
Douluo Dalu 3: Just one punch

“One day something totally unexpected happens in your life and someone great walks into your life totally unexpected takes you by surprise and changes your life forever” Li Akuma is an Orphan who enjoys spreading fake news on Instagram and enjoys charity work. He's Stable and reliable, but also very kind and caring. But unfortunately met his end in a terrible accident. Watch as he somehow was chosen to be reincarnated and survives in this new world. -No Harem -Overpowered -hard working -romance, 1 interest -slice of life -comedy (Correct me if I do anything wrong with how the douluo dalu universe works)

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12 Chs

Dark spirit masters

"Akuma, wake up. You're going to be late again!"

Akuma's mom yelled from downstairs; Akuma groaned. 'Ughh, why do I even have to go? It's not like I learn anything from school anyway… you teach it to me anyways…' Akuma complained in his mind as he put on a red hoodie. He loves wearing comfy clothes over nice-looking ones any day.

He came to the states and ate the breakfast his mom had already made. "Ready?" She asked, and Akuma nodded

They both walked to the academy; it usually doesn't take too long to make it, maybe 15 minutes. After 6 minutes of walking, Tomoko suddenly stopped walking and grabbed Akuma's shoulder, stomping him in place.

Akuma looked curiously behind himself at his mom, and his eyes widened. Ten people were in the dark cloaked, covering their bodies surrounding them.

Tomoko had a severe look in her eyes. "Akuma stays behind me at all times" Akuma nodded nervously, not sure what to do but listening to his mom.

"Who are you!" Tomoko shouted, and all she got were dark chuckles in response from the cloaked people.

"That's none of your concern… you are a threat that shall be eliminated" Akuma felt his mom's hands tighten on his shoulder. Akuma was nervous now.

"Akuma, when I get you out of here, you must get to an intermediate academy, then go to Shrek academy. Alright?" Tomoko quickly said, taking a vigilant glance at all the hooded people.

Akuma was now really confused but nodded. Tompkins had a look of relief on her face before it turned into one of anger "you bastards! I'll make you pay! I know what you did! Caught up in a bale of soul masters! Bullshit! He would never die to something like that. I chose to keep silent at first but now that you endanger my son. You bastards are dead!" Tomoko said as four purple and four black spirit rings hovered around her.

Akuma's eyes widened; now he had a million questions to ask his mom. Suddenly, an extraordinary golden aura surrounded Akuma like it was protecting him.

"Time to die!" One of the hooded men yelled as they released their soul rings. Akuma's eyes widened. Three had eight soul rings, and one had nine representing a titled Douluo and several soul Douluo. The rest had five or six soul rings representing soul kings or emperors.

Akuma could feel the insane amount of spiritual pressure coming off from everyone, even his mother, but his mothers were way warmer, and all the hooded peoples felt as cold as ice.

Tomoko quickly activated one of her black soul rings, and a vast golden shield surrounded Akuma and herself. The hooded people quickly barraged their position with attacks that destroyed the area as all the people in the surrounding area promptly ran away, scared out of their minds—not wanting anything to do with what was happening.

Tomoko knelled down to Akuma feeling her soul power diminishing with every attack. Akuma got a horrible feeling in his gut. He knew that the situation was terrible.

"Akuma, you must survive, and don't give up! No matter what challenges you face, you must pull through! Oh, and one more thing; don't let anger consume you. Live! I love you!" Tomoko said as she taped her finger on Akuma's head, making him pass out. one of her soul rings then lit up the surroundings of Akuma as his body disappeared like it was never there.

Tomoko smiled with relief "hehe, you basters are going to pay" A golden sword appeared in her hands as she raised it above her head, and two of her soul rings lit up as she channeled all of her spirit power. She had remained in her attack, trying to get rid of some of these bastards.

The titled Douluo stared at her before disappearing from his place, then appeared behind her as he stabbed her in the back with a sword.

Tomoko looked down at the sword coming through her stomach in shock as she fell to her knees and barfed up blood on the ground. She looked up at the cloaked people with a smile on her face.

She knew since the beginning that she could never beat them. How could she? She was vastly outnumbered and had to keep her son safe, so she decided to do what any mother would. She protected her son and sent him away before anyone could harm him.

"So why did you target me? Why do you think I'm in this tiny city in the middle of nowhere? I'm retired. I've left being a spirit master behind long ago." Tomoko said, glaring at the hooded people.

"You on of the best Auxiliary system spirit masters there is, and that makes you a threat." Before Tomoko could respond, another hooded person shoved a knife into her throat.

Her body fell to the ground with a thumb. Everyone stood in silence for a moment before one spoke up. "There was another boy; should we eliminate him as well?"

"No, he's not the target for the mission; we can't risk being exposed yet. we must leave." One of the hooded men responded, seeming to be the group's leader. All of them stayed silent before they all disappeared from their original position.

About an hour later, Akuma woke up in his room. He rubbed his hand with his head 'that was a weird dream.' He thought as he went downstairs. He didn't see his mother at first, he shrugged it off. But after waiting and looking around the house, he got worried.

His eyes widened 'what if that wasn't a dream.' That thought made him shudder in fright as he quickly left his room to find his mom. After 8 minutes of running around, he found a group of people looking like they were surrounding something. He went over curiously before his eyes widened, and tears ran down his face as he quickly ran over to his mom's cold body on the ground.

"Mom! Wake up! Hey, why aren't you waking up? Mom! I'm going to be late for school. You're supposed to nag me! Mom! Please! Wake up! Anybody! Help, please!" He looked at the people of the surrounding with desperate eyes for anybody or anything that could help.

The surrounding people looked at him with sad eyes, not knowing what to do or say. A man with blue hair kneeled to Tomoko and picked her body up princessly. Akuma's eyes widened.

"Hey! leave my mother alone! I won't let you hurt her!" Akuma said, running up to the man. The man stopped walking before he looked at Akuma "you are her son. Then you can come along as well. She needs a proper burial." Akuma stopped in his tracks as his whole body trembled uncontrollably.

"Follow me," the man said, and Akuma nodded dumbly, following the man carrying his mother. They eventually arrived at a cemetery. The man asked the people working there to give her a proper burial. It's a cruel world, which is a regular cemetery occurrence. They just nodded and did their job.

Akuma watched his mother being buried numbly as he lost all the light in his eyes. After 2 hours of waiting, his mother was finally suppressed, and now he and that man stood at her tombstone.

'I swear I'll find them and kill them all! I won't let them get away with this!' He swore in his mind, his fist clinched hand as his nails dug into his palms, drawing blood.

"My name is mangtain. I'm a blacksmith; I was a friend of your mother. I'm going to adopt you, and I can tell by the look in your eyes that you would never be willing to call anyone else your mother or father. But it's ok. You don't have to call me dad or anything. It is only formal, so you don't get adopted by weird people looking to exploit you if you become a spiritual master. Your mother would kill me if that happened. You can stay at my workplace, and I can teach you blacksmithing so you can earn your keep. What do you say." Mang tain said, and Akuma got brought out of his thoughts. He just nodded his head. 'I must get stronger! I was too weak! I couldn't do anything. I was an ant to them. If my mom didn't have to protect me, she could still be here!'

Mangtain noticed his train of thoughts and interrupted them, "there's nothing you can do, kid. You are just seven years old. I was in the surrounding area that was being destroyed and barely escaped as well. There was a titled Douluo, so don't blame yourself."

Akuma stayed silent and didn't say anything. They left the cemetery, and mangtain took Akuma to the administrative government to adopt him.

(A/n: I'm writing this when I'm pretty tipsy, so there might be some grammar mistakes, I'll go back and fix them when I have time.)