
Douluo Dalu: Bibi Dong is my Martial Soul

(Smuts) - CH 58: Bibi Dong (handjob) CH 72: Bibi Dong (first sex) -------------------------- (A/N: This book isn't a copy, it's just that I've transferred it from my second account, That_One_Alive_Ali, to this account.) What happens when someone dies, is it the end? Do they just cease to exist? Do they end up in heaven or hell? Do they get reincarnated? Or does something else happen? Well, for our protagonist, a just-barely-out-of-his-teens young man named Ali Lightborne, or Ali Ashborne, it's the third option! When he died in his world of nothing but ordinariness, a R.O.B casually picks someone up, and it happened to be him! Not a simple Random Omnipotent Being though. But a Random Omniversal Being! A being of absolute transcendence! One of his wishes was to have his soul be separated into as many pieces he wanted, and sent to different universes, with their own wishes! And this Ali, wished to be reincarnated in Douluo Dalu 1 (Anime) and for the R.O.B, who he called Crow because he was a crow version of Alien X, to make his life interesting as hell! There will definitely be smut, and it will start with S in the chapter title

That_One_Dead_Ali · Cómic
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87 Chs

CH 8: Crow?

"Geez, calm down, lady." The new figure sighed as Bibi Dong's fist passed right through his head without dealing any damage :"Have you forgotten that you don't have a physical body at the moment? Calm down, alright? I'm not hostile."

Just as Bibi Dong was shocked to realize that the figure could actually see her, Ah Li suddenly exclaimed in surprise :"Crow?!" Yes, that's correct. The new figure was actually Crow, the Omniversal Being who granted Ali's wishes. But at the moment, he was a galaxy themed crow.

Instead, he was a tall man with neither a bulky or lean figure, with black pants, black shirt and a hooded black jacket. While the hood covered his head, black hair and half of his face, a mysterious blue light could be seen gently lit up at where his eyes were supposed to be. The problem was, there were four blue lights. After all, Crow had four eyes while in his real form, and seemed to like to have that feature while in a human form.

Ah Li wasn't surprised by his appearance, but at the same time, he was a little. Crow had told him that he'll probably come and visit him from time to time. Just to chat and see each other. But that was from time to time, and he was actually surprised that he came to see him so soon. After all, from time to time for Ah Li is something like between a few weeks or months.

But for Crow, an Omniversal Being, who had lived longer than all the Multiverses, Ah Li figured that his "from time to time" would probably equal to a few billions, trillions or who knows how many years. However, that same old bastard came to see him just a few hours after reincarnating this soul piece.

"What's up?" Crow gave an upward nod with a smirk. Bibi Dong, still alarmed by the newly arrived individual, kept her beautiful eyes on her as she asked Ah Li :"Ah Li, do you know this guy?"

"Uhh, yeah, I do. He's someone who randomly shows up from time to time to talk to me. Don't worry, he's actually a good guy!"" Ah Li answered truthfully. He didn't lie, he just kept the fact that this guy was an Omniversal Being who could wipe out all of the Multiverses in the Omniverse with but a simple thought. And not just him, but every Omniversal Being.

However, even with Ah Li's words, Bibi Dong was still vigilant in front of the new guy, not taking her eyes off of the guy who had half of his face covered and was definitely extremely strong, or extremely weird. Seeing it and not seeing any problems with it, Crow just shrugged :"Well, whatever. But seriously, don't worry. I'm not here to fight or harm. I'm here with a gift and a way to help."

Without wasting a single more second, he flipped his hand and a book appeared in his hand. The book wasn't modern, but looked just like any other book in Ah Li's current world. Extending his hand, he handed over the book to Ah Li with a small smile :"I'm sure you'll like it."

When he took the book and looked at the name, Spider-Fu Martial Arts, he was immediately shocked :"This... Is this..." He didn't know much about martial arts in his past life, but if there was one martial art that he knew of, it was the martial arts of his favorite superhero, Spider-Man!

The same one who'd get done dirty by those bastard authors whenever he would show up. Ah Li was honestly hoping that this was the same martial arts as Spider-Man's, because that was a martial art developed with the help of Shang Chi, the greatest martial artist in Marvel!

The only drawback of this martial art was probably the fact that Spider-Man was one of the only people who could use it. Because it was developed specifically for his superpowers, Spider Physiology and Spider-Sense. However, Ah Li knew that if this was the same martial arts, he wouldn't have a single problem. The reason being simple. His Abyssal Centipede's two Innate Abilities, Predator Instinct and Prey Instinct.

Prey Instinct, when Ah Li checked his Martial Soul's abilities, which would naturally instinctively be known to the Soul Master, he found out that it was a fancy way to call the Spider-Sense! Both of them were survival abilities that would act up when the user was in danger.

So with this Innate Ability along with his Predator Instinct, he knew that it wouldn't be a problem at all to learn that martial arts! Especially with the help of Bibi Dong. After all, Soul Masters obviously weren't skilled in just using Martial Souls and Soul Skills to fight. Since basically all Soul Masters except Auxiliary System and Food System Soul Masters would fight in close combat, of course they would need to train in fighting as well. Even Control System Soul Masters weren't exceptions.

