
Doulou Dalu — Apocalypse Heart

An unusual tale of a mortal's ascension to godhood. He who is known by different names. He who is not known that bears the flames of rage. He who possess a heart that's not his. He who is a devil that brings despair and hope. He who is a hero to his ally that kills without leaving a blood. He who is a villain to his enemy that brings fear and terror. He who is the maker who forge with death and madness. He who is the bearer of the world's unfortunate beings. He who is a subject that knows nothing but pain. He who is a king that is the most perfect being. Just... who is he? He who is the carrier of flames that seeks for a resolution. Salvation or Destruction. In this world full of countless desires, which path will his heart strives for? (AN: No Harem, but still undecided love interest. Support me on my kofi.com/ishyawrites) .... Note: The cover is not mine if it's yours, you can kindly tell me to remove it. DD3

Ishya_Chan · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
51 Chs

Spirit Pagoda (2)

Chapter 38 — Spirit Pagoda (2)

We went to another room full of advanced machinery and medical apparatuses.

In the center of the room, I saw a wide medical scanner placed on the ground with computers beside it.

"Nai An, remove your clothes except for your underwear."

Shi Yeng instructed while going to the computers.

"Is it really needed?" I asked.

"Of course, are you shy to show your body? Don't worry, I won't judge you." Shi Heng replied with a teasing smile.

Although I wondered if removing them was really necessary, I started to remove my clothes until I was left with only my tight underwear.

There was a nearby rack, so I hung my clothes there.

"Woooo…!" Shi Yeng whistled upon seeing my almost naked body. "Such a nice body for a boy."

I could feel her eyes intensely staring at my body.

If she drooled, I would have already called the police to report a pedophile.

Anyway, her words were not that too exaggerated.

After three years, I was already taller than most people around my age. It wouldn't be weird if I was mistaken for being a teenager now.

My physique was muscular with broad shoulders and a wide back, as well as a toned lower body.

In Shi Yeng's eyes—my body had the perfect golden ratio.

Although there was a charred scar on my chest, it didn't lowered my charm but added a tattoo of ferociousness and wildness.

Shi Yeng didn't mind it but felt something peculiar about the scar, as if she had seen it before.

"Stand above the medical scanner. After it's activated, the scanner will scan your entire body."

I went above the medical scanner while barefooted.


A hidden scanning device opened from below my body.

It emitted green lights that scanned me from the toes and slowly went up until the top of my hairs.

The device repeated for a few more times before finally stopping.

"Come here. I'll show you the results of your physical examination."

I first wore my clothes before approaching her location.

On the screen, I could see a detailed structure of my entire body. The model was so detailed and realistic that it showed the nerves, the skeleton, the muscles, the blood vessels—everything that composed my entire body.

"The medical scanner was able to scan your entire body from the inside out. There are things still left out, but it was still able to create a detailed structure of your body."

I nodded while closely examining the information about my body.

Shi Yeng also looked at the screen before starting to explain.

"The information shows that you're extremely healthy. Compared to ordinary soul masters, your body is also extraordinarily strong and tough without many flaws."

I already knew that.

Her next words, however, were able to surprise me.

"You also have a strange physique wherein it's impossible to release energy in normal ways." Shi Feng stared deeply into my eyes. "You can't release your soul power can't you?"


There was no use to continue keeping it a secret from her.

However, I was still able to release my soul blood and rage mist in a certain way.

"I noticed it when I first saw you because your presence was unnaturally detached from the world, making it hard to detect you with spiritual power."

I nodded.

"Anyway, it is not necessarily bad since your lifespan will be longer than other people because your lifespan only burns away but does not disperse."

"Do you know more about my strange physique?" I asked interestedly.

"I have some knowledge about it, but it's not the right time. I'm more interested in your physical strength."

Shi Yeng now gazed at my body with weird burning eyes.

"All your cells are unnaturally transformed to become cells that continually strive for evolution. They're also extremely dense, a density and innate quality few can ever reach, making it so that your body hides heaven-defying potential and talent!"

Her expression now gradually twisted into excitement.

"It's fortunate that you haven't been kidnapped by Body Sect!"

"I see."

I didn't react much from her praises that unceasingly poured out.

In the end, those were not given to me naturally, but something I acquired by using various hideous and disgusting methods.

That's why I couldn't feel any slightest of pride.

Moreover, Shi Yeng still hasn't completely seen the entire secrets within my body unless I allowed it.

As for the Body Sect, I only knew they were a mysterious sect that only strives to have the strongest body.

"You got a boring reaction."

Shi Yeng shook her head.

After the physical examination, there were more tests to get my spirit soul.

One of the tests was with the compression or density level of the soul power.

In my case, it was soul blood.

As I touched a machine, a sliver of red clouds were infused into it.

The machine began to shine with crimson light with its shade gradually deepening like blood.

