
Douluo Dalu: Seize the Blue Silver Emperor at the Beginning

Ye Yang(meaning "leaf of the sun or sunleaf") reincarnated into the world of Douluo Dalu as the Blue Silver Grass. He obtained the "Double Skill Replication" system and awakened the dark devouring ability of the Blue Silver Grass. Tricking the newly humanized Blue Silver Emperor, he copied her Blue Silver Tyrant King Spear skill and defeated the Tang Hao brothers during their mountain trials, winning the affection of the Blue Silver Emperor. Ye Yang's rise was rapid! After quickly reaching ten thousand years of cultivation, each of his nine leaves permanently copied a top-level soul skill: Haotian Hammer, Golden Saint Dragon, Six-Winged Angel, Seven Treasure Glass Pagoda, Seven Kill Sword, Nine-Headed Phoenix... After one hundred thousand years of soul power, his soul skills evolved into nine top-level martial souls! Facing Ye Yang's terrifying strength, the Wuhun Hall suffered heavy casualties, and Qiandao Liudao fell into darkness, collaborating with the evil soul masters from the Sun-Moon Continent. Tang San led the Seven Monsters and joined forces with the Three Sects and the original body sects of the Sun-Moon Continent but was still defeated. Ten Great Fierce Beasts emerged, three Ultimate Douluo joined forces, the Sun-Moon Continent drifted over early, and Tang San was about to ascend to godhood... Especially to suppress Ye Yang's ascension to God Beast, several major deities from the Divine Realm took action... ---------------------------------------------------- • This is a translation of a fan fiction written by the author "Lao Ge." • If the original author requests the removal of the translation, the translator(i) will comply. • Donations of power stones would be greatly appreciated as they contribute to the translator's(my) energy and translation speed. • Original Fan - Fiction link: https://www.uukanshu.com/b/178757/ ------------------------------------------------------ Please leave a review about your reading experience. I will really be gratefull for that.

LostMan · Cómic
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124 Chs

Two birds with one stone, pit the Demon King and Clear Sky School!

Ye Yang finally understood why this Demon Eye Magic Tree, which was only at the hundred-year level, dared to stay in the core area.

This place was not something ordinary ten-thousand-year soul beasts could enter!

Even solitary ten-thousand-year soul beasts had a starting point of at least 30,000 years of cultivation!

Other ten-thousand-year soul beasts often formed groups to have the qualifications to survive here.

The core area was not very large, but it gathered an immense number of powerful soul beasts.

Occasionally, even Titan Giant Apes and Sky-Blue Bull Pythons would appear here.

There was also the Dark Demon Evil Spirit Tiger, with a cultivation of 60,000 years, and the three brothers, each with a cultivation of 90,000 years, known as the Thousand-Century Ant Kings.

Other powerful ten-thousand-year soul beasts also inhabited this region.

The Demon Eye Magic Tree, evolved through devouring abilities, logically should have been rejected by the other soul beasts.

The Dark Demon Evil Spirit Tiger was the enemy of all soul beasts.

However, this tree, which was just a hundred years old, stayed here unharmed. There must be a reason for it.

"Damn! Its background is unexpectedly so strong!"

"A real second-generation rich and a parasite!"

Ye Yang also felt somewhat annoyed in his heart.

He understood the reason now.

The Demon King of Ten Thousand Beasts was a powerful monster with a cultivation of 530,000 years!

Even among monsters, it ranked in the top five!

In the Starry Sky Great Forest, it was second only to the 890,000-year-old Emperor Tian, making it the second most powerful being!

Fei Cui Swan, although older in age, focused mainly on healing and was far weaker in combat power compared to the Demon King of Ten Thousand Beasts.

The Demon King of Ten Thousand Beasts was the strongest plant-type soul beast!

"This old man is quite old, yet still has a hundred-year-level offspring. He's really incorrigible!"

Ye Yang cursed in secret, feeling quite helpless.

As a plant, it had the ability to reproduce throughout its lifetime. Reproducing offspring through seeds, roots, and other means was normal.

Ye Yang was merely mocking the Demon King of Ten Thousand Beasts for a moment.

He released his spiritual power and carefully sensed the state of the Demon Eye Magic Tree.

"About half of its soul power and spiritual value have been consumed."

"But the tree sap is still about 70 to 80 percent intact!"

Ye Yang gritted his teeth and made a resolute decision.

"I'll go all out!"

"Soul power and spiritual value are one thing, but I must obtain your tree sap bloodline!"

As the son of the 530,000-year-old Demon King, its bloodline was undoubtedly extremely powerful!

Tang San's mother was just a 100,000-year-old Blue Silver Emperor, and she had not yet entered maturity after being reincarnated as a human.

