
Douluo Dalu 3: The Alpha and The Omega

"Aria perhaps Death is the only redemption i could have".... ___________________________________________________________________________________ A boy who became a shadow of his former life was reincarnated in Douluo universe of legend of the dragon king timeline with Legacy of Vergil from Devil may cry and an assistant which was born out of coincidence .This is the his journey to become "The Alpha and The Omega" but unknown to him he isn't the only one who was reincarnated.. __________ This is my first time writing a novel ,I will try to complete this novel because i always felt uncomfortable when some novels are left for Hiatus. Do give me reviews and suggestion to improve the novel i am not gonna make main character very op from start and he won't become like Vergil from very start. So, Please bear with it and if you don't like it that way sorry not for you. _____________ PS:I own nothing besides the storyline and protagonist i guess because Devil may cry own Vergil. Hope you like the story :)

Nero_schizoid · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
90 Chs

Revelations, closeness and Class Battle

A few minutes later, Yuanen Yehui's tears had subsided, and she released her hold on Nero's waist. Just as Nero was about to withdraw his hand from her back, her hushed voice made a request: "Don't let go." If it weren't for Nero's keen hearing, her words might have easily gone unnoticed. Nero obliged, continuing to rub her back gently to provide comfort.

After gathering her emotions, Yuanen Yehui affirmed, her voice carrying a resolute tone, "I agree." She continued in a solemn manner, "I, Yuanen Yehui, under the watchful gaze of the heavens and with a sincere heart, make this solemn oath. I swear to place my unwavering trust in Nero, and if I were ever to entertain thoughts of betraying him, then may Heaven's thunder obliterate my martial soul." Before Nero could even react, she had pledged her oath to the heavens. "What are you doing?" Nero exclaimed in alarm. He swiftly unsheathed Yamato, severing the connection of the oath before it could establish a link to the world's will.

" Are you even aware of what could have happened? " Nero spoke with a hint of anger, his grip on Yuanen Yehui's shoulders firm. He was very well aware that Tang Hao currently held the position of Planar Lord and World's Will. If Yuanen Yehui's oath had connected, it could have potentially granted him the means to interfere with her life, something he wouldn't typically be able to do. Nero recognized the gravity of the situation that once Tang Hao realizes that he pose a threat to Tang San's plan, he wouldn't hesitate to exploit Yuanen Yehui.

"I was simply fulfilling the oath as I promised," Yuanen Yehui stated, genuinely puzzled by Nero's anger. Nero took a deep breath and then replied, "Do you even know who currently holds the position of Planar Lord?" Yuanen Yehui was becoming increasingly perplexed and asked, "What do you mean?"

[Nero, you should tell her everything related to this. Although her oath didn't connect to Tang Hao, the oath is now valid, and she trusts you completely ] Aria's advice weighed on Nero, prompting a sigh. He did want Yuanen Yehui as an ally, but he didn't wanted to tell her everything now as this would just put more pressure on her. Nero settled down beside her and began narrating his story, starting from his origins, the core seed, Tang Hao, Aria, and every detail in between. { If someone wants more feeling than read while listening to Thread Ring by Hong Dae Sung }

As Nero concluded his comprehensive explanation, a sudden embrace enveloped him, and he found himself immersed in a warm, comforting sensation. Yuanen Yehui's fingers delicately ran through his hair, an unexpected gesture that left him utterly surprised. He had anticipated questions or perhaps even anger from her for involving her in this intricate web of problems. Yet, what unfolded was quite different.

"It must have been incredibly difficult," Yuanen Yehui finally spoke, breaking the silence. Without waiting for Nero to respond, she continued, "I've often wondered what I did to deserve the life I've had, but when I look at you, I realize I was just a coward. From the moment you were born, you've shouldered immense pressure and responsibilities, knowing that numerous enemies awaited you. Yet, you continued to forward without blaming your fate, even though you never chose such a life. It's astonishing how you don't harbor hostility toward your teammates, even when you understand that they might one day become your enemies. Nero, even though we've only met yesterday, I can confidently say that it's my greatest blessing that someone like you chose to place your trust in me. " her voice contained a softness that soothed Nero's heart.

' It's not so bad ' Nero thought as he closed his eyes and enjoyed the comforting feeling and cherished the peacefulness of the moment. Aria, who had been quietly observing the two, felt a sense of relief wash over her. She knew that while Nero had overcome his self-blame, he still carried the weight of the challenges he and Ren would inevitably face. Nero didn't want Ren to shoulder most of the burden and wanted him to live his life in enjoyment but in doing that Nero never cared about himself.

Aria was well aware that Nero's only motive was to safeguard his loved ones' safety and happiness. She knew that advising him to prioritize his own well-being would be a futile attempt. As she observed the unfolding events, she couldn't help but think, [The red thread of fate certainly works in mysterious ways.] Unbeknownst to the naked eye, a red thread connected Nero's and Yuanen Yehui's fingers, symbolizing the bond that had formed between them.

{ To those who think that Nero and Yuanen Yehui are only 13,14. Now, as far as I know in Douluo continent due to spirit energy you become like 17 both physically and mentally at the age of 12. So, No FBI open up }


Nero slowly opened his eyes, greeted by a captivating fragrance that lingered in the air. As he looked around, he realized he was in Yuanen Yehui's bed. A voice broke the stillness, "Ah, you're awake." Nero turned his gaze towards the door, where Yuanen Yehui stood, holding two plates of food.

