
Douluo Dalu 3: The Alpha and The Omega

"Aria perhaps Death is the only redemption i could have".... ___________________________________________________________________________________ A boy who became a shadow of his former life was reincarnated in Douluo universe of legend of the dragon king timeline with Legacy of Vergil from Devil may cry and an assistant which was born out of coincidence .This is the his journey to become "The Alpha and The Omega" but unknown to him he isn't the only one who was reincarnated.. __________ This is my first time writing a novel ,I will try to complete this novel because i always felt uncomfortable when some novels are left for Hiatus. Do give me reviews and suggestion to improve the novel i am not gonna make main character very op from start and he won't become like Vergil from very start. So, Please bear with it and if you don't like it that way sorry not for you. _____________ PS:I own nothing besides the storyline and protagonist i guess because Devil may cry own Vergil. Hope you like the story :)

Nero_schizoid · Cómic
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90 Chs

Dragon God Conspiracy and Iblis's Power Part 1

Garden of Aurora's space Realm,

As Nero, Ren, and Aria, who was in her drone form, roamed around the garden, Nero  turned to Aria and asked, "Aria, after scanning those Dragon corpses, did you find out why Dragon God was able to host so many elemental laws and what his origin law was?" Nero had refrained from asking this question in front of Aurora, as it would be difficult to explain how they knew so much about the Dragon God.

Aria nodded and began her explanation, "The origin law of the Dragon God is evident from his name; his divine position was based on the Dragon species itself. Therefore, his primary power was actually the domination of the Dragon species and Dragon power. The reason he was stronger than the other five god-kings was because his powers magnified with the number of Dragons who became his followers. He surpassed his dragon peers in terms of bloodline probably because with his spirit power growth his bloodline due to his unique godhood also got evolved.  As for his elemental laws, I believe his elemental law's powers were magnified by Dragon power, which made it seem like he comprehended multiple origins."

Ren chimed in with a thoughtful expression, "But, How did he comprehend so many laws especially Creation and Destruction?"

"Most likely," Aria continued, "the presence of his subordinate Dragons provided him with a buff that included an enhancement to his comprehension abilities. This would explain how he managed to comprehend so many laws, including Creation and Destruction."

Nero halted his steps and contemplated for a moment before remarking, , "But then the question arises: Why would he recklessly wage a war against the human gods, especially when he knew that the human gods had the five God-kings on their side, each capable of posing a significant threat to him?" Ren, with an understanding nod, followed Nero's line of reasoning, "And surely Dragon God would have been aware that the God-kings wouldn't simply let soul beasts go. So, it implies that something crucial is missing from the entire equation, and that must have been the Dragon God's ultimate goal."

After a moment of silence, Nero let out a sigh. "Eh, forget it. We'll figure it out when the time comes. Right now, nothing super dangerous seems to be happening. Those mysterious guys, the Dragon God – they all have their own plans that won't happen anytime soon. And as for Tang San's ten-thousand-year plan, it's not an immediate problem. Tang San himself is stuck in that Black Hole, and Tang Wulin won't be much trouble unless he becomes a super strong God."

Ren raised an eyebrow, still curious. "What about Tang Hao? He's suppressing the world's real will, isn't he?"

Nero smiled and replied, " That isn't a difficult problem, I'll cut off his and his wife's connection to the world's power and the Eternal Tree using Yamato once I can temporarily break through to the God Rank with Sin Devil Trigger. That should keep the world's will and them in check until we reach God Rank ourselves."

Ren nonchalantly shrugged his shoulders and responded, "I'll just hang around in the Star Luo capital to provide support. You never know what kind of trouble you might stir up in the competition."

Nero retorted, "You think I'm an idiot like you?"

Ren grinned, saying, "Well, my dear brother, I won't comment on that, but I'm sure there's bound to be someone foolish enough to test your patience in that competition."

Nero remained silent, well aware that sooner or later, some arrogant fool would inevitably trigger him and as for remaining calm in other's territory, even Ren knew very well that although Nero was calm by nature but he had no tolerance for words directed at him or those close to him.

