
Parallel World? . . . Or not.

A young boy around eleven years old is currently walking along the beach coast in malibu and after a while of walking, he sits down on a small cliff overlooking the sea.

The boy was looking young, but had a maturity way beyond his age in his eyes. He was actually a transmigrator who had just transmigrated to the young boy in this parallel world, or at least that is what he thought.

The last thing he remembered was of him going to sleep after completing his project for college late night and after waking up, he was a young boy of eleven years old with the name Ethan.

No last name because he was an orphan who was left on the doorstep of an orphanage. He was alone now because they had come for a trip to the malibu beach for a while but forgot to take him back.

He had a very low and dull presence even in the orphanage not because he didn't understand anything, rather he was too smart and bored and vigilant of the hypocrisy of the adults, so he became unresponsive.

His predecessor's IQ was so high that being eleven, he had gained all the knowledge for PHD's in engineering, computer science, manufacturing of electrical devices and their working, along with biochemistry and biotechnology, etc for the betterment of lifestyle of people, which was also his goal.

It took him around an hour to digest all the knowledge and the sudden increase in brain power that he inherited, after waking up on the beach. According to the knowledge and IQ he had now, he could very well become tony stark of this world.

He just had no idea that it already had one, but will soon come to know of it.

After doing all that, he started walking along the beach thinking his next steps as he did not want to go back to the orphanage, which was very dull for him and he cannot make further progress to his knowledge as all that he had gained was from the library near the orphanage where he spent most of his time and he needed practical experience next.

Sitting on the cliff for a while, it was nearing evening and he decided to leave when sun starts to set as the scenery had helped calm him down a lot.

His personal memories from his past life were absent, although his personality did not seem affected, along with all the movies, novels and anime he watched and games played.

"Don't worry, with your IQ and knowledge, I will definitely work on improving lifestyle of people around the world. Although I am not as kind as you, I will still honour your wish apart from doing the others."

I said putting my hand on my chest. Although the childish voice felt a little weird, I eventually accepted it as I knew I will grow up handsome due to my clear blue eyes and pitch black hair.

After I had sorted everything and accepted it, he felt much more calm and refreshed. Just when I thought that I needed to go back to the orphanage at least until I earn my first pot of gold to move out, I heard a voice which I thought will never appear as it had not till not or may appear quite later.

[Ding! Skill System bound.

This system will help host cultivate skills to the highest level possible automatically with time. This is the only time the system will interact. Host will have to discover the rest on his own.]

"Woah! This is a really pleasant surprise. Time to do some testing."

About half an hour later I finally got to know the functions it has at least until now.

There were a few of them :

1. Any skill I start with will start going to the max level automatically. The time required will always be :

Common - 15 min, Uncommon - half hour, Rare - 3 hours, Ultra Rare - 10 hours, and finally Super Rare - 1 day.

2. I will get a Common ticket everyday, a Uncommon ticket every week, a Rare one every week, and a Ultra Rare every year. Super Rare can only be obtained due to special achievements or combining 3 Ultra Rare ones.

3. Every 3 of the same type can be combined to form one of thee next level.

4. Till Uncommon is the limit of human level skills and from rare, it is superhuman.

5. Tickets can be used to synthesize skills of that particular level even if I haven't learned it.

6. No Inventory

The last one was a bummer, but this is still very noice. Most of my knowledge level is just below Uncommon. Which was nice to know. There was also some common but highly useful skills if properly maxed out.

They were breathing, posture, walking, running, and language.

There were also some less useful ones like writing.

The main benefit that I feel is that the skills do not need to be done one after another, but simultaneously.

All the exploring took around half an hour which was confirmed by the back to back surges of knowledge with which I had the technology for space exploration. Like from the Xandar and other civilizations from movies which were multiplanetary.

The breathing helps me regulate it to the most optimal for my body to keep healthy, postures for no pain and rather more efficient way of it. same with walking and running, I can do same things with less energy, and all subconsciously at this level.

All skills were Uncommon level so that was to be expected.

With all this settled, I also understood that the difference between levels was very large as evident from the knowledge itself and even the less useful ones are bound to have effects that I will have to discover practically to experience the difference.

Again deciding to get up and go to the nearest police station to ask them to send me back to the orphanage till I get my patents for my first pot of gold with the now extraordinary technology.

I was once again interrupted by not a voice but someone who I thought was not possible to be here and also made me clear about my new world which was not just any modern world.