
Douluo Dalu: puppet master

surya12san · Cómic
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791 Chs


"Master Sandaimu, someone outside wants to meet you. The other party is a businessman from the Land of Fire, and he seems to want to do business with the village."

Assistant Mizuying opened his mouth to report respectfully to the third generation of water shadows. Recently, the temperament of the third generation of eyes has become more and more strange. He has already dealt with two Anbu directly under the influence of the third generation of water shadows. Under the influence of the third generation of water shadows, the atmosphere of the entire Wuyin Village is very strange.

"Businessman from the country of fire? Let him go to Yuanshi for this kind of thing; is it that I, Shuiying, do all the other people's affairs, and what do they eat?"

After listening to the three generations of water shadows, he shouted coldly, this kind of thing also bothers him, it is time for the village to make changes!

It's just that when he finished saying these words, Mizukage Sandai completely forgot the order he had just ordered a few days ago.

"Yes, Shuiying-sama."

Assistant Shuiying lowered his head and replied, suppressing the trembling in his heart, and then slowly backed out.

After the Second Ninja World War, the temper of the third generation of water shadows was not very good. The second generation of water shadows and the second generation of rock ninjas perished together. Wuyin Village was defeated by sand ninjas again. Even in the dark, I don't like his water shadow.

The strength of Wuyin Village is not weak, but there are too many small groups, and they can't exert the strength that should be exerted on the battlefield. As a result, they can't even defeat Sand Shinobi who are fighting on two fronts. What a shame!

'You must use iron-blooded means to integrate the power of Wuyin Village. '

Afterwards, the three generations of Mizuying wrote the word blood fog. He wanted to use this method to weaken the disobedient blood family, and at the same time improve the strength of civilian ninjas through 'cultivating gu', so that he can truly be a water shadow. domination.


Kahn didn't see Suiying, or not every leader of Ninja Village had a very good vision, not even Konoha. At the beginning, there was a professional like Tsunade who made the bag for Kahn. Konoha trades smoothly.

Now that he was sent to another person, Kahn was mentally prepared.

"Please wait here for a while, I will report to Master Yuanshi."

After that, Assistant Shuiying knocked on the door and walked in to inform the people in the room.

Hearing the name Yuanshi, Kahn suddenly recalled the existence of this person. He played very few times in Naruto, but his status was quite high. status is not low.

After a while, Assistant Shuiying came out and said to Kahn, "Please come in."

Master Yuan is a middle-aged man with a bald head, a few years older than Sarutobi Hizan, and he handles all the trivial matters in the village of Kirigin, such as the handover with the daimyo, logistical guarantees, and so on.

After Kahn said his intentions, Yuan Shi was also a little surprised and moved. Wuyin Village also sent a spy to Konoha and knew that there was a businessman selling convenient medicines in Konoha; this matter was not only discovered by Yun Ren, The other Shinobi villages received the news that the spies were dispatched.

It's just that Yun Ren was the most decisive and wanted to tie Kahn and Kushina back together.

Yuan Shi was surprised that Kahn actually came to ask for cooperation. He originally wanted to let the spy lurking in Konoha get in touch with Kahn.

For those medicines, the spy in Konoha also bought some medicines and sent them back to Wuyin Village. After experiments, the effect was really good. If it was on the battlefield, it was indeed a good thing to save lives.

After knowing that Kahn's intention was to sell medicines, Master Yuan thought for a while, and then readily agreed; this is of great benefit to the village of Kiriyin, and even Konoha felt the lack of medical ninjas. Where can more go.

In addition to the Xueji family, civilian ninjas were sick and injured, and generally had to wait in line, otherwise they would rely on their own experience to resist; even ordinary doctors were difficult to find, because they were only supported by wealthy nobles and merchants.

If there is Kahn's medicine, the wounded in Wuyin Village will be relieved a lot, and in addition to medicines, Kahn also has other businesses to trade with Wuyin Village, such as food or iron.

At this time, Kiriyin Village represents the dominance of the nearby sea area. Iwanin has a joint soil escape, and Kiriyin has a joint water escape in the sea. A dozen water escape ninjas can easily overturn dozens of large ships.

In addition to the content of the transaction, Kahn also asked the village of Kiri to ensure the safety of his shipping fleet in the Land of Waves, at least the Ninja of Kiri can't attack him. If an enemy attacks his fleet, Kiri is responsible for finding out the murderer.

As for the money and materials used in the transaction, it is basically the same as that of Konoha. Wuyin's funds to support this part of the daimyo are scarcer than Konoha, and they can only use gold and jewelry as collateral.

However, Kahn also put forward a request, hoping that the items mortgaged in Wuyin Village contain chakra metal, which must appear once in two or three transactions.

When Yuan Shi heard this request, he immediately fell silent. For ninjas, chakra metal is a very valuable item and can improve a lot of strength. When you forge a weapon, you can improve the flow of chakra and so on.

There are not many chakra metals that Wuyin Village can get every year. They are all collected from the Rainbow Country, Tea Country and other places, and there are also many hungry wolves in the village staring at each other. Every Xueji family wants to share more. Chakra metal.

However, with medicines, the village of Hidden Mist can guarantee the survival rate of civilian ninjas; after much thought, Yuan Shi agreed to Kahn's request. Chakra metal can only enhance the personal strength of a certain ninja, and the one who traded with Kahn Materials, but can supply most of the ninja needs.

The trading location was placed in a port in the Land of Water. After Kahn's shipping ship was built, the Land of Waves would begin to transport items. The first batch of transactions was scheduled for two months later.

Kahn plans to build two factories in the Land of Waves first, one for pharmaceuticals and the other for fresh processing. It is a big fishing country near the Land of Waves. If you don't make good use of the resources here, it will be a waste.

People in the ninja world have a lot of love for fresh seafood from the river, but it is difficult to eat in the land of wind and the land of soil~www.mtlnovel.com~ If it is made into fresh canned food and sent to the past for sale, it can also develop A small business scale.

Kahn is also preparing to recruit more guards, with a base of 2,000 people, all trained in accordance with the methods of the regular army, equipped with submachine guns, assault rifles and bazookas, etc.; he would like to know, a large-scale organization of modern weapons corps, and ninja troops When you meet, which one will have an advantage.

The Land of Waves is too small to be suitable for business development while leaving a small number of guards, so Karn plans to develop a modern army in the Land of Tea.

But in that case, Kahn would have to bring the production line of the military factory, otherwise he would have to carry it again and again, and it would be a hassle to buy a large number of arms in the United States.

The underground laboratory outside Konoha Village, the land of fire.


With a violent explosion, the death row prisoner turned into a cloud of blood, and even the ground laid with iron plates dented a little due to the impact of the explosion.

Orochimaru said with great interest in his eyes: "After adding the first-generation target cells, the power of the explosion has been reduced. A single desperate virus can emit terrifying high temperature and shock, but just now it was in the form of flesh and blood.... Hand, how's the data collection going?"

"The data was collected, but the equipment was destroyed again, and the serum was gone..."

Tsunade scratched his blond hair and said to Orochimaru, "It's been a month, three tubes of serum have been tested in batches, ten death row experimental subjects have died and three devices have been destroyed, and only a little progress has been made so far.

"Contact him, the experiment can't stop..."

After Orochimaru finished speaking, he turned around and prepared to continue his research.

Tsunade murmured a few words in a low voice, mainly because the cost was too high, and he was a little embarrassed to speak to Kahn.