
Prologue - God

Opening my eyes, I found myself floating in a black world. I wasn't falling or moving but I couldn't sense any ground. Looking around I saw a man. He seemed to be 30 years old, had curly black hair that fell to his shoulders, he was glancing analytically his surrounding with his strong brown eyes,. When his eyes landed in me, he stopped and frowned.

"...!" I tried to say something, but no words left my mouth, I was unable to make any sound. Suddenly, something resembling a ghost appeared in front of us. It was a giant over 5 meters, he seemed a little blurred being difficult to see him. The only that was clearly seen was a kind of instrument in his hands that I think was a lute and his red eyes that exuded power. As his eyes fell over me, a shiver crossed all my body, making me a cold sweat.

"You're dead" he stated with a powerful voice that rebounded in all the world "I am Gandharva, one of the three Deathgods."

(Could it be that this is some isekai novel cliche where I go to another world with some cheat. I killed a serial killer so it can be possible) I thought excited with the prospect of following the route of a lot of novels that I read.

"What's Death for you?" Gandharva asked.

"Sadness, the end of life" I answered involuntarily like some strange power was forcing me to talk.

"Art. The apex of beauty" The black-haired man answered.

Gandharva nodded "As I thought you have potential. I am the Deathgod of Music and Art. While Asura follows the efficient killing and Rakshasa goes for the madly killing spree. I pursuit the ultimate beauty of it, choosing quality over quantity, as only in death people show their true and most beautiful self" Gandharva said looking at the black-haired man "Marcolo, I invoked you here, to be my successor. I followed your art and I think that it perfectly expresses my view, making you worthy of being my successor."

(WTF! That man was the crazy bastard that killed me! And what the fuck is my role in all of this?!)

Gandharva turned to me "Both of you died by each other hand, making both of your souls interlaced. As I invoked his soul you were dragged here with him" Gandharva made a thoughtful expression "It's a little unpredicted, but could it be a little more interesting."

He turned towards Marcolo "I planned you to reincarnated you into a world where you will be able to win the qualifications to receive my position. If I am not wrong in your world there a novel that related to it, Douluo Dalu if I'm not wrong. Of course, this casualty is about the fissure between the worlds and a lot of shit that there's no need to explain." He turned again towards me "As we have another player, let's make it a game."

Two red hands formed in front of him. He joined both hands and over them, a red orb appeared "This is a part of my power and what can qualify you as an inheritor" his hands separated, the orb dividing in two, one at each hand "Take it!" One of the orbs was shot toward me, it pierced over my heart and disappeared. The other one did the same to Marcolo.

"This will be the game. I will reincarnate you both to the Douluo Dalu world with all your memories intact, there you should become stronger, my power would make it sure for you to be able to achieve the summit if you work hard enough. To finally achieve my position you should kill the other" He explained

"Of course, if some of you die, the other would be able to absorb my power from his corpse," He said looking at me. "Don't try hiding between of you, passed some time you will be able to detect the other and you will instantly recognize the other when you saw each other"

Without waiting for our answer, he clapped his hands "Good luck. I expect something beautiful from you" He said looking at Marcolo.

Marcolo started disappearing while wearing a grin in his face "I will expand my art."

"One last thing. If you destroy Asura or Rakshasa's divinity, I will reward you for bothering those fuckers" Gandharva said, Marcolo disappearing completely

I also started disappearing. Gandharva looked down at me "I don't expect anything from a normal human like you. But, try to not die and make it more interesting".

(Fuker!) I shouted angry while disappearing, blackness covering my view.


Pain. Pain was all that I could sense. An excruciating pain all over my body, a body that I wasn't able to even move as I wanted. I could barely open my eyes, only to see burred images, unable to distinguish anything.

"Wawawa" Baby cries left my mouth, making me realize that I was reincarnated as a baby, for the pain and impotence, it might be my birth.

I could sense me being moved over different people. Finally, someone lifted me, I could focus my sight, seeing a strand of silver hair "My first son. Good job" "How it would be named?" someone asked. "Qinghe. Xue Qinghe".