
Tired of This

'I suppose there isn't really always a clear pattern? Perhaps I should ease back with the bluffs and options. I should have took her character closer into consideration. Before this turns into a snowball scenario I gotta exhaust more possibilities and try to get the desired outcome.'

Shuffling ever closer to the male dormitories where his room resided, Doug began to substantially slow down his pace and shorten his strides due to the aches and pains. He had to take a breather and soon, otherwise he'd risk passing out right here and now as he bled onto the cement from his cuts and bullet wounds.

"Fuckin Rubes...snuck in over half a dozen live rounds in her magazine," I muttered through bated breath. "As much as I hate to admit it she was right. I was self conscious because 'she' was there. Argh!" I violently tussled my hair with my least injured arm.

'Another thing to consider is I've been susceptible to my emotions more often than not lately. Highly irritable to others in situations that are nowhere near as serious offenses. I've been ignoring these recent problems by constantly putting them off due to being distracted by focusing on useless information. I need to set up a filter of what to pay attention to vs things that do not matter. Another problem I have to acknowledge is blacking out, is that a correct way of putting it? Losing time? I hope not.' His mind ran across all his memories trying to see if there was a catalyst he might have missed.

'Last thing I remember was the agitation of Weiss's smug look. Could that have set me off? Why didn't that pricks action yesterday not trigger it then? Has this ever happened before I made the oath to David? Perhaps once or twice in the past where I bottled things inside but since then I've been making sure to burn off steam in as healthy manner as I could afford. At least that's what I thought anyway...' His senses told him of more than one pair of eyes set on him. Both clearly different than all the students present that were giving him wary looks. 'First things first, get inside, and find a place to set myself down for a bit.'

Walking through the sliding doors to the dormitory he made his way to the commons area in the foyer. There were more than half a dozen people either sitting on the sofas or standing round a few short tables on their scrolls watching videos and listening to music and one even reading a magazine. But once he made it near one by one they all stopped what they were doing to look up at him in awe or just confusion.

"You don't gotta go to your rooms nor do I care where else you go but it'd be best if you get the hell away from here while I'm still being nice. I've had a long day, but it doesn't mean you need to have a short life. Now...get lost." I thumbed over my shoulder. For a few seconds nobody moved. Honestly I don't even think anyone breathed.


A couple of people flinched.


The ones sitting slowly stood up from their spots and began to back away.

"Three..." I clenched my fists and shoulders making my joints audibly pop from the tension.

That sent all of them bolting to the exit or their dorm rooms.

Scooching a chair out of my way with my foot I plopped down on the couch with one of my legs resting over the armrest.


As my head was cushioned against a show pillow I placed one hand over my chest feeling my beating heart. In tune with the rhythm I closed my eyes shutting out the rest of the world.



Ba-Thump Ba-Thump!

'I am just getting started. And yet I am already met with roadblocks set in my way.'

Ba-Thump Ba-Thump Ba-Thump!

Ba-Thump Ba-Thump Ba-Thump!

'It's so. Fucking. Annoying.'

Ba-Thump Ba-Thump Ba-Thump!

"How could such a young boy have so much anger?"

A clear voice cut through my thoughts catching me off guard.

"If this is about the damages I'll cover them." I replied not removing my arm from over my face.

Clak* Clak!* Clak!*

Sharp steps could be heard as the person passed by to sit in the chair next to me. I could feel their shadow linger over me just a couple seconds before I hear the person sit on the cushioned seat.

"Please. I've reconstructed far worse than anything you could possibly dish out on the academy. What I want to know is, or better yet, understand why you do the things that you do? Such as go to the far extremes to paint a false persona of being an enemy to everyone."

"Miss Goodwitch, some things are not so easily explained. Nonetheless, who's to say I'm not everyone's enemy? For all you know I could be a wolf in sheep's clothing waiting for my perfect moment to strike."

"Hmph!" She harrumphed shifting in her seat.

"Whoahoho!" I jolted upright with a start as a cold splash hit me in the face. Wiping it with the back of my hand I noticed she was holding two bottles of water in her hand and the crook of her arm. One of which was opened. "What the heck was that for?!"

"What kind of enemy is considerate enough to let their target know his or her intentions? You may be skillful to want a challenge, maybe even downright conceited, a degenerated pervert, a narcissistic jackass, a total-"

"Are you just using this as an opportunity to insult me to my face instead of giving me a lifechanging speech during this serious moment?" I gawped up at her supporting myself up with my elbow.

"A-Hum! What I'm trying to say is you don't need to walk this path alone driving everyone away from getting just a little bit close to you. No one can get through life without assistance whether it be directly or indirectly. You're not the worst person on this planet."

"The professor and Weiss would disagree with you on that one." I muttered mostly to myself.

"Oh yeah that reminds me." She tilted her head with a chipper smile on her face.


My face was stinging as my vision momentarily blurred.

"God...Damn...That frickin smarts." I rubbed my face feeling the heat radiating off it.

"You deserve that. And more." Her face didn't change to reflect her mood.

"I know..." Yep, she was aware of what I did. Of course she would be. She's in charge over security regarding damage control and students lives being maintained after all.

"Don't ever pull a stunt like that ever again for as long as you live. The professor may not have expelled you for what happened that night but trust me, if a similar antic is repeated, he won't need to. Got it?"


