
Douluo 2: Capturing Goddess

In the illustrious era of the Peerless Tang Sect on the Douluo Continent, Qian Ran embarks on a transformative journey. Unearthing the ancient legacy of the Martial Soul Palace, he forges an alliance with the former angelic deity, Qian Renxue. Bestowed with the formidable powers of the million-year-old soul beast Tianmeng Ice Silkworm and the undead force of Electrolux, Qian Ran emerges onto the path of invincibility. Despite the Martial Soul Palace's defeat millennia ago, Qian Ran is destined to make it unparalleled in this lifetime. At Shrek Academy, he attains the title of the youngest Douluo in history. Simultaneously, within the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy, he attains the fearsome status of a tenth-level soul engineer. In the Star Forest, Qian Ran forms a profound alliance with Gu Yuena, becoming the soul beasts' trusted companion. Together, they reshape the divine personality of Qian Renxue. Ascending to the God Realm, Qian Ran stands unassailable as the strongest God King. Guided by Qian Ran, the Angel Family experiences a resurgence, and the Martial Soul Hall becomes an unstoppable force. With hands casually in pockets, Qianran faces opponents without knowing the meaning of defeat. To obliterate figures like Tang San and Huo Yuhao is but a casual stride on his remarkable journey. Qianran declares, "I'm invincible—do as you please!" ••••• It is a translation from a fanfic novel written by Qimu So if anyone doing this novel translation please let me know because I didn't find when I searched. Guys don't read if you don't like mc snatching other person wife or lover. Or some girl falling for mc very easily. ............... Release Schedule -: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday.

Yui_20 · Cómic
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99 Chs

Jiang Nannan

Tang Ya and her best friend, Jiang Nannan, strolled out of the Shrek Academy gate hand in hand, drawing immediate attention with their striking presence.

Jiang Nannan, seemingly only fourteen or fifteen, possessed a slender and well-proportioned figure. Her long golden hair cascaded in waves down her back, complementing her flawless, snow-like skin and eyes that resembled a clear pool. Her elegant and noble temperament was evident as she glanced around, her face, akin to jade and the crescent moon, radiating a tender and graceful charm that surpassed mere beauty.

Beside her, Tang Ya exuded her own incredible beauty. Her long black hair was held in check by a purple hairband, and while she projected a gentle demeanor, there was a subtle aura that repelled others. As the Dark Blue Silver Grass evolved into a purer, more sinister martial spirit, Tang Ya developed an iceberg-like temperament. Only in the presence of Qian Ran did the icy exterior melt into a gentle warmth.

The two stunning girls, clad in school uniforms, walked hand in hand like a captivating painting, leaving onlookers entranced.

"Xiaoya, are you really with a new student? I can't believe it. You actually did such a significant thing behind everyone's back." Jiang Nannan, holding Tang Ya's hand, couldn't fathom the news. The revelation of a new student defeating Beibei seemed unbelievable, and the idea of Tang Ya being involved with a newcomer was equally incredulous.

'The rumor appeared overly sensational, didn't it?

Even if Tang Ya wasn't with Beibei, surely she wouldn't choose just any new student?

Given Tang Ya's captivating allure, many academy students pursued her.'

"Yes," Tang Ya nodded lightly, thoughts of Qian Ran flooding her mind, a joyous smile gracing her beautiful cheeks.

Since giving herself to Qian Ran, a profound happiness enveloped her heart. Was she already Qian Ran's wife? She eagerly anticipated their growth and eventual marriage. Unperturbed by the misconceptions surrounding her, Tang Ya harbored no regrets about her relationship with Qian Ran.

Qian Ran is exceptional, and being with him makes Tang Ya even luckier.

In time, Qian Ran will shine brightly. As the first to discover him, Tang Ya will become the most envied among thousands of girls.

"Is he truly that remarkable?"

After years of friendship with Tang Ya, her expressions reveal much. Why does mentioning Qian Ran bring such joy to Tang Ya? Perhaps those rumors are more than mere gossip.

"Yes. He is the most formidable man I've ever encountered. No one else compares," Tang Ya responded earnestly. Qian Ran's talent is unparalleled, a rarity in the world.

