
Douluo Dalu: Nine-Colored Hydra

Yuan Ming, originally a cultivator from another world, reincarnated into Tang San's first world, into the Tang Sect. After learning the sect's techniques, he reincarnated into Douluo Dalu I and awakens the Martial Spirit: Dual-headed Jade Serpent and will later reawaken his Martial Spirit into: Nine-Colored Hydra. Future wife: undecided (I'm thinking Qian Renxue or Hu Liena... Also, note that there won't be any real romance until the main character is a teenager.) I think I should set some things straight. The MC doesn't hate Tang San nor does he hate Spirit Hall. He believes that Tang San is surprisingly rash and foolish at times (ex. destroying Slaughter City)... as for whether or not he will try to save Spirit Hall or not, most likely, yes. He will join Shrek Academy. This is not a super fast-paced fanfiction. There will not be a system. Not a harem. I do not own Douluo Dalu or Douluo Dalu characters Cover is not mine: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/ZeGBb0

Sir_Octopus · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
7 Chs


As Tang Ming was falling, time seemed to stop. Just as he was confused, his vision changed. A strange entity appeared before him, and the surroundings turned white. It was about the size of an elephant, but it looked like a man with serpents for hair, slit eyes, sharp teeth, and long, black, sharp fingernails.

"Hello there, Tang Ming. I want to offer you something."

"Huh? Offer? What is it you wish to offer?"

"Remove your soul imprint on the Scroll of Life and Death, and I will ensure that you reincarnate into a body with great potential."

"Can I refuse?"

"No. In fact, the Scroll of Life and Death is useless to you now as it can only be used once. I have taken it, but it has your soul imprint, and such things can only be removed by the owner, or if the soul of the owner is destroyed."

–He also doesn't seem to be lying. However, you never know... but if he were malicious then why not simply destroy my soul, unless he is indeed lying and that the soul imprint is not destroyed after owner's soul perishes? However, it seems there is nothing I can do but accept and bet that he will not end me. As for whether he keeps his word or not, that is of little importance,–

"You do know that I can read your thoughts, right?"

"... I accept. How do I remove my soul imprint?"

"You already have."

"...Alright, how do I know that you will keep your word?"

"You'll simply have to trust me."

"Okay... may I leave now?"

"Yes, off you go."

"Thank you."


"Waaah," Tang Ming screamed, in immense pain, thinking, –Agh, being born is truly painful! It felt like my head was being crushed!–

A beautiful woman, seeming to be in her late twenties, held a baby in her arms. She had long, silky, black hair and green, narrow eyes, and a soft face with no blemish. One must know that becoming a Spirit Master improves body health and efficiency, so blemishes are rare.

"Lei Feng. His name shall be Lei Feng," Lei Xiaoyu said, thinking, –His father abandoned me so he could lure those greedy bastards away. Perhaps when he grows older I can tell him about his father... if he wishes to know.–

–Lei Feng? So it seems Tang San keeping his name from his previous life was indeed a coincidence... speaking of which he should have been born by now.–

Lei Xiaoyu took Lei Feng to Holy Spirit Village, and when they arrived, she said, "Holy Spirit Village... it should be safe here, and there is a Spirit Academy nearby should my son wish to become a Spirit Master."

Lei Feng, whose previous name was Tang Ming, looked towards Holy Spirit Village in shock with his green eyes and thought, –Is there truly such a coincidence? Or is it orchestrated be that entity? No... most likely a coincidence.– "Gaa" –Oh, I forgot I can't sigh... what am I to do? If there is one thing I do a lot, it is sigh,– "Gaa" –... It seems this will take some getting used to... I'm off track again, I need to pla– –

"Hmm, Xiao Feng, are you hungry?"

–Oh, no. I forgot that being a baby means to be breastfed. Wait... what am I talking about? This is a good thing! I don't get those reincarnated main characters who say it is humiliating! Prudes, I say.–

And so Lei Xiaoyu fed Lei Feng, who was surprised at the taste... –How sweet,– he thought, –It tastes like honey. Perhaps a different physique creates a different taste? Or perhaps it has to do with the Martial Spirit's effect on the body... I am getting tired...–

Lei Xiaoyu stroked the sleeping Lei Feng's head, affectionately, muttering "Xiao Feng, I will do my best to raise you as a mother... but I hope that the lack of a father isn't too detrimental on your upbringing..." The woman and the baby entered the village, and the woman enquired for the village chief, and a young man of the village led her to the chief's humble abode.

"Old Jack! Someone is here to see you!"

