
Chapter 32: A New Stage

Reflecting on what he had learned, Su Wen continuously adjusted his state, feeling the changes in the effectiveness of his cultivation. It had to be said that the super keen perception had great benefits for Su Wen's cultivation. Although it didn't show much in direct strength, it had extraordinary auxiliary effects on Su Wen's cultivation research.

Opening his eyes, Su Wen exhaled. "Fortunately, as long as I am truly reviewing well, the gained buffs can reach their optimum."

Even if there was no new knowledge gained through reviewing, it was still a serious contemplation, a deep understanding of the knowledge he had learned before. Books are records. Records are meant to prevent loss of knowledge. Therefore, reviewing itself also embodies the characteristics of a Martial Spirit.

Su Wen felt that his understanding of playing the role of a Book was becoming increasingly thorough. At the same time, he didn't find this troublesome; instead, he thought it couldn't be better.

Reviewing existing knowledge. He didn't even need to consciously review it; there were direct indicators, with cultivation speed requirements pushing him from behind.

While completing tasks, Su Wen was also contemplating and searching for new theories. Maybe one day he would have a breakthrough and establish some helpful theories for cultivation.

Feeling the efficiency of cultivation was not so easy. Even with Su Wen's strong perception, it still took some serious practice for a period of time to see the results.

The process of initially exploring many techniques while role playing as a book lasted for three full days. During these three days, Su Wen practiced Flame Fist with Xiao Zhan during the day and Internal Strength at night. As for external practice, it was interspersed within the process of practicing Flame Fist during the day.

On the sixth day at the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy, Su Wen exclaimed, "Old Jerry's little Sweet Potatos has finally arrived." Su Wen missed the taste of the little Sweet Potatos too much.

"Although I've been faster in my overall cultivation speed these past few months without using little Sweet Potatos it still felt like something was missing"

Bringing the little Sweet Potatos back to the dormitory, Su Wen went through Old Jerry's letter, which also brought a pleasant surprise.

"The Monkey Wine worked wonders for Old Jerry."

Initially, he had mailed twenty catties of Monkey Wine to Old Jerry. Now, three months had passed, and Old Jerry had directly advanced by one level! Advancing one level in three months, still at the Spirit Master stage, for someone of Su Wen's age would be considered genius, but for someone of Old Jerry's age? That was even more astonishing.

After all, Spirit Masters of Su Wen's age were still growing; physical growth would drive the advancement of Spiritual Power and even Soul Power. Moreover, the difficulty of cultivation would be much lower because everything was still not fully formed. But Old Jerry was already old.

Even so, achieving a breakthrough of one level in three months showed the effectiveness of the Monkey Wine on him.

Old Jerry obtained his first Spirit Ring a year ago, and his Soul Power directly reached level twelve. In the following year, he advanced by two levels in the first nine months and by one level in the last three months, now standing at level fifteen as a Spirit Master.

Ascending three levels in a year is already a very commendable speed. This is just the result of Old Jerry becoming proficient in the techniques he taught him.

Not every Spirit Master possesses Su Wen's talent to quickly grasp Internal Strength. Many meridian circulations are involved in Internal Strength, requiring not only knowledge of their locations but also exploration. Even if the techniques are taught, they usually only give rough positions, and learners need to try themselves to find the corresponding meridians within their bodies.

Initially, when Old Jerry broke through, he merely completed one cycle, forming the main circulation loop, without mastering the operation of other parts of the meridians. It was with the assistance of Monkey Wine that Old Jerry thoroughly mastered the Internal Strength technique left by Su Wen.

"The speed of advancing three levels in a year is likely to be maintained. If so, Old Jerry might have hopes of breaking through to level twenty within two years," Su Wen remarked with emotion feeling happy for the old man.

"Uncle Zhan, where are we practicing today?" Xiao Zhan looked at Su Wen, who was eager to learn, feeling somewhat helpless.

"Xiaowen, your talent has exceeded my expectations. I've already taught you all the techniques I can," he said with a bitter smile. Su Wen's learning ability was indeed remarkable, especially when it came to Soul Power manipulation techniques or Flame Control, Su Wen could grasp them quickly.

"What you need now is continuous repetitive training to make all of this become instinctual."

Su Wen had already mastered the technique of Flame Fist, integrating flames into his fists completely; now, he just needed to engrave it into his muscle memory.

"But Uncle Zhan, I feel like Flame Fist's power is a bit..." Su Wen felt it lacked power.

Xiao Zhan replied, "Of course it's not enough. The real damage of Flame Fist depends on compressing and bursting the flames."

Not only Flame Fist but many of Xiao Zhan's self-created Spirit Skills relied on compressing and bursting flames, fully exploiting the explosive nature of the flames while continuously compressing them to generate explosive damage. The difference lies not in Flame Fist itself but in the method and techniques used to utilize these continuously compressed exploding flames.

Rather than saying Flame Fist is his original Spirit Skill, it's more accurate to say that the entire system of compressing and bursting flames, along with the associated application techniques, is his original Spirit Skill. It's a system.

"I'm also practicing the technique of flame compression simultaneously, but I haven't been able to combine compression and integration yet," Su Wen said, puzzled.

"Exactly, this requires adaptation, and continuous practice, to elevate your natural affinity for flames in this acquired form. Or in the future, you could obtain Spirit Rings with fire attributes," Xiao Zhan explained.

Su Wen's mouth twitched. 'So, it all boils down to his body's endurance capacity. Continuously compress the flames, use the resulting explosiveness, and then unleash even greater power. But, to be honest, Xiao Zhan might have developed it to the point where it could still be his trump card even at the Spirit Saint level.'

"Of course, besides controlling flames, you also have control over wind elements," Xiao Zhan didn't forget Su Wen's Second Spirit Skill's control over another element. He stroked his chin and continued, "I can't teach you much about controlling wind elements, but you can't neglect it either."

He stumbled upon the path of fire element control by chance, and he also tried to add other elements for assistance afterward but failed. To minimize the loss caused by the failure to acquire affinity for other elements, his fifth Spirit Ring is a Spirit Beast with attributes of both wind and fire.

However, he only succeeded in enhancing his affinity for the fire element and gained the Fire Demon Overlord Body from his fifth Spirit Ring. Of course, it was also the Fire Demon Overlord Body from the fifth Spirit Ring that gradually led him away from the path of a pure mage.

Wind aids fire, and fire takes advantage of the wind. These two elements complement each other, and if they can be developed together, their power will undoubtedly be even more formidable. Su Wen nodded. He hadn't forgotten his control over the wind element.

He always had expectations for the development of the wind element.

"If everything goes as expected, developing the ability to fly with the control of the wind element shouldn't be too difficult for me."


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