
Douluo Dalu: Serpent's Legacy

Li Xin, a modern-day enthusiast of fantasy novels and martial arts, meets an unexpected end, however in a twist of fate, his soul is reborn as Dugu Xin, the young son of Dugu Bo, within the Douluo Continent. The story is inspired from "Douluo's poison is supreme". Here is the link if you wish to read it: https://www.wuxiahub.com/novel/douluos-poison-is-supreme.html I write this for fun so I don't have any specific day I release chapters. I will try to post 2 chapters per week, maybe more if I have the time for it.

Night_Builder · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
44 Chs

Ch.6: Legacy

Dugu Xin and Gu Rong decided to commemorate their victory with a celebratory hunt. Their target? An 800-year-old Flame Earth King – a scorpion-like spirit beast renowned for its tail and pincers forged from molten lava. The prospect of feasting on such a remarkable creature filled them with renewed energy and excitement. As the aroma of the roasting Flame Earth King filled the air, Dugu Xin and Gu Rong shared a hearty laugh, the firelight dancing in their eyes.

"Who would have thought that after all the battles and struggles, we'd be feasting on a Flame Earth King?" Gu Rong exclaimed, a grin spreading across his face. Dugu Xin chuckled, skewering a tender piece of meat and passing it to Gu Rong.

"Life as a Spirit Master certainly has its surprises," he remarked, savoring the rich flavor of the cooked beast. They sat around the fire, savoring the victory and the meal that symbolized their triumph. Amidst laughter and stories, they reflected on the journey that had brought them here

As the night wore on, Gu Rong's expression turned contemplative. "Dugu Xin," he began, his voice soft yet resolute, "It's time for me to leave, "

Dugu Xin's gaze shifted to his friend, "Already?"

"There is someone who awaits my return. By now I think they have already started getting worried." Dugu Xin spoke in a mischievous tone when he heard that. "Is it your girlfriend?"

When he heard that Gu Rong quickly responded in embarrassment "What are you talking about!? And no, it's actually my sister."

Dugu Xin spoke in an understanding tone. "I see… Then I won't hold you anymore." With a firm handshake, Gu Rong bid his friend farewell, his departure a mix of determination and uncertainty. As his figure disappeared into the horizon, Dugu Xin's gaze remained fixed on the path Gu Rong had taken.

'It was interesting meeting him. I wonder if our paths will meet again.' Dugu Xin's thoughts turned to his own mission – the search for the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well. While navigating the depths of the Sunset Forest, and avoiding the core area, where 10.000-years-old spirit beasts lay, Dugu Xin's search led him to a clearing veiled by verdant greenery. At the heart of this enclave, he stumbled upon an unexpected sight—a broken array concealed beneath the undergrowth.

'Weird, it doesn't look like something from this era. I wonder if it was placed here by an ancient powerhouse, like the old monsters in other wuxia did when they died, they created a tomb that held their treasures and secrets. I didn't know that the Douluo World had something like this. I guess that reality and story are 2 different worlds apart.'

Gently brushing aside the foliage that had camouflaged the array, Dugu Xin revealed the intricate patterns etched into the earth. Intrigued by this discovery, he could feel the latent energy imbued within, and with a decisive breath, he began to infuse the array with his potent spirit power. As his energy flowed into the dormant lines and symbols, a subtle tremor coursed through the clearing, and the air hummed with anticipation. Gradually, a distortion in space emerged at the center of the array, as space around shifted. In the blink of an eye, the world around him shifted. The once serene forest clearing seemed to blur and dissolve, as if swallowed by the very fabric of reality itself. Vertigo tugged at his senses as the veil between dimensions parted, and he found himself transported to an altogether different landscape. Now standing atop a mountain peak that scraped the heavens, Dugu Xin looked out over an expanse of cloud-strewn skies that seemed to stretch on infinitely. A cool breeze whispered through the rarified atmosphere, ruffling his clothing and carrying with it the scent of distant horizons. Dugu Xin's mind was blown away, being able to think of one single thing about the view. "Beautiful."

Behind him loomed a grand edifice, a colossal mansion that occupied the mountain top. Its architecture spoke of opulence and grandeur, every detail crafted with precision and care. Gargoyles and intricate carvings adorned the walls. Tall spires and sprawling wings stretched outwards, casting imposing shadows against the sky. This mansion, a titan in the sky, was a monument to a time long past. Yet, an air of desolation clung to the mansion, the passage of time having left its mark. Windows that once sparkled with gem-like brilliance were now draped in vines, their panes cracked and clouded. The very stones that composed this colossal structure bore the patina of age, weathered by countless seasons.