Yet, the child she gave birth to, Tang San, possessed a very powerful Blue Silver Grass martial soul.

This hundred-year-old Demon Eye Magic Tree, in terms of bloodline, was naturally stronger than Tang San's.

"System! Spend another 300 points to enhance devouring!"

Ye Yang gritted his teeth and wanted to accelerate the devouring process, then quickly slip away, keeping his accomplishments hidden.

As expected, with the consumption of points, the devouring speed tripled again!

Moreover, the conversion efficiency of soul power also reached half!

Inside the body of the hundred-year-old Demon Tree, there was originally only about 20 to 30 years of soul power left.

But with the half conversion rate, it still provided Ye Yang with 13 years of soul power.

His soul power had reached 123 years.

And the evolution points were continuously soaring!

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for reaching 18 evolution points. Root foundation can be upgraded to level 18. Would you like to upgrade?]


[Ding! Congratulations to the host for reaching 22 evolution points. Root foundation can be upgraded to level 22. Would you like to upgrade?]


The system notifications kept coming.

"Father King!"

At the critical moment, the Demon Eye Magic Tree burned its last soul, letting out a soulful cry!


Then, its once tall and lush trunk collapsed with a loud crash.

Branches broke, and withered leaves scattered in all directions, resembling a decaying old tree that had been dead for many years.

All of its soul power, tree sap, and spiritual essence were devoured completely by Ye Yang!

At the same time,

Ye Yang's 500 evolution points were also completely depleted.

And just then, the system notification sounded one last time:

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for reaching 29 evolution points. Root foundation can be upgraded to level 29, w--]


Before Ye Yang could respond to the system, an invisible shockwave spread out!

All the flowers, grass, trees, and vegetation, whether they were soul beasts or not, trembled.

Leaves and branches swayed violently, as if an invisible gale was blowing through.

"Who dares to kill my royal offspring!?"

A domineering voice resounded in Ye Yang's mind!

If it were a person, Ye Yang would have instantly felt his scalp tingling and a chill down his spine.

Just as he thought he had been discovered, a powerful mental impact swept over him.

This voice originated from the core of the Starry Forest, deep underground, and spread outward forcefully.

It was like the shockwave caused by a nuclear explosion, but it didn't harm the innocent; it was an inquiry.

This was the Demon King of Ten Thousand Beasts, using its identity as the Plant King to question all the plants, asking who killed its offspring.

Apart from plants, ancient soul beasts with higher intelligence also heard this spiritual message.

For animal soul beasts, it was a challenge!

The Demon King of Ten Thousand Beasts knew that only soul beasts of a thousand years or more could harm its offspring.

And such plant soul beasts would sense the identity of its offspring through their bloodline and dare not harm them.

Only animal soul beasts might be offensive enough to provoke the appearance of its imposing power.

Ye Yang initially intended to conceal himself completely, but with a thought, he came up with an idea.

He suppressed his soul power and used intermittent and faint spiritual power to pretend to be a low-level plant soul beast, transmitting with difficulty, "Human... hammer..."

Just two words, and they were quite vague.

But Ye Yang believed that with the strength and wisdom of the Demon King of Ten Thousand Beasts, it would be able to figure something out.

Among the human powerhouses who could enter the core area and use hammer martial souls, there was only one family sect—the Haotian Sect!

Sure enough, in just a few seconds, the spiritual fluctuation arrived and attached itself to Ye Yang's roots.

Ye Yang had already concealed all his aura, appearing like an ordinary hundred-year Blue Silver Grass.

At such a far distance, even the Demon King of Ten Thousand Beasts couldn't see that Ye Yang had devoured its offspring.

It could only perceive that it was facing a hundred-year Blue Silver Grass with slightly outstanding spiritual power.

"Mm! I got it, reward!"

"All plant soul beasts, listen up! Report any news and kill the human with the hammer martial soul! Rewards for all!"

Mere hundred-year plant soul beasts wouldn't deceive it like humans.

Even ancient animal soul beasts seldom engaged in deception.

The Demon King of Ten Thousand Beasts had no doubts, and with the arrival of the spiritual fluctuation, the ground trembled.

Soon, Ye Yang sensed a ground dragon rushing towards him!

Finally, it stopped in front of him.

And the spiritual presence of the Demon King of Ten Thousand Beasts disappeared.

What infuriated it wasn't losing its offspring.

With its long lifespan and powerful strength, it had countless offspring.

It was angry because someone dared to challenge its authority.

Ye Yang remained silent and, after a long while, carefully extended his spiritual power to feel what had come rushing at him.

Then, he was ecstatic!