
Douluo Dalu: Seize the Blue Silver Emperor at the Beginning

Ye Yang(meaning "leaf of the sun or sunleaf") reincarnated into the world of Douluo Dalu as the Blue Silver Grass. He obtained the "Double Skill Replication" system and awakened the dark devouring ability of the Blue Silver Grass. Tricking the newly humanized Blue Silver Emperor, he copied her Blue Silver Tyrant King Spear skill and defeated the Tang Hao brothers during their mountain trials, winning the affection of the Blue Silver Emperor. Ye Yang's rise was rapid! After quickly reaching ten thousand years of cultivation, each of his nine leaves permanently copied a top-level soul skill: Haotian Hammer, Golden Saint Dragon, Six-Winged Angel, Seven Treasure Glass Pagoda, Seven Kill Sword, Nine-Headed Phoenix... After one hundred thousand years of soul power, his soul skills evolved into nine top-level martial souls! Facing Ye Yang's terrifying strength, the Wuhun Hall suffered heavy casualties, and Qiandao Liudao fell into darkness, collaborating with the evil soul masters from the Sun-Moon Continent. Tang San led the Seven Monsters and joined forces with the Three Sects and the original body sects of the Sun-Moon Continent but was still defeated. Ten Great Fierce Beasts emerged, three Ultimate Douluo joined forces, the Sun-Moon Continent drifted over early, and Tang San was about to ascend to godhood... Especially to suppress Ye Yang's ascension to God Beast, several major deities from the Divine Realm took action... ---------------------------------------------------- • This is a translation of a fan fiction written by the author "Lao Ge." • If the original author requests the removal of the translation, the translator(i) will comply. • Donations of power stones would be greatly appreciated as they contribute to the translator's(my) energy and translation speed. • Original Fan - Fiction link: https://www.uukanshu.com/b/178757/ ------------------------------------------------------ Please leave a review about your reading experience. I will really be gratefull for that.

LostMan · Cómic
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124 Chs

Rapid Growth! Demon Eye Magic Tree!

Ye Yang was pleasantly surprised.

  One minute can actually increase one year's soul power!

  Douluo's soul beasts have constant strength based on years.

  Lifespan is not used to measure years.

  In other words, many hundred-thousand-year-old soul beasts are of the generation with strong bloodlines and fast cultivation.

  Moreover, you can also find a good place to practice, and you can practice quickly.

  Although they are known as 100,000-year soul beasts.

  But in fact, it may only have a lifespan of 10,000 to 20,000 years.

  Even shorter!

  For example, Ye Yang remembered that in the core circle of the Star Dou Great Forest, there was a beast named Wan Yao Wang who was sleeping!

  The age of soul power has reached a terrifying 530,000 years!

  Even among the top ten fierce beasts, it can be ranked fifth, which is very powerful.

  But its body is just the demon-eyed demon tree.

  This is a very common plant, but I was lucky enough to devour a fairy grass. Its devouring skills are terrifying and it grows rapidly.

  Became the strongest plant-type soul beast, ruling over one-third of the surrounding area of ​​the Star Dou Forest!

  However, no matter how exaggerated that fairy grass is, it is not as awesome as Ye Yang's system!


  Ye Yang was excited, without any hesitation, he said quickly.

  The next moment, he completed a small transformation.

  He seemed to have eaten the best nutrients and the warmest sunlight, and every cell was jumping and growing.

  And the thirty-six roots under his body are also growing longer.

  In the end, they all doubled in length, reaching more than twenty centimeters.

  The hairy roots on the top also doubled, approaching 3,000.

  Even, there are other small roots growing out, bringing the total number of roots to forty-nine!

  As for the grass stems and blades on the ground, they are also growing.

  1 point, so terrifying!


  Ye Yang said without hesitation.

  [Ding! Order received...]

  The system continues to consume points, strengthen Ye Yang's devouring skills, and continue to devour the energy in the roots.

  Soon, Ye Yang was pleasantly surprised to find that the rest of the grass roots that entangled its roots and invaded its territory became a little sluggish after being swallowed a lot of energy by himself.

  It's like being pulled out of the roots and exposed to the scorching sun for a day.

  And these grasses, many of which have absorbed soul power, are actually very low-level soul beasts.

  Blue Silver Grass is originally the Douluo Continent, the lowest-level plant with the most vigorous vitality, and it can also be regarded as the lowest-level soul beast.

  The rest of the weeds also have the ability to absorb soul power for cultivation.

  The stronger the strength, the more spirituality you have, and you know how to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.

  Their roots are slowly retracting and fleeing towards the rest of the land, but the speed is very slow, not much faster than natural growth.

  "Want to leave now? It's too late!"

  With a thought, Ye Yang controlled all the roots, entangled the grass roots that invaded his territory in the opposite direction, and continued to devour them.

  This time, it took only 40 seconds for the system to sound.

  [Ding! Congratulations to the host, the accumulative soul power value has reached 100 points, and it can be upgraded to a 2-year soul beast. Do you want to upgrade? ]

  Sure enough, it makes sense for the strong to always be strong.

  The stronger it is, the faster it absorbs soul power and the faster it improves.

  However, after a few minutes, Ye Yang also reached his limit.

  His taproot has grown to eighty-one.

  On each main root, there are three thousand extremely small fibrous roots.

  Every ten seconds or so, Ye Yang can increase his soul power for one year!

  But couldn't continue to accelerate.

  No need to ask the system, Ye Yang himself knows that this is the limit of his roots.

