
Douluo Dalu 3: Legend Of Long Yuan

A Douluo Dalu Fanfiction in the timeline of DD3 (The Legend of the Dragon King). Born as the son of The Light and Dark Dragon Kings Follow Long yuan , Who is on his journey to become the strongest And help to bring peace between Soul Beasts and Soul Masters. Minor spoiler- Mc is going to be learning in Spirit Academy by Spirit Pagoda. --------------------------- -No Harem. -This fanfiction will not be following the canon. -I might make some changes to the lore so that this novel actually at least makes some sense. -English is my 2nd Language but , I will try to do my best. -The updates will be a bit slow but i will do my best! ------------------------------ https://discord.gg/JuvMtA4vWh Join for chapter updates , Novel related discussions and for the love interest poll and future polls.

DarkSamaIg · Cómic
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16 Chs

The Classroom Of Elite

Chapter 12 - The Classroom Of Elite

A middle aged man with long black hair and a beard was sitting opposite to Long Yuan. He was the one who had awakened Long Yuan. The middle aged man introduced himself as Wong Wei and also told him that he was going to be his new instructor.

"How are you feeling?" Wong Wei asked Long Yuan who sat opposite him. They were on a spirit train which would take them to Shrek city. That was where the Spirit Academy was located.

"I'm fine." Long Yuan replied curtly he was feeling a bit upset after his parents told him about them going somewhere else. They did not tell him for how long they are gone or anything. He realised that strength is what matters and his mind was filled with thoughts about getting stronger.

Wong Wei could notice that the kid did not want to speak too much and had some circumstances to deal with though he could not help but ask.

"What's your Martial soul called? I don't think you told us before you went." Wong Wei asked with a curious expression on his face.

"It's called [Eclipse Dragon Spear]" Long Yuan replied.

"And you also have innate soul power at level 8. That's pretty impressive. Your Martial soul and your talent has been recognised by Spirit Academy that's why you were invited to join." Wong Wei told Long Yuan with a smile on his face.

"I have never heard about Spirit Academy." Long Yuan told Wong Wei

"Well that's because this is a new undertaking from the Spirit Pagoda." Wong Wei replied

"Then why is it not getting advertised? Why is the Spirit Pagoda inviting students to join the Academy?" Long Yuan asked with a glint in his eyes. His curiosity could not be blamed; he was a professional's son.

"Haha, I can't believe that you're just a 6 year old child. Well the reason is simple. We want you to be the advertisement." Wong Wei replied he was blown away by this child's presence of mind and considering the kid was a 6 year old he did not expect something like this.

"So how many students are going to be in my class?" Long Yuan asked. He saw this ride to Shrek city as an opportunity to absorb as much information as possible. He was going somewhere new out of his comfort zone. He being a businessman's son knows that information is the greatest wealth and will help him a lot in the future.

"There are going to be about 30 students in the class." Wong Wei replied.

"So what's this class going to be called ?" Long Yuan asked , he was genuinely curious about what the class was going to be called as this name might become his identity in the future.

"It's called [The Classroom Of Elite]" Wong Wei replied while smiling brightly, this was because he really liked that name.

Long Yuan nodded slowly after he heard that name. He was happy that it was not something really random like Class 1. Now that he had satiated his curiosity about the environment he was going to be in he felt that he should ask more about the city he was going to which was Shrek city. And Wong Wei obliged him by telling Long Yuan more about Shrek City.

Wong Wei said that Shrek city is one of the biggest cities in the continent and it contains a population of more than two million which was really surprising. Wong Wei also said that Shrek Academy governs the city with independent power and do not pay taxes to any empire.

"Even I have heard about Shrek Academy. It seems that their motto is to only accept monsters, not ordinary people. " Long Yuan said with some reverence in his eyes. He as a kid was told about The Legends of Thousand Hands Douluo Tang San and Spirit Ice Douluo Huo Yuhao and he always wanted to go to Shrek Academy and learn there as he wanted to follow the same footsteps as those people in Legends. Though he did not regret any decisions and was genuinely curious about where Classroom Of Elite was going to take him.

"Hmph" Wong Wei retorted at what Long Yuan was saying.

"Yeah they may only accept monsters but our Classroom of Elite accepts only the Elites who have been handpicked by the Spirit Pagoda after a lot of screening. The benefits that The Spirit Academy is offering for The Classroom Of Elite is unmatched. It should be noted that we are going to tutor you kids from elementary level meaning you would not have to deal with using trash cultivation manuals which are provided by most Elementary Academies for free." Wong Wei replied while trying his best to make the child in front of him understand the greatness of Spirit Academy and how lucky he was in getting into The Classroom of Elite.

Long Yuan nodded at what Wong Wei was saying; he also acknowledged that Spirit Academy was pretty awesome. Though this made Long Yuan more curious about stuff.

"What is the curriculum going to be like?" Long Yuan asked.

"Kid don't think too hard about these things. All of this will be explained to you in detail once class starts." Wong Wei told Long Yuan.

Long Yuan nodded and started looking at the scenery for the rest of their trip to Shrek city.

Special shout out to Gamermtk for being a top fan and having the most votes!.

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