
Douluo Dalu: puppet master

surya12san · Cómic
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791 Chs


"I hope you can give me some strength today, at least give me two more top-level devil fruits!"

The vision is very beautiful, but after all, the top represents rarity.

Next, Caesar tested ten more devil fruits in a row, most of which were not good ones!

There is only one, which is not bad!

But Caesar would never let his children eat this one!

Because this fruit is a phantom beast.

It is named Zoology, Mama Fruit, Phantasmal Beast, and Unicorn Form.

[234] Pirate's bone veins

This Phantom Beast fruit is not strong, and it is not bad if it is weak.

People who eat the unicorn fruit can use the unicorn to detoxify and cure diseases.

It can also increase the movement speed of the ability user.

Of course, it is the same as the angel fruit, some diseases cannot be cured, and its attack power is not outstanding, it can even be said to be relatively average.

Compared with the real fruit of healing and surgery, it is far worse.

It's just that these two devil fruits are really rare, and there is no trace of them until now.

Otherwise, Caesar would have gotten them right away.

After trying more than a dozen Devil Fruits, there are more than twenty to less than thirty fruits left. Caesar's goal today is to test all the Devil Fruits.

To say that in this world, there are really not a few fruits with strange abilities.

In this test alone, there are many messy abilities that I have never even heard of.

Fruit after fruit was fed to those wicked people by Caesar.

In the end, there are still a few fruits that can be used, and there are no top-level devil fruits at all.

It seems that a gravitational fruit with top-level ability has already used up his luck.

And these few devil fruits are fairly eye-catching.

They are bear fruit and polar bear forms of the animal department.

The jumping fruit of the Superman series can enhance the jumping ability of the capable person.

Those who are good at using kicking skills as a means of attack are more suitable for eating.

Because the jumping fruit can greatly increase the speed and strength of kicking.

So overall, this fruit is pretty good.

At least it works.

There is also a superhuman bone fruit.

As you can tell from the name, it has an ability very similar to the bone vein in Naruto.

You can control bones arbitrarily, extract bones from the body, and even use bones to make armor.

This fruit can be regarded as the one with the best ability and the highest potential among the remaining fruits.

It's just that a fruit of this level and rarity is still far from Caesar's goal.

But he also knows.

Natural fruits are not so easy to get compared to better animal-based phantom beasts.

In addition to these.

There are also a few fruits, which can be regarded as passable.

One is Zoology·Dragonfly Fruit·Ancient Department·Megaurus.

As the relatively rare ancient-type dragonfly in the animal show, this fruit is not bad.

This kind of giant vein dragonfly is hundreds of times larger than ordinary dragonflies, and it is more than one meter in size.

Flying ability, speed, altitude and distance are all very strong.

After all, it inherits all the abilities of the ancient giant vein dragonfly, so the physical strength of the ability user will also get a big increase.

In addition, the animal department · falcon fruit · falcon form is also a pretty good devil fruit.

The eater can not only gain the power to fly, but also gain super vision. After all, although the swallow falcon is small in size, it is a very fierce bird of prey.

In the end, there was only one animal-type ocelot fruit left.

Generally speaking, the fruits of these animals are still somewhat useful, anyway, they are much better than those tested, generally superhuman animals.

Of course, in this test, the bone fruit is the best!

You know, in Naruto, the owner of this ability has defeated many powerful ninjas.

Moreover, the bone bone fruit has a very high developability, as long as it is used well, its potential is undoubtedly the highest among these fruits.

Looking at the dozens of fruits that I have accumulated through hard work.

In the end, few of them made me very satisfied and appreciated.

This disappointed Caesar, who had a fluke mentality.

Now, there are about one hundred and eighty devil fruits in his hand.

Most of them are rubbish, even those that have no use value, such as the wheel fruit that appeared in the original book.

The small portion was not bad.

A few medium-sized ones are passable and usable.

But only one is the top devil fruit!

This shows how rare a devil fruit with top abilities is.

It can be said that it can be met but not sought after.

Several children watched as the day of birth was getting closer and closer.

So he still needs a few top-level devil fruits.

It doesn't have to be natural or phantom beasts.

It is also possible to have a few more top-level ability fruits of the superhuman system, but they just can't meet them.

Fortunately, the child was born early.

It will take about half a year.

Moreover, unless the fruit ability is very suitable, like Alice's angel fruit, he will not give it to children prematurely.

At least two or three years old.

The more powerful the ability, the harder it is to control.

To put it more transparently, the stronger the attack ability of the fruit, the longer the time period required for the ability user to fully grasp the ability.

That's why.

Caesar chose to give Carlos and Lucas the Thunder Fruit and the Shining Fruit when they were more than three years old.

And the reason why the angel fruit of the youngest daughter Alice was let her eat early.

So he didn't find so many top fruits this time, and he wasn't too disappointed.

Because he still has time to search, good things are very rare, and the process of searching requires patience.

at the same time.

On the central island, Roger and his group have not left yet.

After staying here for three or four days, Roger was deeply eye-opened.

Thinking of the countries he had been to, there was no country like that under Caesar's rule.

Here, he saw the civilization and advancement of the system.

This also made him realize that perhaps this is what the future world should look like, and this is the place where future civilians can live happily.

He was attracted, deeply attracted by everything here.

Of course, other members of the Roger Pirates are also immersed in it.

For many days.

They have traveled a lot!

This made them discover a lot of strange points.

When I first arrived in the Middle Kingdom.

Everyone was overwhelmed by the bustling and colorful appearance here.

I didn't carefully observe some points that are difficult to notice at ordinary times.

But after these few days of life, everyone in the Roger Pirates was once again shocked by some hard-to-find places here.

"Captain, have you noticed that the law and order here is so good!"

In a bar that everyone frequented, Jabba said with a grin after drinking a big mouthful of special beer.

"Hey, I found out, there are no bad guys here at all!"

"Looking at the residents here, they don't seem to be worried that bad things will happen!"

Before Roger could speak, Bucky, the red-nosed ugly kid, jumped up and yelled.

It seems to have discovered this point, as if it has done a very remarkable thing!

"This meat is so delicious, what kind of fish is this, I have never tasted this before!"

And Shanks on the side just kept stuffing sea beast meat into his mouth, not very interested in what they said.

"Shanks, what are you doing? How do you know how to eat!"

Seeing this, Bucky immediately jumped onto the table, stretched out a hand, and pointed at him with a look of disgust.

"Because the food here is really delicious!"


"Besides, there are so many policemen here, and the king is also a big pirate. Naturally, no one dares to do anything here!"

I heard Bucky say that he knows how to eat.

Shanks hastily put down the meat in his hands, wiped his mouth, and muttered his opinion.

It's not that he didn't discover this point.

It's just that there is no need to explore too much about this kind of thing.

Unlike all the countries they have been to, the distribution of security forces here is very regular.

Every district has a police station.

That is to say, no matter what kind of emergency happens, the surrounding police will rush to the incident point to deal with it in an instant.

"That's right, Caesar's deterrence is still very strong!"

"No one dares to make trouble in such a pirate's territory, not to mention, the people here seem to worship their king very much."

"It's very different from the countries we've been to!"

"Even if it is a country with very good law and order, there will still be opinions among the people who do not support the existing royal family, but they cannot be heard or felt here at all!"

Rayleigh, who hadn't spoken for a long time, couldn't help but express his own analysis after listening to Shanks' words.

Because these things are on the surface.


You can see it very easily.

Regardless of the happiness of the people, or the domestic architectural planning, or greening, security.

Everything is better than where they have been, not a bit better.