
Douluo Dalu: Martial Path

In the world of Douluo Dalu, being a Soul Master is an occupation. A title above normal mortals. Yet, despite the power and numerous other abilities one would gain as they thread the path of a Spirit Master, they were no different from a normal mortal. They would still die to natural causes and a spirit master didn't have a longer lifespan than a mortal, except when they reach the limits of a spirit master but they could only live by twice or thrice the lifespan of a mortal still. Just what was good being a spirit master? Especially if one can easily kill them by the hands of either technology or natural causes? They weren't much different from a mortal. That was what Feng Qin had come to a conclusion as he turned twelve, six years after awakening an unknown trash Martial Spirit. But, on a fateful day, one single lucky moment as he had just survive from a life and death situation, changed his life forever. ... AN: Hey it's yo boi, FroztDouluo back with another Douluo Dalu fanfic! And this time, it's a concept that I've taken inspirations from Martial World(just read the story since it's a prequel to True Martial World, my favorite story and one I'm hoping to make a fanfic of someday), True Martial World, Tales of Demons and Gods, God of Slaughter, etc. I really hope I can make this story great and won't eventually turn me off. Cause my last few stories were great in plotlines at the start but it had eventually gone downhill due to several reasons.(Mainly laziness, writer's block, and school.) So, I'm going to clarify a few things and reveal a couple spoilers. One, there will be some oc other than the mc in this story. Most of them would come from other stories that I had previously mentioned or you guys can help me create some of them through comments. Two, I prioritize pa-treon more than here so if you notice me being late to update than it must mean I was either busy writing more chapters in pa-treon or I'm resting from the exhaustion of it. Three, the update schedule is 2-3 chapters a week with at least 1k words. Chapters are uploaded in Wednesday and Friday/Saturday(UTC +8, Philippine time). Four, I will try to reply to most of the comments I see but don't count much, cause I don't really reply very well because I just don't know what to write back. I just hope it'll get to a hundred, or two, chapters before I drop it, or not? It depends on life really. And positive comments and reviews, I don't really care much of power stones(tho, that doesn't mean you can't...) but positive feedback on my work really inspires me more to write. Want to check out my pa-treon and be ahead of your fellow WN kin? Well here's the link: pa–treon.com/FroztDouluo *Just get rid of the dash.

FroztDouluo · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
57 Chs

Chapter 31: Divine Craftsman

Exiting the Grand Fortune Library, Feng Qin asked someone near him about where to find a great blacksmith in the city that can make weapons.

"Weapons? Well that's rare. Except for soldiers and mercenaries, and some eccentric nobles, no one would commission a weapon." A middle aged man with red hair said, shrugging. "Well, it's not my business to pry. But if you're looking for a blacksmith that creates good quality weapons, then your best bet is Xiu Ye."

"Xiu Ye?" Feng Qin questioned, tilting his head.

The man looked surprised, "You don't know him? Geez, which remote village did you come from..." he muttered, shaking his head, he explained. "He's the greatest blacksmith in the entire continent! A known Divine Craftsman level blacksmith that even the Blacksmith Association's President doesn't even dare to offend him, and he's a well-known eccentric! His workshop is located in the eastern district of the city. Just follow the main street and you'll see a sign with his name on it."

"Thank you for your help," Feng Qin said, bowing politely before heading towards the direction of Xiu Ye's workshop.

'A Divine Craftsman...'

As he walked towards the eastern district, Feng Qin couldn't help but wonder how lucky he was to have stumbled upon such information. Divine Craftsman level meant that Xiu Ye was one of the very rare blacksmiths who had surpassed the Smith Scholar level and was considered a master in the field of weapon crafting.

It's said that Divine Craftsmen could even create weapons equal to a Tool Spirit Master at the Spirit Sage rank! A miracle that no ordinary man or spirit master could ever do.

Of course, that was only rumours of what Feng Qin heard from his kingdom's local blacksmith, a Master Smith, a few ranks below a Divine Craftsman.

Nonetheless, he'll see it for himself if this blacksmith was worthy of his title.

