
Douluo Dalu 3: The Alpha and The Omega

"Aria perhaps Death is the only redemption i could have".... ___________________________________________________________________________________ A boy who became a shadow of his former life was reincarnated in Douluo universe of legend of the dragon king timeline with Legacy of Vergil from Devil may cry and an assistant which was born out of coincidence .This is the his journey to become "The Alpha and The Omega" but unknown to him he isn't the only one who was reincarnated.. __________ This is my first time writing a novel ,I will try to complete this novel because i always felt uncomfortable when some novels are left for Hiatus. Do give me reviews and suggestion to improve the novel i am not gonna make main character very op from start and he won't become like Vergil from very start. So, Please bear with it and if you don't like it that way sorry not for you. _____________ PS:I own nothing besides the storyline and protagonist i guess because Devil may cry own Vergil. Hope you like the story :)

Nero_schizoid · Cómic
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90 Chs

Continental Championship Part 1

Dai Luoling forcefully planted his sword into the ground, abruptly halting his advance just before reaching the perimeter of the ring. His eyes fixated on Nero, now tinged with a heightened sense of caution and alertness. The inability to detect Nero's instantaneous, blurred movements left Dai Luoling on edge, realizing the formidable challenge that stood before him.

A subtle arc curved on the corner of Nero's lips in response to Dai Luoling's heightened wariness. Just as Dai Luoling and the onlookers anticipated another assault marked by Nero's elusive movements, an unexpected phenomenon unfolded. Leaves from the nearby trees began to swirl around Nero, and in the next instant, they aligned into a formation akin to sharp swords, with their pointed tips directed straight at Dai Luoling.

A solemn air hung over the gathering of sword martial and high-ranking soul spirit masters, their expressions mirroring the seriousness of the situation. Among them, Dai Luoling, in particular, wore a stern countenance as he faced Nero. Even the Titled Douluos regarded Nero with gravity, recognizing the rarity of his recent accomplishment. While achieving the Sword Consciousness stage was uncommon, what set Nero apart was his capability to transform leaves into a manifestation of sharp swords. For sword masters, infusing a rigid metal with sword intent demanded extraordinary perception and control, let alone enhancing something as delicate as leaves.

' Finally, I was able to do this in an instant. ' Nero internally rejoiced at his feat and also recalled his conversation with his mother.


"What do you mean by truly mastering our powers, Mom?" Nero asked Aurora, confusion evident in his expression, while Ren mirrored his sentiments.

Aurora began, her tone carrying the weight of wisdom, "From what I have seen, you both use your origin laws through your swords—Yamato for Nero and Dante for Ren. Although the power is still yours, you are very heavily and singly dependent on your Martial souls. This might be a disadvantage in situations where you can't utilize your Martial soul."

Aurora stopped, allowing her words to settle in, and continued, "You both need to learn how to use anything as a carrier for your origin Laws. In other words, make Yamato and Dante a conceptual force, not just physical objects."

Nero and Ren contemplated this deeply, recognizing that while they had occasionally used their laws without their swords, it was never as efficient as when channeling them through Yamato and Dante

Aurora continued her explanation, "I know it won't be easy, so first, try to transform ordinary objects with your sword intents. Don't stop until you can infuse even the very energy of heaven and earth with your sword intent. True mastery comes when you can seamlessly integrate your origin laws into various aspects of your being, not just through your Martial soul. Your powers should be an extension of yourself, not confined to a single channel. This way, you become more versatile and resilient in the face of challenges."

Nero and Ren nodded, signaling their understanding and determination.


Back to present,

'Now, let's do a test run, shall we?' With this thought, Nero hooked his fingers, sending all the leaves flying towards Dai Luoling at extreme speed. In response, Dai Luoling raised his sword to defend while also activating his fourth spirit ability, resulting in silvery energy gathering around him.

Dai Luoling's ability was durable enough to defend against a bunch of leaves, but the onslaught of hundreds of leaves scraped away the silvery defensive energy in mere seconds. Just as the remaining leaves were about to strike Dai Luoling's vital points, a silvery glow appeared on his legs, and in the next second, he had teleported ten meters away.

Nero raised an eyebrow, shifting his gaze towards the emperor, and his inner thoughts echoed, 'It appears this fellow is more than just an ordinary offspring of a branch bloodline—a product of someone's impulsive indiscretion.'

Turning towards Dai Luoling Nero said, " You don't really think that I can only infuse my sword intent in leaves." In an instant, the ground transformed into sharp swords, the air coalesced into invisible sword-like structures, and even the sand particles in the arena elongated into tiny, lethal projectiles. This impressive display showcased Nero's extraordinary control over his sword intent.

"Here's a piece of advice: don't ever try to speculate on the depth of an abyss if you're not ready to be devoured by it," Nero's faint whisper reached Dai Luoling's ears. Before he could react, Nero's sword intent morphed the objects around, engulfing him in a devastating explosion.

A few seconds later, the aftermath cleared, revealing an unconscious Dai Luoling covered in numerous deep, gnashing scars. The instructor of Monster Academy was about to complain to the referee, but Nero cut him off, saying, "Don't worry, he's not dead. I avoided the vital points."

With a flash Nero left the arena and arrived in Shrek discussion room. As soon as he arrived there Nero sensed a serious gaze from Gu Yue. Knowing that it was because of his control over his power, he sent a small smirk with a hand wave. 

Rest of the day passed by relatively normally with Nero just hanging around here and there. He didn't participate in team match as it was kind of pointless to him. He could practically thrash anyone there with Ren. 


Small chapter because I am working on giving this arc a unique ending. After it mostly my original plot will come. So i am taking my time