Nero shifted his gaze towards Aria and inquired, "Are you going to stay with Mom?" Aria nodded and explained further, "There isn't much left for me to learn at Shrek Academy. So, I'll concentrate on studying Space energy and Laws with Mom. Both of you will take on the remaining trials set by Dad anyway. So, it wouldn't make much sense for me to be there. As for the bionic body I created, a mental clone of mine can cause chaos with it."

After spending some more time with Aurora, Nero and Yuanen Yehui returned to the ship, leaving Ren and Serena behind. Ren planned to head to the Star Luo capital once Nero arrived there, and Serena intended to stay with Aurora and Aria so that they could help her in restoring her lost memories.


Nero and Yuanen Yehui's room, Star Luo Ship

A azure rift suddenly appeared in the room, and Nero, along with Yuanen Yehui, emerged from it. Nero turned to Yuanen Yehui and offered a gentle smile. "You should take a bath while I fetch some food for us. You must be hungry after constructing the Divine Ring. We can examine the changes later, alright?" Yuanen Yehui nodded in agreement, prompting Nero to leave the room.

After eating the meal box brought by Nero, he and Yuanen Yehui sat on bed ready to examine the changes of Yuanen Yehui. " Did you construct two Divine Rings because of two Martial souls? " Nero asked curiously as he hasn't asked Aria how Divine Rings for two Martial soul worked. 

Yuanen Yehui, instead of responding verbally, summoned her Divine Ring. Its outer ring displayed a simple yet striking Gold-Purple Halo adorned with glimmering dots of purple and golden light, creating an enchanting effect. This outer ring bore four runes, each representing one of her four former soul abilities.

The inner ring, matching the color scheme of the outer one, featured two wing-like structures on either side and spear blades embellishing the rest of the circle. Within this inner ring, nine runes were inscribed. Finally, at the very center of the inner ring, a misty white sphere quietly rested, adding an aura of mystique to the entire Divine Ring. The most peculiar thing was that two runes inside the inner ring were connected by threads as if they would eventually fuse.  { I will provide the image in some other chapter.}

Yuanen Yehui went on to explain her Divine Ring, "The Divine Ring for twin martial souls combines the abilities of both martial souls within a single ring. This way, if the user possesses one weapon and one beast martial soul, they can utilize both martial souls simultaneously."

Nero inquired, "But what happens if both martial souls are beast martial souls?"

Yuanen Yehui replied, "Aria mentioned that in that case, over time, both martial souls would merge into one superior martial soul. Until then, the individual can only access the runes of the martial soul they are currently possessing."

Noticing the fusion of two runes within the inner ring, Nero asked, "Why are the two runes inside your inner ring merging?"

Yuanen Yehui responded, "That's because Aria believes that instead of mastering two elemental origins separately, I should first work on merging the two bloodlines containing the two elemental attributes into one. Once that's achieved, I can focus on mastering the origin of unique higher fused elemental attribute."

Nero, deep in thought, continued, "If I'm not mistaken, mastering the origin of the higher fused attribute would also enable you to master the origins of Gravity, Rock, and Darkness, correct?" Yuanen Yehui nodded in agreement, confirming that Nero's understanding was indeed correct.

" Let's look at your status, we will see what is your shortcoming and work on that. Since, Aria is not here I would help you in your self-created soul skills." Nero said after a moment of speculation to which Yuanen Yehui nodded prompting Nero to display Yuanen Yehui's status.


Name: Yuanen Yehui

Age: 15

Martial Soul: Rock God Spear, Angel of Darkness

Rank: 45

Bloodline: Rock Monarch, Archon of Darkness ( Fusing into a higher bloodline)

Rune level: Level 4

Growth Link Partner: Avalonix ( Rock elemental dragon-> ????? elemental spirit ) ( 18,000 years)




Outer ring Runes:

Rune 1:  Jade shield -> Law of Absolute Defense


Rune 2:  Terra Vitality -> Law of Absorption and Enhancement


Rune 3:  Weight Alteration -> Divine Skill: Weightweaver


Rune 4:  Crystalline Earthquake Eruption > Law of Seismic Eruption


Inner ring Runes:

Rune 1:  Rock/Darkness soul power amplification and recovery -> Law of Amplification and Law of Recovery 


