 20% when I'm within the mist." Dugu Bo thought that it was an impressive ability but what truly piqued his interest was the poison of the mist.

He could feel it s a powerful toxin, but he wasn't sure how strong. "Tell me about the poison in the mist" Dugu Xin smiled and continued his explanation.

"The poison inflicts intense muscle pain and makes breathing difficult for those who inhale it. After 15 minutes, the poison intensifies, causing the victim to exude red pus and die, even if they manage to escape the mist. I can however use my martial soul to take back the poison though."

As the demonstration concluded, Dugu Xin released the skill, allowing the poison to dissipate gradually over the next ten minutes. Dugu Xin turned to his father, his eyes alight with curiosity and a hint of excitement. "Dad," he began, his voice earnest, "I've been meaning to ask you about the third eye on the forehead of the serpent's head. Do you know anything about it?"

Dugu Bo met his son's gaze with an expectant smile, as if he had been anticipating this question. "I thought you might ask," he said, his tone gentle. "Come, let's walk."

Leading the way, Dugu Bo guided his son through the mountain forest behind their mansion, their steps a measured rhythm against the earthy path. After a few minutes, they reached a small mountain cliff. A single headstone stood there with a single inscription: Dugu Yue'er. Dugu Xin's gaze lingered on the headstone; his heart heavy with a mix of emotions. He looked to his father, who nodded with understanding.

"This is where your mother rests," Dugu Bo said, his voice tinged with sadness. Taking a deep breath, Dugu Bo began to speak, his words carrying the weight of memories long held.

"Your mother, Yue'er, had a unique martial soul—the Three-Eyed Golden Lion. It's a mythical creature even among spirit beasts. The legend goes that when the third eye on its forehead awakens, it brings immense fortune and can greatly enhance the cultivation speed of those who possess it, and even enhance the cultivation speed of those around them." Dugu Xin's eyes widened with surprise, the pieces of a puzzle beginning to fall into place.

"The Three-Eyed Golden Lion," he murmured, his mind racing to connect the dots. Dugu Bo nodded, his expression solemn. "Yes. Yue'er awakened her third eye when she was pregnant with you. But the awakening came at a cost—her physical health deteriorated rapidly. She endured it for the sake of bringing you into this world."

"So," he began slowly, "my Jade Phosphor Serpent's mutation—"

"—was likely influenced by the presence of the Three-Eyed Golden Lion's awakening," Dugu Bo finished his sentence.

"But your mother's weakened state and your own lack of strength at the time of your martial soul awakening prevented the mutation from fully manifesting. Now, however, your abilities have matured, and the mutation has come into its own."

As the truth settled within Dugu Xin, he looked out into the distance, his thoughts a whirlwind of emotions and revelations. Father and son stood in silence, gazing over the horizon as the use begins to go down.