
Douluo Dalu: puppet master

surya12san · Cómic
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791 Chs


   Chapter 136 135, Observer

  Rorschach has an instrument to monitor the energy fluctuations of the Infinity Gem, so no matter who goes to Vormir Star, he gets the Soul Gem by sacrificing his loved one.

  As long as the opponent uses the Infinity Stone, it will be detected and located by Rorschach.

  Because of this, Rorschach dared to spread the news about the soul gem with confidence.

   "Finally, help me find another yellow sun, preferably one that has no biological planets around it." Rorschach said the last thing to the collector.

   "There should be many yellow suns in the universe, but if there are no biological planets around, you have to look for them." The collector opened the star map, entered Rorschach's request, and automatically searched for suitable planets.

  Rorschach intends to capture a yellow sun and enter the dimension he created.

  In this way, the real yellow sun can replace the miniature nuclear fusion reactor.

  Even if the miniature nuclear fusion reactor can simulate the energy of the yellow sun, it is not the sun after all, and the effect it produces must be very different from the real sun.

  If you capture a real yellow sun and enter your own dimension, it is equivalent to being in the sun all the time.

   Moreover, the dimensional suit can adjust the output of energy, and it can be adjusted to the best state according to the power of Rorschach's own absorption of the yellow sun's rays.

   Soon, the collector found a yellow sun that met his requirements.

   A coordinate was marked on the light curtain of the star map. After the collector zoomed in, Rorschach saw a small galaxy somewhat similar to the solar system.

  In the center of the galaxy, there is a newborn sun that is younger than the sun on the other side of the earth, because this sun has just been born for a few million years.

  Millions of years seem to be a long time, but on the scale of the universe as the background, the sun of millions of years is like a baby that has just been born, very immature.

"You did very well."

  Rorschach praised the collector, then waved his hand, and a portal of the same style as Karma Taj appeared in front of him.

  Because of the space gem, Rorschach does not need to use the mysterious ring to open the portal at all. The magic connecting the two spaces has been established with a wave of his hand, opening a blue, vortex-like space channel.

  Stepping into the portal, Rorschach instantly crossed countless star fields and arrived at the galaxy in the light curtain picture just now.

  Rorschach was suspended in the pitch-black cosmic void, with the newborn sun in front of him.

  Although it is a newborn sun, its size is still several times that of the void. Rorschach tried to get closer, but he felt a strong gravitational force pulling him into the sun.

  However, of course this gravitational force cannot have any effect on Rorschach.

  After getting close enough, Rorschach felt the yellow sunlight shining on his body, and every cell in his body greedily absorbed the energy from the sun and stars, constantly strengthening and becoming stronger.

   "It's up to you."

  Looking at the sun ahead, Rorschach raised his hand, and four infinity gems appeared on the back of his hand.

   Then he snapped his fingers.


  A ray of light brighter than the sun flashed across, and under the call of the four infinite gems, the dimension opened by Rorschach seemed to descend into this world from outside the real world.

   It seemed that this space was pulled to another dimension by some unspeakable force.

   Pulling the sun from this real world to another dimension is not a simple matter.

   You must know that the dark lord Dormammu crossed the barrier of the multiverse barrier, and he needed his fanatic believers to hold a sacrifice ceremony and destroy the three most holy places before he could come down.

  Although Rorschach doesn't need to be so troublesome, the sun in front of him is really too big.

   Capturing a star into another dimension is a lot of work.

  Rorschach crossed his hands, recalling a magic that crossed the barriers of dimensions in his mind, and finally selected a magic that was helpful for capturing the sun into his own dimension, and cast it to speed up the process of capturing the sun.

  In the space-time gap of the multiverse.

   The observer of the dwarf bald image noticed the movement on Rorschach's side.

  He shook his short stature, and appeared outside the universe close to Rorschach.

   Across a cosmic space barrier, the short bald head is like a huge god, covering the entire galaxy, watching Rorschach intently.

   "This... the new dimension that was born before, the weak dimension lord at this moment is trying to pull a sun into his dimension, but why is this weak dimension lord doing this?"

  The Observer is a chatterbox, and he talks to himself while observing the multiverse.

   It may be the long and lonely years that caused him to have problems with his mental state, so he relied on talking to himself to pass the endless loneliness.

In the "what if" plot, Ultron, who has six infinite gems, realized the existence of the multiverse only after hearing the observer's self-talk in the multiverse, thus breaking the space barrier and crossing the multiverse gap among.

  Rorschach has the blessing of four infinite gems, and his own strength has reached the dimension lord level. Although he can't hear the voices outside the multiverse, he feels that someone is observing him, and even prying into his secrets.

   Rorschach suddenly stopped what he was doing, and turned his head to look at a certain position in the void of the universe. Outside a layer of cosmic barrier, it was the observer who was trying to spy on Rorschach.

   "Get out! I'll kill you just looking at it!"

   It's okay to peep from the sidelines, but the observer dared to pry into his own secrets. Rorschach immediately cast shielding magic to try to isolate the observer from prying eyes.

   "He found me..."

  The observer was still talking to himself, with an unbelievable look in his eyes.

   "How is it possible, he is just a weak dimensional lord, why would he be aware of my existence, and it was my act of spying on him that caused the dissatisfaction of this weak dimensional lord?"

   As he said that, the observer stopped prying into Rorschach's secrets, but stepped back subconsciously in the gap of the multiverse, but continued to stare at Rorschach's side.

  Rorschach noticed that after the feeling of spying on himself disappeared, his eyes still stayed in this void for a long time.

  He can basically be sure that an existence outside the universe is observing him.

   It can't be the five great gods of creation. Those great gods probably don't care about this small role like me, and it's probably only the observers who are idle and will come to watch the excitement.

   "Next time you dare to spy on me, when I break the multiverse barrier, the first thing I do when I go out is to kill you." Luo Xia said to the void.

  He knew that if the observer was spying on him, then the sentence he said would definitely be heard by the other party.

that's the truth.

  The observer was stunned for a moment after hearing Rorschach's words.

   "I seem to have been threatened... A weak dimension lord actually threatened to kill me..."

  The observer continued to talk to himself. He didn't feel angry because he was threatened by Rorschach, but felt a little novel.

  Since the Observer and the Celestial Group terminated the war, they have not been threatened for many years.

   Suddenly being threatened by a very weak being is an amazing feeling.

   "Wait, how did he know of my existence?" The observer suddenly realized the question.

  A weak dimension lord, why did he discover his existence?

   It's getting more and more interesting!

  (end of this chapter)