After a while, the crimson shine reached the peak before fading away.

"Splendid! It's no longer surprising to see you having a compression level of four, but such a level is still terrifying for a ringless soul master."

My soul blood was the combination of soul power and blood essence. Despite the drawback of being unusable if my spirit heart is unawakened, the power of soul blood was multiple times more powerful than soul power and blood essence.

Even if only compression level four, my soul blood surely went beyond it.

After consecutive extraordinary results from the tests, Shi Yeng was now zealously staring at me.

"Yes, if it's you… I'm sure you can become our perfect key…"

She quietly mumbled as her eyes shone with incomprehensible madness and excitement.

Since every test was now finished, Shi Yeng led me to her private office.

And without a hesitation—

"Nai An, do you want to become a part of Spirit Pagoda? We'll make sure to nurture you to our best capabilities."

I contemplated upon hearing her enticing offer to join Spirit Pagoda.

After all, Spirit Pagoda was one of the most powerful organizations throughout the three continents.

If I can use their influence, the search for those 'beasts' will definitely become efficient and faster.

And I knew she was powerful.


Was she qualified enough for me?

As my eyes turned cold-blooded, I activated my spirit heart as intense soul blood fluctuations shook the air.

A dense crimson cloud began to spread to form a blood red avatar projection behind me, resounding aloud with frightening beating sounds together with my spirit heart.

An enhanced function of the spirit heart—strong heartbeat.


Shi Yeng quickly felt her own heart rapidly beating from a sense of fear as those powerful heartbeats eluded her ears.

At this very moment, a terrifying amount of pressure filled the entire room.

"Are you capable enough to nurture me?"

I didn't want to be under someone that was soft-hearted and lacking.

This was a test.

My Life-Death Spiritual Intent, empowered by surging rage and bloodlust, strengthened my pressure even further.

The suffocating and heavy pressure had already dyed the room entirely red like blood.

"I ask you this," I took a step forward as my pressure surged to the peak, causing the atmosphere to drop piercingly cold and nauseous.

A pressure formed by uncontrollable rage and bloodlust from countless lives.

It mixed with the suffocating beating sounds of my spirit heart.

"Can your bear the weight?"

Shi Yeng slowly widened her eyes upon seeing such a deadly and twisted pressure not suitable for a child.

And for a moment, it was enough to shake her heart from fear.

—The true sensation of death.

She felt it.

A question then followed.

How much of a suffering could a child experience to have such an overwhelming pressure filled with nothing but dark negativity?

It was similar yet still different from Dark Spirit Masters.

Yet this further caused her to become even more mad and excited to the point her smile reached into her ears.

"I'll show you…!"

A powerful pressure suddenly exploded out from her body.

I saw various soul rings appearing behind her.


The entire room suddenly turned chaotic as I could feel my entire body being pressed down on the floor.


My own pressure was instantly defeated by her spiritual pressure.

I could feel her intense spiritual pressure forcing me to kneel on the ground.

As I looked upward, I could see her smiling devilishly and mockingly.

It ignited my rage and bloodlust that refused to kneel.

I compressed everything within my body just to resist her pressure.

My spirit heart was strained to its very limit—the blood avatar and I standing defiantly while letting out thunderous heartbeats filled with powerful rhythm and rapid tempo to resist the spiritual pressure.

It was the same for my soul blood and spiritual power that were being madly forced to their limits for the very first time.

So this was the true world of soul masters…!

I felt exhilaration and excitement flooding my entire being for the first time.

Finally a worthy opponent!

As my arms blackened, I could feel my entire body growing extremely hot as my skin reddened with intense steams!.


I stood straight like a defiant spear that was unaffected even by her powerful spiritual pressure.

There were even no signs of trembling with my elemental stars.

My eyes just stared at her eyes.


A pair of eyes that contained an abyss of madness that seemed to contain every negativity.

Shi Feng was now inwardly surprised to witness me calmly dealing with her spiritual pressure.


"Are you satisfied now?" She asked while the soul rings solemnly floated behind her back.

—four purple soul rings and four black soul rings.

A Soul Doulou!

"I'm Shi Yeng. Rank 89 Soul Doulou. My martial soul is the second awakening of my spirit eyes—Eyes of Tyranny!"

The spiritual pressure receded away as if it didn't even exist.

"Will you accept now?"


I accepted.

Shi Yeng was extremely powerful. It was the same with Spirit Pagoda, so this was once in a lifetime opportunity for me.

"Then I'm now your master, my dear disciple." Shi Yeng uttered with her eyes glowing eerily.













Next chapter is his first spirit soul. I'll upload it on wednesday or thursday because I'm busy work in real life and can only stack some chapters slowly to avoid burnt out and exhaustion again.

Read advanced chapters on my p@treon.com/LordIshya

Currently have two chapters ahead, but I upload everyday for future steady updates. It will help alot because we are kinda tight.