Upon reaching the workshop, Feng Qin was in awe of the grandeur of the place. The entrance was adorned with intricately designed metalwork, and the sign above it was made of pure silver, glimmering under the sun.

"Xiu Family Workshop."

Taking a deep breath, Feng Qin pushed the doors open and stepped inside. The interior was just as impressive as the exterior. The walls were made of polished black marble, and the floors were shiny silver tiles. A large furnace occupied a corner of the room, surrounded by various metallic tools.

At the center stood a muscular middle-aged man covered in soot, hammering away at a piece of metal. Wearing only brown leather pants and black sandals.

He was tall, towering at about six feet tall, dark skinned, with long spiky white hair that draped his back.

"Excuse me," Feng Qin said, approaching him. "Are you Xiu Ye?"

The blacksmith paused, a black hammer in his hand, and turned to face him. "I am. What business do you have with me, boy?" he asked with a deep and hoarse, his pair of golden eyes piercing at him.

"I am in need of a good quality weapon," Feng Qin said, holding out the small purse of gold coins he had prepared.

It was about 3,000 spirit gold coins. The amount of money he got from the bandits was approximately 6,300 spirit gold coins.

He knew by the Sword Immortal's memories that the creation of a good and powerful weapon is going to be exorbitant. It would be strange if it didn't at least cost 10,000 spirit gold coins.

Unfortunately, he did not have that enough money. But he didn't have much hopes to get some divine sword in the first place, just a decent sword that wouldn't easily break from using his martial art skills.

Xiu Ye frowned, putting the hammer down to his side, he didn't take the purse and merely hummed. Looking over him with a critical eye, "Hm. Boy, by the way you move and the calluses in your hands, a sword would be fit for you," he said.

Feng Qin looked shocked.

Unable to hide his shock, he blurted out, "How did you–?"

"A swordsmith always knows a swordsman when they see one." Xiu Ye said with a small smile. Was it just him, or did he see the man's eyes gleamed with fire?

"Can you make me a sword then?" Feng Qin asked eagerly.

Xiu Ye raised an eyebrow, raising his hands.

Feng Qin blinked his eyes and turned to look around him, "Ahh. Yeah, kinda dumb to ask that." he weakly chuckled, seeing the numerous swords, other weapons and armour in display around him.

He couldn't believe his eyes. From the Sword Immortal's memories, he'd seen a lot of swords and other weapons that can create tornadoes, tsunamis and earthquakes with just a single swing.

And he was getting the same feeling from the weapons around him.

'This old man, just who is he...?'

He inspected the weapons intently, trying to see if he had a sort of connection with any one of them.

Being a swordsman isn't as simple as grabbing a sword and swinging it around, no, that's just the basis.

A good swordsman is one who has a connection with the sword they're using, as if it's an extension of their own body. As it can help bring out the maximum power of the swordsman. And so, Feng Qin searched for that connection.

He noticed a curved sword, its blade exposed for the world to see, with a brown handle and a golden pommel, and circular guard. It gave off a strange, malevolent feeling.

'Don't tell me this sword is curse or something...' He inwardly joke, his gaze leaving it be. It was powerful, extremely so, but it was too powerful for him to use at the moment.

It was unfortunate, it was the perfect sword type for him to use as well.

"Damn, old man. I gotta say, I was doubtful of the claims they say about you. But now... You make pretty good weapons, no that's just an insult if I call them that. They're masterpieces." Feng Qin clicked his tongue, looking entirely impressed with the assortment of weapons on display around him.

Xiu Ye scoffed and shook his head. "Masterpieces my ass, they're just failures. Even the ones in the back."

Feng Qin's eyes went wide as he turned to him. "F-Failures?? And there's even more?! Old man, are you sick or something? To call these failures..."

Xiu Ye let out a heavy sigh, looking irritated.

"Look, you want a sword or not? And as I observed, it looks like you didn't manage to get any connection with any of the weapons here. Well, except for that one." He pointedly stared at the sword Feng Qin had been interested in.