While admiring the view of the mansion, Dugu Xin thought 'If I can copy the array outside and move it to the Dugu Family Mansion, I could use this place and transform it into the main building of my new sect.' as the thought about his face could help but contort into a giant smile but it soon formed into a frown as he realized something. 'I have no idea how the array works, and I have no guarantee that I will find a method to replicate it inside, … sigh… '

As Dugu Xin pushed open the timeworn doors of the courtyard entrance, an aura of anticipation swept over him. The air was thick with a sense of history. Faint tendrils of sunlight filtered through the interwoven branches, casting dappled patterns on the ground. His footsteps echoed softly against the stones as he ventured deeper into the heart of the mansion. Yet, despite his explorations, nothing particularly captivating captured his attention, except for a series of 8 statues nestled amongst the overgrowth.

These statues depicted magnificent dragons, with a name inscribed at the base of all statues: Jade Dragon King, Light Dragon King, Dark Dragon King, Water Dragon King, Earth Dragon King, Fire Dragon King, White Dragon King, and Mountain Dragon King. When he read the name Dugu Xin was flashbanged 'Aren't these the God Kings under the Dragon God. If so, what are their statutes here, could this place have a connection with the Dragon God? No, it's impossible, the Dragon God and all Dragon Clan members are in the Dragon Graveyard on another continent. That means that this place either belonged to people that served the Dragon God during his reign or it's the tomb of a God. … Gulp… Things have just become serious.'

However, if he was getting restless, his face showed excitement at the huge opportunity presented for him. 'So there could be more God Legacies other than that of Asura, Poseidon and Racksha. I guess the world is indeed bigger than I would have ever imagined.'

Compelled by his excitement, he chose to advance further into the mansion, drawn towards a corridor that beckoned him with a quiet allure. As he traversed this narrow passageway, the atmosphere shifted, as if he were crossing into another realm entirely. The corridor opened up into a vast expanse, a grand main hall that seemed to expand in every direction. Upon the walls of the main hall, intricate murals unfurled, each one an exquisite depiction of the Great War of the Divine Realm, the final battle against the Dragon God, that ended with his defeat and the division of his essence into two distinct entities. One fragment, the Golden Dragon King, embodied the rage and hate of the Dragon God, inheriting his powerful body strength, however it remained locked within the divine realm. The other, the Silver Dragon King that inherited his ruler mentality and control over the elements of the world, escaped imprisonment, wounded and weakened, sought refuge on the Douluo Planet, where it went to sleep to recover. "Guess I was right about this place."

Toward the rear of the expansive chamber, a profound aura seemed to emanate from a grand statue — the Dragon God in combat with the Asura God. At the statue's base stood an object of remarkable intrigue—a pure black crystal adorned with crimson engravings that spelled out a single word: "Metal."

Compelled by a curious instinct, Dugu Xin stepped closer, his hand reaching out to make contact with the enigmatic crystal. As his spirit power flowed into it, a tremor rippled through the room, and a presence materialized before him. An armored warrior stood before him, an ethereal manifestation summoned by the infusion of his spirit power, however even if it was just a phantom, its presence was stronger than even that of a Titled Douluo, causing Dugu Xin to kneel. 'Damn it! I can't move at all! Are you telling me that this is the presence of a remnant memory of a God!?'

In a voice that resonated with ancient authority, he spoke to Dugu Xin, "My name is Murakan, and I am the God of Metal, a 1st Class God, and the leader of the 5 Elemental Gods, all first-class deities. If you happen to find this place and release this fragment memory it means that I am dead and my God Throne was shattered before I could create the Trials for my successor."

'What the hell happened for him to die and be unable to leave trials for his successor?'

"I, the God of Metal, along with my brethren—the Four Elemental Gods—stood united against a common adversary: the Dragon God. This was a war that enveloped the entire Divine Realms, bringing countless casualties and even the complete destruction of some God Thrones, like mine. We, the Five Elemental Gods, joined forces with the other God Kings to challenge the Dragon God's might. Our divine martial fusion forged a domain that negated the manifestation of the nine elements, effectively cutting the powers of the Dragon God in half, …"

As Murakan spoke, Dugu Xin's mind continued to race with thousands of thoughts 'A domain that eliminates the presence of the elements and weakens the Dragon God… Holy Shit… I wonder why he was never mentioned in the original story, but I guess that a lot of things weren't shown.'

