
Douluo Dalu: Bibi Dong is my Martial Soul

(Smuts) - CH 58: Bibi Dong (handjob) CH 72: Bibi Dong (first sex) -------------------------- (A/N: This book isn't a copy, it's just that I've transferred it from my second account, That_One_Alive_Ali, to this account.) What happens when someone dies, is it the end? Do they just cease to exist? Do they end up in heaven or hell? Do they get reincarnated? Or does something else happen? Well, for our protagonist, a just-barely-out-of-his-teens young man named Ali Lightborne, or Ali Ashborne, it's the third option! When he died in his world of nothing but ordinariness, a R.O.B casually picks someone up, and it happened to be him! Not a simple Random Omnipotent Being though. But a Random Omniversal Being! A being of absolute transcendence! One of his wishes was to have his soul be separated into as many pieces he wanted, and sent to different universes, with their own wishes! And this Ali, wished to be reincarnated in Douluo Dalu 1 (Anime) and for the R.O.B, who he called Crow because he was a crow version of Alien X, to make his life interesting as hell! There will definitely be smut, and it will start with S in the chapter title

That_One_Dead_Ali · Cómic
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87 Chs

CH 23: 3 years later

(A/N: For those who have forgotten what the Orbs are, let me explain a little. They're attributes, that's it. Absorbed attributes of the ones who Ah Li has killed. There are 4 of them, Physical Power Orb, Soul Power Orb, Spiritual Power Orb and Poison Orb. So basically, last chapter, Ah Li got the 4 attributes of a 200,000-year Soul Beast.)


- (3 years later, Tian Dou Empire, Balak Kingdom, Suo Tuo City)

In the roads of one of the two major cities of the Balak Kingdom, the most powerful in military power, a teenager was walking leisurely. Although carefree and seeming to be ignoring the world around him, he could easily notice the gazes of the people around him. The amazed and lustful gazes of the women, and the jealous looks of the men.

In the past three years, Ah Li had grown even more. He had completely hit his growth spurt. Not only had he grown to somewhere around 179 cm (5'9) to 180 cm (5'11), his muscles had also begun to develop at an amazing speed. His huge muscles looked like they could crush someone's head under them.

His hair was the same as ever. Not short, but not too long either. Just long enough to barely reach his shoulder from the back, to reach his chin from the front, and enough to make a small ponytail. The jet black color of his hair did attract attention though. And as usual, it was pulled back to not tickle his face.

But what had changed the most was his face. After three years, his face had also completely begun to develop. And develop it did. His features had grown so handsome that everybody would take a few looks when they saw him. Women or men, it didn't matter. They were all amazed by his looks.

His sword-like eyebrows, cat-like crimson eyes that could steal the soul away, straight nose, healthy lips, and the jawline gifted by Jesus himself charmed many women. There were also a few men. But Ah Li didn't mind. Why would he complain about having looks that amazed even though of the same gender?

Though he did try to ignore the ones who checked out his ass. His Nightwing class ass. Along with his muscles, he had also gained a mesmerizing cake! Would make you wonder who would win in votes of who has the best cake, Nightwing, Spider-Man, or Ah Li. He had such a cake that some women, after being mesmerized by his looks, would look at his cushion with jealousy!

He got that cushion for the pushin.

The fact that he didn't wear clothes to hide his upper body didn't help with the unintentional seduction either. He was wearing a pair of black jeans and a black, armless trenchcoat that even had a hoodie. He always liked trenchcoats. He had his slightly zipped up though, causing his bare and jacked chest to be revealed to the world. (Image:)

"Huff, we're finally here..." He murmured to himself and one of his two partners, Bibi Dong. The gorgeous goddess of a milf who was comfortably sitting on his shoulder. Nightmare would also come out from time to time, but he mostly liked to relax and sleep in Ah Li's Spiritual Sea.

According to him, Centipede-type Soul Beasts are mostly solitary and prefer to have quiet lives. That's why Centipede-type Soul Beasts are regarded as rare. But in fact, they're not, and just like to live in hiding. Even after living in a tunnel for centuries, he was barely bored.

