
Douluo Dalu 3: Fire and Steel[Dropped]

Xiu Ye, a young man who lived an ordinary life, unfortunately died at the hands of truck-kun and gets reincarnated into the Douluo Planet, more specifically, the Glorybound City's Orphanage. He lived a carefree and lazy second life, well, that is until he awakened his martial soul that everything went 180. A deserted lifeless land that had countless weapons from old legendary heroes and villains embedded into its earth. A blade whose flames equals the sun's. A talent in blacksmithing that no one can equal to. This is Xiu Ye's story of fire and steel. ==================================================== *I do not own anything except for this story. *Vote your power stones, comment, review and share this story with your friends! Visit my patreon and help support my hobby: https://www.patreon.com/FroztDouluo Wanna be my friend and be up to date with my stories? Here's my discord link: https://discord.gg/aBH6KvtfAB

FroztDouluo · Cómic
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154 Chs

Chapter 43: Deal?

Xiu Ye slowly blinked his eyes for a brief moment, feeling slightly sluggish and bloated, like he was full yet not in a food sense, before he got his bearings back up.

His soul power felt like it was about to erupt and force elevate him to the next soul power rank.

After killing those six soul beast, Xiu Ye's spirit soul, Thunder Hammer, had unexpectedly reached the two thousand year old age cultivation. This meant that those five soul beast that appeared and surrounded hin and the Man Faced Demon Spider were more than normal thousand year old soul beasts.

Thankfully he had pressed the emergency exit button after he killed them, saving him from an overload. Moreover, showing the staff members of him one slicing soul beasts is one thing, but killing multiple soul beasts with one strike? Yeah, trouble's coming for him alright.

'You're an idiot.' Ryūjin Jakka's said with a snort.

'Shut up!'

Sitting upright in the coffin, his eyes widened in surprise. For in front of him was a gathered crowd.

All with slacked jaws and blank expressions.

Who wouldn't have such expressions, when they just witnessed the most badass and unbelievable scene created by a nine year old kid?

Hua Wei himself couldn't believe it, and he had personally met with geniuses before! The tactical strategies he used, cool headedness, soul ability, sword techniques and other skills the boy had displayed in the spirit ascension platform was something akin to watching a soul king playing around.

But Xiu Ye wasn't a soul king, he was a rank 19 soul master. Just someone about to enter the soul grandmaster realm! This isn't just mere talents anymore, not even by Shrek standards probably.

Nonetheless, they need, no, have to recruit this boy into their organization! With his talent and skills, he could be a potential elder or even a Great Spiriter!

The Spirit Pagoda is a relatively democratic organization. There is a council of thirty-six elders who would handle all important decisions. Then, there were a few superior officers above the council. This included the Spirit Pagoda Master, two vice Pagoda Masters, and four Great Spiriters. They made up forty-two members in total, and they collectively formed the superior officers of the organization.

For the two vice Pagoda Masters and the four Great Spiriters, they had to have made some sort of great contribution to Spirit Pagoda to be elected. However, the more important thing was that they represented Spirit Pagoda's peak combat strength. They were masters that were at least of Hyper Douluo rank!

Yes, Hyper Douluo rank. Hua Wei has the confidence to say that the boy, Xiu Ye, has the potential to be a Hyper Douluo expert in the future. He knew this through his keen insight and experience as not only a branch master of Eastsea City's Spirit Pagoda, but also part of the thirty-six elders!

No matter what he has to do, not including using force, he has to get Xiu Ye into their organization. As not only will this strengthen their entire organization's combat strength, but also help elevate him into the head of the thirty-six elders! He was killing two birds with one stone.

Xiu Ye stepped out of the spirit coffin, simultaneously, Hua Wei stepped forward towards him with a small smile and kind face.

Xiu Ye eyes turned to look towards the man's face, and instead of enticing good will from the boy, all he got was a look of indifference.

Inwardly however, Xiu Ye was suspicious and panicked as hell.

The man in front of him might looked ordinary and slightly good looking for a man his age, but that tight polite smile and kindly expression is suspicious as fuck! There's no stranger who would give that kind of smile unless they have a hidden agenda.

Xiu Ye subtlety looked around him, analyzing the behaviors of the staff members and Shu Lengwei, and he had come into a conclusion.

'He's a high ranking person, possibly the vice branch head or even the head honcho himself, judging from these people's behaviors. Since he's here means he had witnessed my entire adventure in the spirit ascension platform, and with the way his showing with that kind of expression, tells me that this guy wants to recruit me.' Analyzing your surroundings and people around you was a must have skill Xiu Ye got from Genryūsai Yamamoto's memories.

From a blood war to political battles, the old man was good.

