
A place to stay (Part 1)

A month later. Aiden.

"Academy without nobles..." - a handsome youth was standing in front of the poster near the entrance gates to Blue Tyrant Academy, build by Liu Erlong.

It was a week of waiting already. Every day he will come, look around to see how many participants for the entrance ceremony there were and who of the elders performed one. He was waiting for a less crowded time and a certain person to take the test.

All because he knew – there is no way to avoid revealing his power if he wants to draw the attention of the headmaster of this academy.

The best way to do the deed is to know for sure that the people around are few and the examiner is reliable.

He took Sena's hand, and they entered it with no issues. Although young, they thought he is here with his sister to take part in entrance exams.

"Brother, can you tell me where to find a teacher to speak about entering the academy today?" - he stopped a male student with looks akin to a bear.

"Ah? Oh!" - he looked a bit dumb actually and Aiden even felt slightly guilty to have such first impression. Especially after he found him just being a simple and straightforward guy. - "Sure, come with me. Are you here to enroll?"

"Hard to say." - played Aiden the nonsensical answer card to avoid saying blatant lie.

"Yeah, it is hard to study and enroll here. If you pass let's have a fight! But I warn you, I'm strong and you... I don't know. You seem like a weak prick to me." - he said with no thinking whatsoever. - "I'm Tai Long. Let's fight first, and I judge if you are qualified to be my friend."

That is sky-high arrogance to which Aiden just shrugged and Sena remained silent.

"Little sis, you are so cute, come call me big brother." - he shifted his attention to Sena who was silently walking by the side.

"Hmph!" - she turned her head around and hid by Aiden's side. The latter was astonished. He never found her being naughty, but it turns out Sena has her own consideration with whom to talk or not.

"Hehe." - Tai Long was a bit embarrassed but never give up to make a good impression. Albeit in the wrong way.

They immediately bickered with each other and almost had a fight, but it has to be said that Tai Long was a person with several noteworthy good traits of character, so he never planned to get physical with Sena and he never tried to do anything shameless. Still, a guy older than fourteen liked the girl right from the first glance, albeit not that kind of like romantically.

Sena after travels and training in body art Aiden gave her reached the seventeenth level and outwardly looked like eleven to twelve years old girl. The growth was explosive, and Nexus estimated that it will only slow down in the middle of the third decade of levels.

One can only imagine how much Sena ate those days. To call her a glutton was an understatement. Her stomach gave birth to a black hole inside.

Sena trained in body marks with pure power and defense without additional traits. That was the most suitable choice Aiden found for her spirit.

"We are here." - it took over twenty minutes to reach a huge building with a beautiful design as if copied from Paris of the epoch of renaissance. - "Office is straight at the end of the corridor to the left. Oh, damn! I'm late for my class, this is bad, it is teacher Shan lesson... I'm so dead!"

He never stopped running back while talking and was in a bit of panic. That unknown teacher must be a sight to behold.

As for the one who eventually met them, Aiden knew about that person from the book. His name was Yin Shu, and he was good in terms of character. He was a person older than forty, and a spirit king at that. The one Aiden waited for a week to appear.

"Greetings teacher. Can we have a bit of your time?" - Aiden bowed slightly.

"Sure, come in. My name is Yin Shu, you can call me just teacher Yin. Are you here for the test? But... this girl is young to enter." - Yin Shu raised his head from the stack of papers and was perplexed.

"Teacher... actually we both are young to enter, but I would like to pass a test and my little sister can stay here with me. We have nowhere to go." - Aiden said. - "Are you eligible to perform the test?"

"First tell me how old are you?" - Yin Shu knew well enough how education worked and they have no facilities and lessons for people of the preliminary age group. If only someone will take them as personal disciples.

"My name is Aiden erm... Snow. I'm spirit elder 39 level, martial spirit Two Horned Platinum Dragon..." - when Yin Shu heard that his face changed completely. A youth looked no older than fifteen. But in reality, he can be even younger. - "And I'm eight years old... I guess. Teacher? Teacher Yin..."

There was silence and the middle-aged man looked at Aiden as if seeing the wonder of the world.

"Young man, it not a place for jokes..." - he said in disbelief.

"You can easily test me." - Aiden stretched his hand and Yin Shu took it, albeit shaken.