The God of Metal continued, his voice carrying a resonance of solemnity. "In that moment our power was unmatched. Once we deployed our domain it seemed like with the help of Asura, the Destruction God, Evil God and Life Goddess we would gain victory, however, the Dragon God's strength surpassed even our fusion, and in the end, we met our end at his hands. Before my final moments, I sent a fraction of my divine intent to construct this sanctum—a place for those who discover it. Here, I've left relics, the techniques that helped me become a God, and a piece of my Divine Intent."

As the dialogue reached its conclusion, the deity's presence seemed to grow evermore profound. "I do not know who you are, however I hope that what I have left for you will be enough to help you reach Godhood." Dugu Xin continued to listen intensively and try to process everything that Murakan told him but it seems that he wasn't finished.

"In Slaughter City, you shall find Asura God's trials." And then, in a final act of benevolence, the deity's essence surged forth. "As a final parting gift, I will give your martial soul a little boost in strength to help you."

Once he finished talking the Jade Phosphor Serpent Emperor manifested behind Dugu Xin, his appearance beginning to change slightly as Dugu Xin stood and watched in amazement: The first notable change was its scales—a metalline sheen now graced its surface, each scale glinting like polished steel. Dugu Xin could tell that its defense has risen by 4.2 times, and its stature grew, expanding from its original length of 26 meters to an awe-inspiring 58 meters. Its body became broader. The transformation also extended to its facial features. Its once graceful canines lengthened into formidable fangs, every tooth now honed to a razor's edge. On its forehead, the vertical eye-like tattoo became a real eye with a red iris contrasting its other two golden and cold eyes.

'Incredible, however these changes don't feel like a 2nd awakening or mutation, but from the bloodline of my martial spirit. I guess I will have to ask father about this, and it seems my soul power broke through level 30. I can't believe it. After absorbing the spirit ring of the Pink Queen my soul power broke through level 24, I didn't expect it to grow so rapidly. However, my foundation feels less solid than before, I guess I would have to spend some time consolidating my base before trying to absorb a spirit ring.'

As the presence of the Metal God completely dissipated, Dugu Xin could now raise on his feet, and the gem beneath Dugu Xin's touch began to resonate, pulsating with divine energy. Suddenly, it flew from its resting place directly toward his chest. As it made contact, the inscriptions on its surface vanished, leaving behind a verdant hue—a vibrant green that seemed to emanate with newfound vitality. Together with it, a sudden influx of information assaulted his mind, however Dugu Xin became more exited once he learned all the information. 'So that's how the array that lead to this place was. Hehe… another big thing was gained.'

As Dugu Xin was having his inner monologue, a hidden passageway, concealed behind the grand statue opened. With purposeful steps, Dugu Xin ventured into the newly revealed passage, his heart pounding with the anticipation of the treasures left by the Metal God. Within the chamber's depths, his gaze fell upon a collection of treasures—an array of scrolls and manuscripts sprawled across an ancient pedestal. Among them, two cultivation techniques stood out: "Nine Glazed Heavenly Core Techniques," he whispered, fingers grazing over the textured parchment, and the "Dream Weaver Scripture" 'So this are the two techniques that helped Murakan become a God!'

In another part of the room lay an unassuming black ring. 'Huh, this seems underwhelming…' however as he took the ring and infused it with his soul power, it revealed the space inside it, making it Dugu Xin exclaim in surprise.

"Holy shit! There are a staggering 10,000 cubic kilometers of storage space inside it!"

However, despite his surprise he immediately left a soul imprint on the storage ring and put it on one of his fingers, he also put the 2 cultivation manuals inside it before he directed his attention to a strange pair of eyes that were on a pedestal. The eyes had 2 pupils in each eye. 'Out of all the things that have happened this thing reached a next level of weird.'

Drawn by an inexplicable compulsion, he reached out to touch them. In an instant, pain of unimaginable magnitude seared through him, tearing a heart-wrenching scream from his lips. Agony coursed through his being as the pair of eyes converged upon him, their brilliance engulfing him in a blinding conflagration. Minutes stretched like an eternity, the torment eventually relinquishing its grip. As the pain receded, a new awareness slowly took its place. Dugu Xin's breathing steadied as he opened his eyes, his vision adjusting to an expanded perception.

'Holy shit, I am seeing in 360 degrees, all around' as he was adjusting to his new vision, he started seeing small blue lights and flowing blue energy around him. In a surge of realization, he understood — he now possessed the ability to "see" soul power. As he took one last look at the chamber that had unveiled itself to him, Dugu Xin's thoughts resonated with gratitude and determination. Once he exited the room, the statue moved back to seal the chamber. Before he left he took one last look at the statue before bowing before it and say

"Thank you for everything Master Murakan!" with a tone full of gratitude. Leaving the place back to Douluo Continent.