The man continued smiling at the boy, unknown that his ulterior motives was already caught by him. "Hello lad, my name is Hua Wei. The branch head of the Eastsea City's Spirit Pagoda. I hope you had a great time in there."

'Called the first one and, Huawei? What the fuck?' Xiu Ye smiled and nodded innocently, completely hiding his inner thoughts. "Yeah, I did. It was really fun."

Hua Wei's smile grew slightly wider. "Well, that's great! Here in Spirit Pagoda, we try our best to properly accommodate soul masters and help them achieve their greatest potential. Especially increasing their spirit souls' age and thus their soul rings' quality. Including combat experience against soul beasts, you never get that sort of feeling here in the real world anymore." Xiu Ye nodded.

He knew that it was true. The soul beasts in this planet was approaching extinction, all due to the greed of humanity for more power and knowledge, as it all started with the organization built to supposedly bridge the relationship between humanity and soul beasts for the better: Spirit Pagoda.

Hua Wei bent his knees so he could be eye to eye with Xiu Ye, and said. "Say little guy, are you interested in joining Spirit Pagoda? If you join, you can have free access to the elementary spirit ascension platform every one week per month, the best and free cultivation method, have the most suitable cultivation space area, and many other more resources that I'll secure for you if you want. Kid, if you agree, then I promise you, before you turn forty you'll be a Title Douluo with a three-word battle armor and a hundred thousand year old spirit soul." Everyone's eyes widened in shock and disbelief.

Especially the staff members and Shu Lengwei.

Free access to the elementary spirit ascension platform? A true benefit from members of spirit pagoda but it's only once a week!

A cultivation method and cultivation space? That's something only members who has a cultivation rank of a soul elder.

But, what's the most shocking is that the branch head will provide any resources Xiu Ye wants and had promised him to be a Titled Douluo with a three-word battle armor and a hundred thousand year old spirit soul! This was unbelievable. If this was spouted by any other person, they would drew everyone's disdain and contempt for being such a scammer.

However, this was said by Hua Wei! Not only is he a branch head and elder of Spirit Pagoda, but a Soul Douluo as well with a three-word battle armor. He could easily handle any resources Xiu Ye would want, within reason of course.

As for becoming a Titled Douluo? Even without his or the organization's help, Xiu Ye would certainly become a Title Douluo. As for the battle armor? Well he could just get a loan from other branch heads. Lastly, he could just give the boy access to the intermediate and/or advance layer of the spirit ascension platform to advance his spirit soul's age. A win-win situation!

He'll get a talented genius into the organization, get great recognition for it, and then become a prominent figure in the Spirit Pagoda. Then Xiu Ye would become a high ranking soul master in the continent. A win-win situation! Good things are to be said twice.

'Totally called it.'

Xiu Ye stood with his mouth agape, he was shocked at the benefits he'll get if he joins the Spirit Pagoda. The any resources he wants was what got him the most.

His brow twitched.

Sadly however, he can't. Wanted parents after all. If he joins the organization, there was a huge chance that they'll get his DNA and then it'll be game over.

However, it was also bad to blatantly refuse the man in front of him. Reading some cultivation novels in his previous world taught Xiu Ye to be very careful on how you talk to certain people, or you'll risked yourself getting into a whole lot of trouble.

Xiu Ye shook his head slowly, and with a apologetic expression, he said. "I'm sorry senior Hua, but, this is a big decision for me to make. I can't join without my father and sister's help. I hope you can understand me." A polite and reasonable excuse was given.

Everyone's eyes widened in surprise, they all didn't expect for Xiu Ye to decline such an offer.

But thinking it over for a brief moment, they then all nodded in understanding. This was truly a big decision that a nine year old child couldn't easily make.

Hua Wei let out a big sigh of disappointment but understood the boy's feelings of being handled such a big decision and be undecided. Perhaps he had gone a little too fast in the recruitment.

Nonetheless, he wasn't going to give up.

Hua Wei waved his hand around at the boy. "Alright, I understand what you feel. I won't push you for it. Just, do you have a soul communicator? You do? Okay, just call my number and tell me whenever you want to accept my offer. Also you can just call me uncle Hua, I'm not that old to be called as a senior."

Xiu Ye nodded. "Okay uncle Hua I'll be going now, I've got to clean up my dad's blacksmith workshop."

Hua Wei patted his knees and stood up straight. "Of course, of course. Staff Shu, accompany the boy out, would you?" Shu Lengwei nodded rapidly in obedience.

Xiu Ye walked towards Shu Lengwei and together they walked out of the room, the former waving back at the staff members and Hua Wei inside.

He did not want to stick around any longer.


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