

soniaolise9 · Ciudad
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32 Chs

chapter fourteen

Ivanna" Juliana called her out, as she stood there before she left to her room.

Juliana laid down on the bed yet couldn't still phantom what her sister did to her.

"At least I tired" Juliana muttered to herself, as she tucks herself in, hence sleeps till the next morning.

The next day, Ivanna woke up early in the pretense of going for a jog but craved to inquire where he stays in town.

Although it was an enormous town, Ivanna was hell-bent on finding exactly where Darick lived, in which she could easily ask her sister for it, hence she refused.

She walked around town asking if anyone knows who Darick was, she described him, thus no one knew who he was until her luck decided to shine that day when a store owner, who supplies foodstuffs for Darick, gave her the directions to his house.

"Thank you" she muttered with so much gratitude, as she walks off to meet him.

She stood at the door of Darick but still kept reckoning whether to knock or not, but she needed to gather her courage and knocked on the door, as Darick came out and was surprised to see her in his house.

"What are doing here," he said to her, as so many questions ran through his mind.

"Hello o, I just came to say hi," Ivanna said with a smile on her face, which of the cause was a big lie.

"How did you know where I stay" he raised a question, being suspicious of her.

"You told me, that day we walked home" She quickly yelled the first thing that ran through her mind.

"I did?" He muttered because he couldn't remember telling her where he lived but Ivanna kept on insisting he did, so he had to choice but to accept he did.

"May I come or should I heed back home?" Ivanna said as she waited for a response from him.

"Come on in" Darick Invited her in as she walks into the room.

"Nice home" she muttered, thus glared at each and every detail the house needed a makeover from.

"Your not serious, the house is a total mess," Darick said, as he passed a cup of coffee to her.

"Yea, but still it's nice home" she replied to him, as she slowly sips her coffee...

"So you married?" Ivanna let out without thinking, thus glared at him.

" Actually am not married he replied back, with a warm smile.

" Something tells me you left your own town for a reason" she raised a question.

"Actually I did but reasons best known to me," he replied back, as he walks off to the kitchen.

"This house is literally falling about," he said to me, as he tries to control a broken pipe in the kitchen.

"Help me" he altred, as the water splashes him.

" Wait" Ivanna yelled, thus she ran off, latching it from the main source.

"Thank you he mumbled, as he removes his wet clothes, reveling a well-shaped body. ..