True introverts. His Martial Soul really suited him.

"Hahahaha, why, are you tired?" Bibi Dong chuckled while sitting on his shoulder. She had learned the trick of making herself small from Nightmare. Now, instead of just floating around randomly or living inside of Ah Li's Spiritual Sea with absolutely nothing to do, she would mostly just sit on his shoulder and accompany him.

Better than doing nothing inside of her Rakshasa Domain. Back when she was alive, she could at least cultivate there. Now, she can do nothing but look at the walls. Which weren't pretty either, so that was a minus too.

"(Nah, just bored. We haven't done anything but stay on the road these few days.)" He replied as Bibi Dong mused :"Well, you could always use your Physical Power Orb to shorten the time a lot, you know? You would have reached here in a few hours at most. You were the one who insisted on coming here at your normal speed, so don't complain."

(So I watch the anime while writing, right? And good lord, Xiao Wu's design was dog shit before they changed it! Her face looks more like a man's than Tang San's lol 🤣.)

"(I'm not complaining...)" He groaned :"(I'm just a little bored. Also, if I got here a few days ago, what would I do anyway? There's nothing to do here. But oh well, you're right, Sister Goddess. I'll stop complaining.)"

"Good boy." She gave a small smile :"But for now, we should look for a hotel to stay in. Since it's the registration period for schools, there will definitely be a lot of students who will come here from other smaller cities. You should find a place to stay in before every place gets taken."

"(Um, you're right. Let's do that.)" He gave a gentle nod. But as he was looking around, Bibi Dong called out to him in amusement :"Hey. Hey, Li'er (an even closer term than Xiao), look at there." With curiosity, he looked at where she was pointing. And upon seeing who she was pointing at, a smirk immediately appeared on his handsome face, causing a few of the women who were looking at him to get light headed from too much seduction :"(Well well well, things just got interesting. I feel like there's going to be drama, and I'm all in for it! Let's follow em! Can also fuck with them if the situation is right.)"

And so, Ah Li with Bibi Dong on his shoulder, started following Tang San and Xiao Wu in the distance. He didn't act suspicious though. Just walked normally from a distance. With how proficient he had gotten in hiding thanks to his Instincts, there was no way that either of them could find him. In the end, just like in the original, the two of them walked towards the Rose Hotel where Dai Mubai made his appearance for the first time.

"One room please/Trouble you to give us two rooms, please." Just when Tang San got to the receptionist desk and asked for a room, Ah Li suddenly appeared beside them out of nowhere. Shocked by the presence that he had failed to notice, Tang San quickly turned to see who it was. And when he saw Ah Li, he immediately frowned with a gloomy face :"Ah Li... What are you doing here?"

"Trying to take over the world. What do you think, dumbass?" The jet black haired boy immediately rolled his eyes. Sarcasm and ridicule unhidden in his voice while looking at the thinner and slightly shorter boy, causing his face to twitch in anger. Anger that he tried desperately to hold back.

Something that Xiao Wu didn't bother to do. With an enraged appearance, she pointed at Ah Li angrily :"What's your problem, Ah Li?! And why are you here anyway?! Are you stalking us or something?! Go away, you bastard-"

Just as she was running her mouth, Ah Li glanced at her calmly, but the dangerous glint that threatened to tear her to shreds could clearly be seen :"You wanna continue running that hole, bitch?"

Faced with his threat, the bad memories of getting beaten up by him without mercy immediately resurfaced. Causing her to step back in fright as Tang San got in front of her. With a gloomy and angry face, he glared at Ah Li :"Ah Li, stop that."

"Make me, bud." Was the only reply as the red eyed boy looked down at him menacingly. But a moment later, Ah Li just scoffed and turned to the receptionist guy, who was standing there awkwardly, and leaned on the desk :"Sorry about that, but can you book me a room already?"