"I went to fetch food for us," she explained as she settled down on the bed. Placing the plates between them, she continued, "I talked to Aria while you were asleep. It was a little strange at first, but we quickly got to know each other. she told me you came straight back from classes. So, you must be hungry."

"You could have woken me up," Nero remarked, to which Yuanen Yehui responded with a sweet smile on her face. "How could I? You were sleeping so peacefully," she said, her smile having an enchanting effect on Nero, momentarily entrancing him. "Nero, Nero," Yehui's voice brought him back to reality. "Why aren't you eating?" Hearing her question, Nero nodded and began to eat his meal.

Aria's voice resonated in Yehui's mind with a mischievous suggestion, [Should I tell Nero how he was sleeping so peacefully in your lap, while you brushed his hair with your fingers?] Yehui blushed remembering the memory and inwardly requested, 'Please don't,' which made Aria chuckle.

In this shared moment of vulnerability and growing understanding, Nero and Yehui were unwittingly forged a deeper connection, shaping their destinies in unison.


The next day, Nero headed towards his class, his mind preoccupied with thoughts of the upcoming class representative battle. 'It's going to be interesting,' he mused, well aware those geniuses in the class would likely set their sights on him since he was the first one assigned a seat.

"Today, we will be electing the class representatives," Shen Yi declared in Elder Cai's absence, with Wu Zhangkong standing silently beside her, his icy gaze sweeping across the entire class. However, a faint hint of pity flickered in his eyes. He was well aware that all these students would likely target Nero, who wouldn't show any mercy in return. As for winning, who could possibly defeat the monster who had consistently ranked number one in the Genius Youths Ranking alongside his brother?

"At Shrek, strength reigns supreme. We have already assessed your characters, so we don't care who becomes a class representative," Shen Yi continued. "A class battle will be held, and the ultimate victor will become the class president. Those who exhibit exceptional talent will fill the other positions. In total, there are seven representatives: one class president, two vice-presidents, and a council consisting of four secondary professions."

"Don't underestimate the role of a class representative. Each one will be responsible for different aspects of the class and will receive bonus contribution points," Shen Yi explained further. "The president will receive one thousand contribution points monthly, the vice-presidents six hundred each, and the members of the profession council will get five hundred each. If a representative becomes a battle armor master by the age of twenty-five, they will automatically be admitted to the inner court upon graduation and can take the graduation exam at any time they choose. Remember, you must graduate from the inner court by the time you turn thirty-five, or you won't be considered a true member of Shrek. Today, we'll fill these seven positions. "

After assigning Tang Wulin the blacksmith representative position like the original timeline and explaining the rules, Shen Yi let everyone form groups. " Nero, Are you gonna for a group? " Tang wulin who came near Nero with others asked. " No, You guys can do your strategies. Eliminate those who you can when you are inside the test. As for rest, Just use my name to provoke them and make them all gather towards my position " hearing Nero's words Tang Wulin was stunned for a moment and then nodded with a smile.

After everyone had formed their groups, except for Nero, Shen Yi and Wu Zhangkong led all the first-grade students out of the classroom. They traversed a long hallway, delving deeper into the massive school building. The building itself was colossal, requiring several years to become fully acquainted with its intricate layout. Their journey led them to a vast circular room, peculiarly spacious enough to accommodate all the students yet not nearly large enough for them to engage in battle.

"In just a moment, all of you will enter an illusory world. I believe everyone here has experienced the spirit ascension platform before, so you can think of this world as something similar. Now, everyone move outside of the white circle on the floor," Shen Yi instructed. Following her orders, the students vacated the center of the room, creating a sizeable empty space.

Shen Yi approached a wall and manipulated a peculiar mechanism. A series of soul circuits illuminated in response, crisscrossing the room. A moment later, the floor at the center of the room opened up, releasing egg-shaped globes. Each globe stood at approximately 2.5 meters in height with a diameter of 1.2 meters. They all split open to reveal unique cockpits inside. Shen Yi turned around and made an announcement, "You may choose to enter whichever one you prefer. Upon entering, you will find yourselves within a forest. The boundaries of this forest are limited, so you will quickly come across each other. If you wish to be close to your companions, select eggs that are nearby. You have three minutes to finalize your decisions. Once inside your cabin, remember to fasten your seatbelts."

Nero chose a separate cabin and, after experiencing the familiar sensation, found himself within a lush forest. As he looked around, he couldn't spot anyone else due to the dense vegetation significantly limiting his line of sight. Nero unfolded his demon wings and began moving towards the center of the forest as he had instructed Wulin to direct all the students there.

On the other side of forest Yang Nanxia was explaining the Genius Youths Ranking alongside to Tang Wulin. " Big Brother, Who is the No. 1 in the ranking? " Tang Wulin asked Yang Nanxia who just introduced every student in the class present in the rankings.

"No. 1," Yang Nanxia replied with a wry smile before continuing, "It's held by two brothers, both of whom are considered undefeatable monsters. Nobody has ever seen their faces. I only know the title of one of them."

" What is it? Brother " Tang Wulin who was sure that the brothers were Nero and Ren asked.

" The Alpha and The Omega "


A selfish request, do give reviews as there still isn't a rating for the fanfic. 😋😋