"Good" Using her semblance she willed the cap back onto the bottle closing it before tossing it to me.

With my free hand I caught it in midair and brought it to my face.

"Oh don't be such a baby. You literally got shot with live rounds and you're nursing an open palmed strike?" She had a look that said 'Really?' written all over her face as she folded her legs and leaned on the armrest.

"My pride indeed is as fragile as a champagne glass. It truly has the appearance of elegance and being sturdy, but one reckless drop and it will shatter in a million pieces." I sniffed feigning being vulnerable.

"Melodramatic to the core aren't you?"

"Someone has to turn this killer of an atmosphere back to a lighthearted one. And I'd rather it be me first rather than to let you steal my metaphorical thunder.

"You are insufferable."

"And you are a downer."

She sat up straight before flicking a speck of dust off her skirt. "You are the one who brought on a serious attitude in the first place don't forget that."

"Touché" I brought the bottle from my cheek and began to take a few sips of the water. "Now, why are you really here?"

"With all your tomfoolery I damn near almost forgot."

"Hehe. Have you came to finally follow up on that rain check I gave you on why I watch so much porn?"

"You truly are such a depraved child."

"Less so by a year. Today is my birthday after all, or haven't you heard."

"So should I smack you fourteen more times regarding your birthday hits?"

"Knowing that you would gain any form of sadistic pleasure in inflicting me more pain I must regrettably inform you that I have learned my lesson and have reflected sincerely upon my past transgressions." I did a sideways makeshift bow with my free hand.

"Such a shame. Anyway I came to let you know that the testing facility will be observed by me and a few influential associates of the academy in three days time. You are advised if you wish to attend you are not allowed to disclose any and all information shown or spoken. And no, you can not speak to or around them. Even if you were to be spoken to by any of them, you cannot, I repeat cannot, respond or reply in any way shape or form."

"Geez, why not just refuse me entry that day?" I flick a few dreads from in front of my face.

"Because we know it wouldn't do any lick of good. For all we know it would entice you to covertly snoop around till you knew what was going on anyway."

"I feel as if I have been unjustly judged prematurely. Where is the judiciary committee when you need them?" With a hand I wipe away an imaginary tear from my face.

"You set yourself up for failure with that line."

"Yes, I realize that. Forgive me the words were faster than my mind to compute them. Also my state of being excessively injured has hindered my ability to form quips that aren't a metaphorical double edged sword." I needed to disinfect and bandage myself ASAP as I noticed blood was seeping deep into the sofa from my wounds.

"Want me to call the nurses from the medical ward to stitch you up?"

"No no, I need to treat my wounds not fulfill my life's long awaited fantasy of banging a female nurse while hospitalized."

"Oh for heavens sake..." Ms. Goodwitch scoffed as she stood up to abruptly leave me for dead.

"If you can send a male nurse or doctor to send me some antibiotics, pain killers and six bags of ice I'd be grateful. Oxycodone preferably." I winced as I stood up and began to limp to my room.

"Doug....If you continue doing things like this at the rate you're going, everyone will eventually hate you."

Reaching the beginning of the hallway, I paused. "I know...."

"This is no way to live." Her voice shook just enough for me to notice.

"....I know." My arm began to spasm as the pain began to creep up in intensity.

"I'll contact the med team to send someone over." I heard her head out the front door.

"..." heading to my room I fished around what was left of my pocket until I found my room key only then noticing that my earbuds along with the case were now missing due to them probably falling through the torn fabric. "Fuuuuu-"

~Glynda POV~

"..Yes....you are hereby authorized to do so. Make sure it gets done. And I want everything here within the next two minutes. Absolutely. No. Women. Do I make myself clear? Good."

Taking her two fingers from her ear she took a deep breath before leaning against the back of the building.

'Sometimes, I wish that our world was spared from something like "Them". If "They" simply just didn't exist we wouldn't be in this mess to begin with.' As those words danced in her head her lips thinned. But to be thinking this this late in the game is pointless. The past can never be changed unfortunately. Even if it could mankind doesn't have the means to do it themselves. It would take a god to decide something so profound.'

As she opened her eyes she dug an electronic cigarette from her hair-bun and began to take slow methodical puffs. The pure nicotine rushing through her lungs easing her nerves down. Her work has been building up for the past few days and she couldn't help but feel a little overwhelmed. As she hid the puff stick tucking it in her hair behind her head. Lowering her arm she noticed that her hand was trembling leading to her sucking her teeth. "Tch!"

Her nerves were getting to her, she needed to remember to take at least a two day leave from work next weekend. The last time she ignored her body she burnt out badly. It was not pretty. And she couldn't afford to put a distressed image of her so early on in the school year, it'd be down right embarrassing. Speaking of which...just in case she took a glance around to make sure no one was around to see her before taking her leave, muttering to herself, "Time to repair everything. Again."

Reading other webnovels helps. Seeing others update alongside me always give me inspiration to keep publishing. To those that comment and to the silent readers I also wish to give a grateful thanks as you continue this journey with me as we trek on to the next chapter. I hope this project gives you at the very least an escape reality for but one second/moment. And at the very best give you inspiration to do something you wish to accomplish.

K_Logcreators' thoughts