Rune 2: Physical power Rune -> Law of Physical Power

Rune 3: Mental Power Rune -> Law of Mental Power


Rune 4,5: Rock Monarch/Archon of Darkness bloodline -> Law of ????? Monarch

Rune 6,7,8,9: Rock/Petrification/Darkness/Gravity control -> ?????? control { Soul Sage Rank}-> Law of ??????? { At Titled Douluo Rank} -> Origin of ?????? { Rank 100}


Observing Yuanen Yehui's status, Nero made a thoughtful comment, "Based on what I can see, we should prioritize group and single attack skills that align with all your attributes, as they will eventually merge into a single attribute. This way, you won't have to concern yourself with altering your self-created soul skills due to the higher attribute. Regarding your soul skills, most of them aren't heavily reliant on the Martial soul attribute, so they won't undergo significant changes." Yuanen Yehui nodded in agreement, acknowledging that Nero's assessment was on point.

While Yuanen Yehui was studying her status, she suddenly felt Nero's arms wrapping around her waist. In the next moment, she found herself in his embrace. Before she could react, Nero gently tilted her chin upward and pressed his lips against hers in a tender kiss. Yuanen Yehui instinctively wrapped her arms around Nero's neck, deepening the kiss.

Nero, using his mental energy, dimmed the lights in the room and covered both of them with a cozy blanket, creating an intimate atmosphere.


Life on the ship had settled into a comfortable routine for Yuanen Yehui and Nero. Besides their moments of intimacy, leisurely strolls, and indulging in various delicacies, their main focus remained on cultivation.

On a typical day, Nero and Yuanen Yehui were wandering the ship's deck when Nero suddenly halted in his tracks. As if sensing something unusual, he muttered, "Interesting." In his mind, he mentally commanded Iblis,  "Iblis, you probably haven't had the chance to test your combat power since your breakthrough, right? Now's the time, Go have some fun"

Iblis who also detected the same things as Nero separated from Nero, assuming the form of an undetectable shadow energy as it headed toward the sea.

Observing Iblis as it moved towards the sea, Yuanen Yehui turned to Nero, her curiosity piqued. She asked, "What's happening?" Nero smirked and as he led her towards a certain part of ship he replied, " Nothing much a bunch of people are about to get shocked."

As Nero and Yuanen Yehui arrived at a particular section of the ship, Yuanen Yehui spotted Tang Wulin, Elder Cai, Wu Zhangkong, a middle-aged man, and a red-haired elder. All of them were looking solemnly towards the sea.

At that moment, a telepathic, non-human voice resounded in everyone's ears. "Humans, you've dared to cross into our territory and killed my kin. Surrender the murderer to me, or I will allow all of you to bury yourselves here."

Rising from the ocean's surface, an enormous figure slowly emerged. Its silvery-white back resembled a small island, with a gigantic dorsal fin standing tall like a blade's edge, radiating a chilling aura. Not far from it, another, larger, dark-purple figure surfaced, stretching hundreds of meters in length.

The appearance of these two creatures unleashed an immediate surge of formidable energy. More and more terrifying sea creatures began rising from the depths of the ocean.

The majority of these fearful beings were Devilsoul Great White Sharks and Deep Sea Devil Whales. The combined might of these two clans numbered in the thousands, casting a daunting aura over the ocean, filling it with a sense of dread.

Elder Cai spoke in a deep voice, "We are merely passing through. We did not harm your clansmen. If you persist in blocking our path, do not blame us for showing no mercy. Do you think that with only two hundred-thousand-year soul beasts, you can stop us? Among us humans, there are no shortages of those who desire a hundred-thousand-year soul ring."

Before any further action could be taken, the Devilsoul Great White Shark King and the Deep Sea Devil Whale King's auras grew increasingly agitated. However, before they could make a move, the sea water began to churn, and a black-purple shadow energy covered the sea as far as the eye could see. A purple-black pillar of light erupted from the depths of the sea, instantly enveloping the soul beasts and the ship in immense pressure.


To specify how strong Nero really is right now, he can compete with a 4-word battle armor Rank 91 Titled Douluo at his top form which means if he were to be placed in Tang San's timeline then his combat power is above Rank 97 to say the least.