She believed no one at Shrek Academy could match Qian Ran. Even talents like Beibei, pre-selected for the Continental Senior Soul Master Competition, fall short before Qian Ran.

"Pfft. Are you that infatuated with your little man? He's just a first-year student," Jiang Nannan chuckled, an alluring smile accompanying her words. Tang Ya's seriousness amused her. Does everything transform this way after falling in love?

What magic does Qian Ran possess to captivate Tang Ya so deeply? Jiang Nannan wondered if criticizing Qian Ran would lead to a merciless quarrel with Tang Ya.

Increasingly curious about Qian Ran, Jiang Nannan paused, realizing a potential contradiction. If Tang Ya truly likes Qian Ran, then the rumor of Beibei's defeat by Qian Ran might not be unfounded.

Jiang Nannan halted and looked at Tang Ya blankly. "Xiaoya, um... Beibei really lost?" She couldn't fathom it; Beibei's strength was widely acknowledged. Beibei and Xu Sanshi were the twin stars of the outer department, undisputed by all.

In the outer department, few could defeat Beibei, at least not in Jiang Nannan's knowledge. The idea of a new student surpassing Beibei was unfathomable.

"Of course! Qian Ran is exceptionally strong, and he defeated Beibei fair and square!" Tang Ya's pride was evident. Beibei is strong, but Qian Ran is even stronger. Moreover, as a new student, Qian Ran's potential is limitless.

"Is he truly that powerful? Can a freshman genuinely defeat Beibei?" Jiang Nannan exclaimed, realizing the new student named Qian Ran was truly extraordinary, perhaps abnormal.

"You'll see how powerful he is when you meet him in the future," Tang Ya assured. Qian Ran possesses an unusual strength in various aspects. After their encounter, she endured lingering pain for a while before it gradually subsided.


"Beibei, it seems you've encountered a formidable opponent," Xu Sanshi remarked, observing Tang Ya and Jiang Nannan while eavesdropping on their conversation.

Since losing to Qian Ran, Beibei felt lost and feared losing Tang Ya. However, he acknowledged he lacked the strength to compete with Qian Ran.

In a novel twist of events, Tang Ya's feelings for Qian Ran and the mysterious power he held left everyone, especially Jiang Nannan, astounded.

In the unpredictable outer department of Shrek Academy, Qian Ran's presence had cast a compelling spell, leaving all to wonder about the limits of his capabilities and the depth of his connection with Tang Ya.

"I can't even defeat Qian Ran, a freshman. What qualifications do I have to pursue Tang Ya?" Beibei's sense of defeat left Xu Sanshi disappointed.

Originally considering Beibei as his lifelong rival, Xu Sanshi now felt he had misjudged him. Seeing Beibei succumb to decadence over a woman disappointed Xu Sanshi.

While obsessed with Jiang Nannan's beauty, Xu Sanshi recognized his limits. He couldn't emulate Beibei's level of devotion. Pursuing Jiang Nannan, he viewed her as a prey, a plaything for amusement, akin to a cat toying with a mouse.

Jiang Nannan, with her high self-regard, played into his game. He sought to gradually dominate her, making her partake in unsavory acts under the guise of love. The dynamics with Jiang Nannan differed vastly from Beibei's relationship with Tang Ya.

Having control over Jiang Nannan, Xu Sanshi could end the game at any time, exerting dominance and treating her as an object. In contrast, Beibei remained perplexed by Tang Ya.

Jiang Nannan's mother held a position in the sect, allowing Xu Sanshi easy access to everything she had. He envisioned manipulating Jiang Nannan to his whims, even envisioning scenarios where she knelt and obeyed him.

To him, it seemed intriguing.

Beibei struggled to understand the dynamics with the women in his life. Xu Sanshi believed Beibei fell short in this regard.

"I won't be like Beibei, living or dying for a woman."

"But, Beibei, don't you find it peculiar? There's something off about Tang Ya's current aura," Xu Sanshi remarked, sensing a newfound strength in Tang Ya that even he couldn't decipher.

How had Tang Ya enhanced her strength so rapidly? Even if her soul power surged, her martial soul, Blue Silver Grass, couldn't account for this change. Moreover, Xu Sanshi detected a subtle evil aura emanating from Tang Ya, imperceptible to ordinary individuals but keenly apparent to him.