"My God! You... you..." - he was stunned and couldn't believe his test results. He was halfway through to become nine. And he was spirit elder, and at the level of 39 at that. Then he casts his gaze full of passion to Sena.

"She is level 17 and six years old." - said Aiden with a smile.

"This... this... I..." - he had trouble breathing at this point. - "I am not eligible to decide this. Wait, what am I saying, of course, you are admitted, but... wow... no, please, follow me to meet the headmaster."

He practically ran all the way and clutched their hands with force, as if being afraid they will disappear in thin air. They entered the back of the forest and followed a narrow but comfortable path to a tiny house. It was simple but warm. There in front of it stood a woman of elegance and heroic air. She was watering flowers with a tranquil gaze in silence.

"Headmaster, I have something to discuss with you." - teacher Yin was nervous.

"Hmm?" - the woman turned around and saw one of her teachers with two junior people. Her eyebrow rose in a questioning gesture, Yin Shu easily noticed.

"The thing is, this person here is at level 39." - he said and Liu Erlong finally put down watering can to inspect the youth. Her eyes no longer misty with loss, but slightly curious. - "And... Headmaster, he is only eight."

"Oh." - she nodded as if not registering what he said. - "wait, what did you say?"

"He is eight years old!" - Yin Shu repeated himself.

She shook like a leaf in the wind and moved as fast as lightning to stand in front of Aiden. She was tremendously powerful and exuded the pressure of a high-level expert. Her iron-like grip took his hand and in a split-second, sharp eyes became round in disbelief.

"Yin Shu, these two will stay here for now. Leave and don't say even as little as a single letter about this."

"Of course, Headmaster." - teacher Shu bowed and left.

"Come inside, let's talk for a bit." - her gaze became slightly gentle when she watched how Aiden with care took the hand of a girl. One needs to only have a glance to understand that he was a boy of emotions and cherished relations. She poured tea for three and finally they sat by the window. But she was perturbed of what to say or ask. As a headmaster, she naturally wanted to have them in her academy, albeit can she? - "Well, let's start with introductions first. My name is Liu Erlong, the Headmaster of Blue Tyrant Academy. Tell me your names first and where are you from."

"I'm Selena Lin from Primal Forest Village. My rank is 17, I'm six years old and my spirit is Yin-Yang Divine Flute." - she said timidly and bowed down her head shyly, unleashing her exquisite flute on the hand. It exuded the aura of archaic secrets and was very eye-catching. Liu Erlong has a soft spot for children. She smiled warmly and nodded, casting her gaze at Aiden.

"My name is Aiden Snow... I don't know where I'm from exactly. The tribe I lived in was always on the move." - he said while sighing remembering his mo... no, the woman who birthed him with a distant look. - "I'm eight and a half I guess and my spirit is Two Horned Platinum Dragon."

Liu Erlong said nothing, but her gaze while looking at Aiden softened considerably and when he unleashed an image of his dragon spirit, she sensed her own becoming restless, but not out of fear. It had a notion to bow in worship and respect as if finally meeting its natural sovereign.

With that came a feeling of closeness and attraction.

"Your spirit... what dragon is it?" - she asked in wonder, understanding that a person in front of her will shake the world in a not so distant future. He can't be called a genius and even calling him a monster is degrading it. No, he was a true prodigy of many generations, a monster sovereign.

"I don't really know myself. I only know about its notions, like what it oriented and... have tendencies to like or dislike." - that is not rare for unique martial spirits or strong ones. Her dragon has the arrogance and might in its innate nature, so it one way or another reflects on her.

"Tell me, what do you feel?" - she was curious and noticed Sena listening to their conversation in rapt attention.

"I fell... dominance, purity, and intolerance to any evil... the evil by heart and mind, not power. Also, I feel regal aura from it all the time. And very strong at that as if it is a ruler of some sort."

"Authentic enough." - she nodded because her dragon spirit sensed the same and that also shows much about the boy's persona. - "Can you elaborate your uncertain answers from the introduction. Don't misunderstand, I'm not forcing you, but some level of caution is needed here."

"I..." - he was perplexed. From one point of view, her character from the novel was very worthy of trust. She was a very rare woman of unwavering loyalty and spirit with deep emotions and hard fate.

But from the other... should he actually say it out loud? Well, her personality was a problem, however she will hardly direct her quirks at Aiden or Sena.

He sighed and one can't tell the exact emotions on his face.