"Uh, yes! Of course! Just give me a moment!" The receptionist quickly nodded. But when he checked the book, an awkward expression appeared on his face :"I'm sorry, sir, but there's only one free room remaining. This..."

"Well, I'll take that then. What, am I supposed to book multiple rooms?" He raised a sarcastic eyebrow, but he knew what the receptionist meant. After all, Tang San and Xiao Wu were also there to book a room.

"Hmph, are you blind?! Obviously, we were here first, so we'll be the ones to take that room!" Xiao Wu immediately got angry again :"Xiao San, let's quickly pay up and go to our room!" Causing Ah Li to roll his eyes and sigh. But just as he was about to make a comeback, another voice interrupted :"Say, this room should belong to me, right?"

Glancing over his shoulder to look at the new player, Ah Li saw a handsome teenager, older than him, holding a girl in each arm. He was very handsome, with golden hair that reached his broad shoulders and went a little lower. He was wearing white and fashionable clothes that resembled a suit. The shirt under didn't look like a shirt though.

Although he was very handsome, enough to charm twins, he was still nowhere near Ah Li's level. After all, at the moment, even Tang San after awakening his Blue Silver Empress Martial Soul would pale in comparison to Ah Li's handsomeness.

Even the newcomer, Dai Mubai, was shocked when he caught a glimpse of Ah Li's face. So were the twins in his arms. None of them had seen such a handsome man in their lives. Even Dai Mubai, being royalty, had never seen someone who could compare to Ah Li.

However, after the feeling of amazement passed, dissatisfaction of someone more handsome than him appeared in his heart. Hugging the twins and pulling them towards them by the waist to pull their attention towards himself, he scoffed and calmly walked towards the desk.

"Tsk, look at this playboy." Looking at the blond who was hugging twins at the same time, Bibi Dong snorted. Rolling her eyes in dissatisfaction, she looked at Ah Li sharply :"Li'er, you should learn to not become like him, understood?"

'Sorry, can't promise.' Ah Li curled his lips, but still agreed on the surface to not anger her :"(Okay, okay, Sister Goddess. I understand.)" Ah Li only spared Dai Mubai a glance before looking forward again. When the blond reached the desk, Tang San and Xiao Wu stepped aside, but Ah Li stood right where he was, looking at the receptionist :"Sir, can you book me the room already?"

"Hey, didn't you hear me?" Dai Mubai said in annoyance :"I said that room belongs to me." Putting his hand on Ah Li's shoulder, he tried to push him away forcibly. But much to his shock, Ah Li didn't even budge. Turning to look back, he glanced at Dai Mubai with an annoyed face :"First come, first serve. Ever heard of that, bud?"

"Huh? Do I look like I care, punk? Since I said that this room belongs to me, then it belongs to me." Dai Mubai snorted arrogantly before turning to the receptionist :"Hey, are you new?"

"You are..." The receptionist obviously didn't know him. Hearing his answer, Dai Mubai glared and slammed his hand on the desk, using the chance to put away the awkwardness of having his hand on Ah Li's shoulder :"I want to see your manager!"

'A wild Karen has appeared!' Was Ah Li's first thought. Holding back his laughter, he didn't even care about how Dai Mubai talked to him just now. With a worried look, the receptionist immediately nodded and rushed to the staff room.

"Don't think calling over the manager will change anything. I came here first." Ah Li cracked his neck, but Tang San also spoke up with a glare :"No, I think we came first." However, Dai Mubai didn't care about either of them :"So what?"

"Nothing." The red eyed boy chuckled darkly :"I just want you, along with your girls, and with those two idiots, to fuck off. Otherwise, don't blame me for getting a bit rough."

(A/N: Ah Li won't stay in Shrek. It's just for a little while so Dugu Yan won't notice Tang San, and so that Ah Li will get the Eight Spider Lances External Bones. By the way, is "retard" some kind of a forbidden word now? Like the n word? I mean as in actuality and not just because some bitches are too sensitive and make everything forbidden and shit.)