  I am just the lowest-level Blue Silver Grass, the system strengthens my abilities, but it cannot strengthen my bloodline roots.

  "It seems that I not only need points, but also evolution points!"

  "Be stronger again,

It's good for hunting! "  Ye Yang thought in his heart.

  He knew from the system that the source of the points was to obtain various treasures, soul bones, high-grade metal minerals and other valuable things, and exchange them with the system.

  In addition, the system will also reward you after you have reached a certain level of practice.

  The evolution point is the origin of high-level soul beasts.

  By absorbing them, you can increase your bloodline level.

  From an ordinary blue silver grass, it has grown into a blue silver king, a blue silver emperor, and even a blue silver god emperor!

  At the same time, after hunting soul beasts, they can also absorb their soul power, which can convert one-tenth of their soul power.

  Kill ten thousand year soul beasts and improve your thousand year soul power!


  One day later, there was no living vegetation within ten meters of Ye Yang.

  All the blue silver grass, other weeds, and even low shrubs were devoured and dried up by him!

  In the Xingdou Great Forest with lush vegetation, there is an extra circle with a diameter of 20 meters, which is full of dry flowers and small shrubs.

  There are only a few small trees that are vigorous and can resist.

  And in the center of the circle, a small grass with blue leaves and silver veins is also half dead.

  This is naturally Ye Yang's disguise.

  The height of his stems and leaves is still finger-length, withered and dying.

  But the roots he buried in the soil are like a small tree, full of vitality!

  This is the foundation of his growth, the core of his obscene development.

  However, his points are gone.

  100 points, all consumed.

  In exchange, he has many thick and long roots.

  And, 72 years of soul power cultivation!

  The extraordinary growth of his roots consumed a lot of his soul power.

  Otherwise, it would not be a problem to break through the century-old soul beast.

  However, he didn't even get 0.1 point of evolution point and spiritual value.

  These garbage flowers, small shrubs, and saplings cannot be provided to him at all.

  The importance of evolution points is self-evident, it can make him a stronger plant soul beast.

  Blue Silver Grass is the most trashy plant soul beast, the kind that is beaten by others.

  Only with stronger bloodlines can the gap be evened out.

  As for the spiritual value, it is only 0.1 points away from entering the psychic state.

  Lingyuanjing is the spiritual power that ordinary people have, while Lingtong is the ability only possessed by practitioners.

  That was a metamorphosis!

  As the name suggests, Lingtong is already able to use mental power to display some spiritual supernatural powers.

  Some soul masters of the 20th or 30th level have the spiritual power of the psychic state.

  But for soul beasts, especially plant soul beasts, it may not reach the psychic state in 50,000 years.

  The improvement of mental power is the capital for Ye Yang to suppress the other soul beasts!

  "However, it's not bad to increase your soul power by 72 years in one day."

  "But it's not enough."

  Ye Yang was naturally not satisfied.

  "Douluo is too dangerous, he must rise quickly, and at least ten thousand years of soul power is required to barely protect himself."

  Ye Yang thought in his heart, a little anxious.

  During this day, Ye Yang felt several battles between various spirit beasts.

  They fight each other, and even gobble up within the same race, the weak eat the strong.

  There are too many thousand-year and ten-thousand-year soul beasts.

  The weakest thousand-year-old soul beast can destroy him with a random blow.

  Ye Yang felt a little bit pained, he seemed to be close to the core area of ​​the Star Dou Forest, not on the periphery.

  Fortunately, he is just a grass, mixed in a piece of withered grass, no one cares.

  But when a powerful soul beast fights, even if it is hundreds of meters away, there will still be aftermath of the battle, which will spread and be thrilling.

  Ye Yang's sense of crisis surged, and he let his roots spread outward even more frantically.

  He wants to devour more plant soul beasts, even animal soul beasts, UU reading www.uukanshu.com to rapidly improve himself.

  Without points, he can do it on his own, and he still has to earn points, evolution points, and soul power points!

  [warn! warn! A century-old demon-eyed demon tree is detected in front of it, and the host is in danger approaching! ]

  I don't know how many days have passed, the system notification sound suddenly rang in Ye Yang's mind.

  Ye Yang was surprised and delighted when he heard this.

  Demon Eye Demon Tree!

  It is the fifth-ranked beast, the race of the Ten Thousand Monster Kings, which possesses a very powerful devouring ability!

  People die and birds face up, immortal for thousands of years!

  Swallowing these garbage and weeds every day, the growth rate is too slow.

  If you want to do it, do it with a big ticket!

  Swallowing the demon-eyed demon tree, not only can you get points, but you can also improve your roots, strengthen your devouring ability, and get soul power!


  Therefore, upon hearing the system warning, Ye Yang did not retreat but advanced.


  He concentrated most of the roots and spread towards the east.

  Where Ye Yang took root, there was a piece of withered yellow.

  The radius is hundreds of meters.

  In order to avoid being exposed, he didn't suck the things in his domain to death, but let them linger to cover himself.

  However, a thousand meters away, it was a barren land.

  Not to mention flowers, plants and shrubs, even big trees are dry and rotten!

  In addition, there are many bones of soul beasts, which are entangled by the roots of a leg and rooted in it!

  A big dark tree stands on the ground like a king of hell.

  On the tree trunk, there are pairs of closed eyes, like the mark of a knife cut by an axe.

  Among the branches and leaves, there are many vines, waiting for an opportunity to move.

  Seemingly sensing Ye Yang's approach, the Demon Eye Demon Tree opened hundreds of eyes in an instant!