Feng Qin stared back at the sword, shook his head, and said, "It's too powerful for me to handle right now. I get the feeling it'll cut me apart the moment I touch it."

Xiu Ye nodded approvingly, smirking. "Looks like you aren't like most people who come to me, thinking they can handle any weapon. You're wise, boy. For someone your age that is."

The blacksmith studied him for a moment before nodding. "Very well. Follow me," he said, leading the way towards a back room.

Inside, there were even more various weapons on display. Swords, axes, hammers, and even exotic weapons like boomerangs and chakrams.

What's more, they were releasing more powerful auras than the ones in front except for the demonic sword.

Xiu Ye gestured for Feng Qin to take a look. "Well, found one suitable for you?"

Feng Qin inspected the weapons, but none of them caught his eye, and that they weren't in his price range. For so-called "failures", they were expensive as all hell! 80,000 spirit gold coins on that little dagger?! C'mon! "I want one made." he said firmly.

Xiu Ye tilted his head, looking straight at his eyes. And said, "You don't have enough money to buy any of these."




Xiu Ye grumbled and said. "Let me see your hands boy."

"Why?" Feng Qin cautiously asked. Afraid that the old man would start getting violent because he couldn't pay. He wasn't afraid of Xiu Ye, but afraid that he would hurt the old man.

"Because I need to see what your dominant hand is, to create a sword that suits you best." Xiu Ye replied with a huff.

Feng Qin held out his hands, and Xiu Ye inspected them closely. His face changed for a moment but still, he nodded his head.

"Alright, I can work with this," Xiu Ye muttered as he went to grab a metal ore to start "... What's your budget?"

"3,000 spirit gold coins."

Xiu Ye's face scrunched up, as if he sucked on a lemon. "This better not be a joke, boy." he said out loud, looking extremely ferocious and in the next moment, several bright colors rose up under his feet. The room temperature started to rise, and his aura filled the entire room like a furnace.

'Holy fuck!' Feng Qin's eyes bulged out in shock, cold sweat pouring out. Even with his fire resistance he gained by getting a Fire Core, he was struggling, and that was just pressure coming out of Xiu Ye's body!

Yellow, yellow, purple, purple, black, black, black, and black optimal spirit rings hovered around Xiu Ye's body. A wooden cane appeared in his hand.

He could feel the enormous spirit power emitting from the blacksmith's body, it was far more suppressive and overwhelming than both the Bloodfyre Wyvern and the Blazing Demon Lion King combined!

'A Spirit Douluo, one that isn't just any ordinary one judging by his age and quality of spirit rings, working as a blacksmith...? Truly, this world is full of surprises.' Feng Qin weakly grinned. Feeling a burning sensation in his chest appear, not noticing the marks on his hand and on his back glowing in response to the pressure and emotions he was feeling.

This kind of feeling... This is it. This is what I've been dreaming of! One day, I'll get to this same level of power! Just you all wait!

Xiu Ye turned to him with a serious expression, "Listen, boy. I'll agree to make you a sword with that budget, but don't expect it to be at the same level as the ones around me. It'll be a decent sword, nothing more. And I won't take any more than 3,000 spirit gold coins, or else you won't like what I'll do to you." The threat was clear in his words.

Feng Qin nodded, feeling grateful. He knew he couldn't afford a masterful sword yet, but at least he'll have a decent one to start with.

Xiu Ye turned around, his spirit and spirit rings dissipated, and said, "It'll take a few hours to complete your weapon. So if you've got something better to do, then best get out of here. I don't want any distractions."

Feng Qin nodded and left the workshop, feeling satisfied with his transaction. He had managed to find a Divine Craftsman level blacksmith and had made a deal for a sword within his budget.

As he walked away from Xiu Ye's workshop, he couldn't help but feel excited about the prospect of having his own personal sword. It was a small step towards his goal of becoming a powerful Spirit Master, but it was a step nonetheless.

He couldn't wait to see what kind of sword Xiu Ye would create for him.


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Got a new story uploaded, although it's just one chapter still, the story is called: Shut-In Cultivator. Go check it out if you're interested.