Old Jack, who was sleeping, aggrievedly muttered, "Who is it? No one should be requiring my help at this time in the morning." He arose from his bed, grabbed his wooden cane, and hobbled towards the door, almost tripping and falling in the process. After he reached the door, he undid the lock and swung the door open to have a look at who had awoken him.

"Wei Chen, why have you disturbed me? It's so early in the morning!"

Wei Chen, who saw the village chief's impatient and irritated facial expression, smiled bitterly and said, "Old Jack, don't be angry, a woman not from the village enquired to see you. I shall go now, I need to get to work." He hurried away, afraid of staying any longer.

Old Jack said, "Who are you? You aren't from the village, why are you here?"

Lei Xiaoyu responded, "I am Lei Liling, my husband has recently encountered an accident and passed away, and I came here to settle down, and I have brought money to hire some men to build a house." She handed the village chief a bag of gold coins.

"So much! Well, I shall ask around to see who is willing to build you a house."

"Thank you. I shall be staying in Nuoding City until it is completed, please inform me when it is done. I shall pay for the wood for the house as well."

"Alright, I shall not see you off and immediately start on it." –I am awake anyways and it is too late to fall back asleep. Might as well,– Old Jack thought.

Six months have passed in the blink of an eye, and the house has been built, with some furniture as well. It was a medium sized house, enough for a family of four, with two bedrooms, a kitchen, a dining room, and a family room. As Lei Xiaoyu, who chose the alias Liling to better hide, and her son settle down, they met the members of the village and integrated themselves into the community slowly, and, unknowingly, four more years pass.

Lei Feng, who is four and a half years old, is cultivating his Mysterious Heavens Skill and Purple Demon Eyes (The modified technique must be practiced after the level is mastered, ex. level 1 is mastered, then he can master level 1 modified.) on the same hill as Tang San. In the past few days, he has been coming to the hill to practice with Tang San, who thinks that he copied his behavior.

After they finished cultivation, Tang San said to him, "Lei Feng, why do you also sit with me to meditate?"

"Because I saw you do it and I decided to try it, and it seems to have a good effect. It's not only calming, but it also matures the mind. I am curious, where did you get the idea to do it?"

"... I found that I enjoyed the sunrise and it slowly became what it is now."

–Really? Such an excuse? Really, it seems that Tang San is a bad liar, hahaha,– Lei Feng thought, but said aloud, "Oh... then, do you mind if I continue to meditate with you?"

"As long as you are not too noisy, I do not mind at all."

"Thank you, Xiao San! Then I'll see you tomorrow!" And so Lei Feng left the hill to exercise his body.


One and a half years pass, and Lei Feng is six years old. In this time, he has gotten closer to Tang San and had Tang San teach him how to blacksmith. Today, the Martial Spirit Awakening Ceremony will be held.

Lei Xiaoyu said to her son, "Xiao Feng, today is the awakening ceremony for martial spirits. Don't be nervous. I will take you to the Spirit Hall building in a few minutes. If you have soul power, I will take you to Nuoding Academy to learn how to be a Spirit Master if you wish. Do you want to become a Spirit Master?"

"Okay, mother. I'm not nervous, but excited. I'll get ready! And I do want to be a Spirit Master!"

A few minutes pass and Lei Xiaoyu takes her son to the Spirit Hall building, where there are already a few parents with their children. More time passes, and it is a quarter of an hour later, and everyone is here, including Tang San and Old Jack. Old Jack begins his speech, but before he can speak for long, an attractive young man with sharp eyebrows and starry, green eyes appears. And as Lei Feng sees him, he thinks –Ah, the famous Blind Douluo, Su Yuntao.– The young man looks at Old Jack and says, "Alright, enough. I've been to several villages and how many children have had soul power? Not a single one. Let's just start the awakening ceremony. Follow me, children," and so Su Yuntao took the children inside the plain building.


Author's Note:

So, I think I narrowed it down to Hu Liena or Qian Renxue. Hu Liena would be easier for me to do, Qian Renxue is difficult to meet, but still doable but would take a little longer. A good chance that it will be Qian Renxue though, I kind of pity her. She deserves a good end. But rest assured, Hu Liena will not have a bad end either. It could still end up being Hu Liena, though.

Also, I decided to do it like this: Lei Feng is a half-spirit beast and he is going to awaken his martial spirit, which will be Dual-headed Jade Serpent and then he will awaken Nine-headed Hydra after the tournament. Why? Because he will start off on Tang San's side and then later change to Martial Spirit Hall, and who would have the Nine-Headed Hydra but Lei Feng in Douluo Dalu? It would be too obvious who he is... but don't worry! He isn't going to be weak, and I will try to get to the reawakening as soon as possible! He will change his name after the reawakening.