So Bibi Dong, who was a Soul Master with Twin Martial Souls, one of the Control System and one of the Power Attack System, would obviously be a master in close combat. So with her help, he knew that learning this martial art would be no problem.

When Bibi Dong heard the surprise in his voice as he looked at the content of the book, she also glanced at the book when seeing that the stranger wasn't doing anything. After a moment of surprise when she looked at the book, she turned to look at the said stranger who gave Ah Li this martial art.

But the moment she did, she found that Crow was no longer in the room, shocking her even further. But it wasn't a pleasant one. The other party didn't seem to be hostile since he didn't attack Ah Li and the kid seemed to have known him for a long time. But the fact that he could not only see her, but come and go without her even noticing, still alarmed her greatly.

After all, she knew that nobody without a Divine Consciousness, which would be attainable when reaching godhood or at least Lv 99 Limit Douluo, would be able to see her. So that only meant that the person just now was either a Lv 100 God, a Lv 99 Limit Douluo, or just an extremely weird person.

Sweeping the area with her Spiritual Consciousness, Bibi Dong could only sigh when she wasn't able to find even a single clue as to where the mysterious went. Since he was gone, Bibi Dong turned to Ah Li who was looking through the book with an amazed expression :"Ah Li, who was that guy just now?"

"Huh? Oh, I don't really know." Ah Li shrugged after Looking up at the gorgeous goddess and smiled :"All I know is that his name is Crow, or at least what he goes by, and that he's very weird. You saw it just now. He just comes and goes out of nowhere. But hey, he's a good guy who comes to visit and spend time with me. There aren't really people who do that."

To be fair, he wasn't lying. Ali just suddenly met Crow out of nowhere, and then began making wishes, leaving honestly no time for them to get to know each other. He didn't even know if they were considered friends or not. But he hoped they were. Not because of Crow being an Omniversal Being though. But because Crow was the only person who knew him before he got reincarnated. If he could, Ali hoped that they could be friends, so he could say that he had at least one close person from his past life. A person who could still remember him.

Thinking about it, Ah Li looked a bit sad. After all, for the sake of the people he held dear not suffering, and for him to truly let go of his past, he had wished for everybody that he knew, his family, parents, siblings, friends, lovers, to completely forget about him along with the entire world. But still, just the thought of losing the few people who he cared about and not being able to see them was saddening.

Them not even knowing him now was even more heartbreaking.

After all, he didn't have that many people who he cared for. With the amount of fucked up shit he had experienced in his somewhat short life, he had difficulty getting too close with people. He tried. He did. He tried to find close people many, many times. But well, it just never seemed to work out well. So those people that he did cherish, he wasn't willing to see, or even think of them suffering.

So instead, he decided to be the only one sad about his own death. Even if sad, he was still somewhat happy and proud of his decision. After all, even if I die, let them at least not suffer for me who is already gone.

Looking at his sad expression, Bibi Dong misunderstood though. Ah Li was still a child in the eyes of everybody else. So seeing him being sad, Bibi Dong thought that it was brought up because of loneliness. Just a child of not even 10 years old, what could be expected. After all, who would even think of him actually being a young man who got reincarnated?

Deciding to change the subject so her new, little partner wouldn't be sad anymore, Bibi Dong came to his side and looked at the open book :"Well, whatever. As long as he doesn't want to harm you, all is good. But how about we look at the book, hm?"

Seeing that she succeeded and Ah Li immediately smiled, a small smile also formed on her lips as Ah Li nodded excitedly :"Okay! Well, let's see what Crow gave us..."

As they both sat on the bed, one small and adorable with his legs dangling on the edge of the bed, and one extremely gorgeous but with an Illusionary body, they both started to look through the book as Ah Li would flip through the pages.

"Hmm... This fighting method and martial art is really something." Bibi Dong hummed calmly with her hand under her chin :"It makes perfect use of the changes to the body brought by possessing the Martial Soul. If a Soul Master with a spider Martial Soul can learn this, he'll win big time. And even though your Martial Soul isn't a spider, it can still work."

"Um um! I'll definitely work hard to learn this fighting method." Ah Li nodded firmly with an adorable serious face that made Bibi Dong smile :"That's good to hear. And don't worry, since I'm your Martial Soul and need us both to grow stronger, I'll definitely help you as well. With my help, learning and mastering this martial art will be a lot easier."

"Um! Then happy to be working with you!" Ah Li smiled happily and stretched out his hand for a handshake. Seeing it, Bibi Dong couldn't help but chuckle and shake her head in amusement :"Little guy, don't you already know that I don't have a body and can't touch anything?" But even if she said that, she still raised her hand to shake hands with him :"But still, just so you won't be sa-"

However, the next second, her expression and face froze when she actually grabbed his hand. No way, she didn't expect to be able to touch him when she couldn't even feel anything else. Even now, sitting on the bed, she was actually just floating while looking like she was sitting.

Ah Li was a little surprised too, but he didn't care. Maybe it was because she was his Martial Soul or something. But in the end, it doesn't even matter. After all, he was the one winning, since that meant many, MANY things were possible to do in the future. So he just shook her delicate and beautiful hand with his small and soft hand :"Let's work hard together and get stronger together!"

Seeing his happy and excited face, Bibi Dong decided to not bother with it at the moment either. She just chuckled in amusement as she shook his hand up and down with a small smile :"Let's."