
Chapter 5

The next morning, Lucille and Shannon rushed Stacy to the organization that renders the charity to children. Stacy's fever had increased overnight and she was shivering seriously. Lucille ran to the receptionist area while Shannon sat down with Stacy on the chair.

“My name is Janet and how can I help you ma'am.”

Lucille was breathing heavily and answered,“I heard a family is sponsoring this organization for this week.” Janet nodded and she continued, “My child is really down with a fever and we decided to bring her here. One question, will she be treated?”

Janet answered, “Yes ma'am, she would be treated.” Then she called two of her colleagues, “Alex, Sarah, please assist this woman and her child.” She looked at Lucille asking,“Where is she?” Lucille pointed to where Stacy was and she said,“Alex and Sarah will take care of her. All I need from you is her birth certificate and medical records. If she doesn't have a medical record,then we can do it for her.”

Lucille nodded and she continued,“You don't have to worry ma'am, your daughter is in safe hands.”

Lucille thanked Janet and followed her to the room where Stacy would be admitted in.

Afternoon came and Shannon came in with Bob. Lucille was looking at Stacy as she slept and Bob put a hand on her shoulder, “You need to go home Lucille.”

Lucille wiped her tears and said,“I really don't understand what happened to her.”

Shannon sat on the bed and said,“Mother, go home okay, I'll stay here with Stacy.”

Lucille sighed,“She needs me by her side, you two can go ahead.”

Shannon shook her head,“No mother, you have to go home now. I'll stay here. We can't start having another sick person. Come on dad, take her home.”

Lucille took Shannon's hand in hers and said,“Shannon, thank you for accepting Stacy as your sister even though she's not your real sister.”

Shannon wiped the tears from Lucille's eyes. “Oh come on mother, I have no choice. Especially after what that lady did to you then, I can't help it. Now go home, I'll come home soon.” She hugged her tightly and Bob took her home.

Olivia was in school with her group of friends with parents of high standards in the society. Letty, her parents own a big resort, Julia, her father owned a wine company, while her mother owned a fashion store and Alexa, her father is a great politician, while her mother is a popular movie star.

They were having lunch. Olivia was thinking about Anna when Alexa asked (in her British accent),“Are you okay Olivia? You are not eating your lunch.”

Olivia sighed,“I'm just thinking about my family. I just learnt about a big secret.”

Alexa asked,“What's it about? That's if you wanna share.”

Julia scoffed,“Of course she should share. We are her friends after all.”

Olivia sighed,“I have a twin sister.”

Letty and Julia burst into a loud daughter while Alexa chuckled silently. Julia still laughing asked,“Are you trying to crack a joke cause it's not working.”

Olivia looked at them with tears in her eyes, “I'm telling you about what's bothering me and all you guys do is laugh.”

Letty stopped laughing. “Oh you're serious.”

Alexa asked,“But why haven't we seen her?”

Olivia dabbed her face with her handkerchief and said,“My parents said she was kidnapped the night we were born.”

Julia asked,“So, what have your parents done?”

Olivia answered,“They have been looking for her but haven't found her yet?”

Letty stood up. “Thank the Lord!”

Alexa immediately asked,“Why are you thanking the Lord for that. Her sister is missing for years now.”

Letty asked Olivia,“Did you ask your parents what will happen once they find her and what was their response?”

“They said that moment would be the happiest day of their lives.”

Letty stamped her feet. “You see, if by any chance you see your twin sister before your parents, you need to get rid of her, make sure your parents don't see her.”

Alexa stood up immediately. “Are you drunk Letty? How would you tell her to do a thing like that and to her own sister?”

Letty scoffed. “Look at it this way. Once her parents find that girl, they would transfer all the love they have towards Olivia to her.”

“I'm really with Letty on this. They would not have time for her anymore like before.” Julia contributed.

Alexa brushed her hands through her hair and said, “Olivia, you don't have to listen to them. It's true, your parents would have more time for her than you once she's found, but she's still your sister, your family. Sooner or later, your parents would have time for you both. And you don't have to think any love is being shared.”

Olivia stood up, “Thanks guys. I need to go now, my mom's visiting the charity she decided to sponsor, see you later.” Then she left. She was about to enter the car when Letty ran over, “Hey wait!”

Olivia dropped her bag in the car and Letty continued, “You need to listen to my advice, cause I've been there. I love you girl.” Then she ran back inside. Olivia sighed and entered the car as the driver drove off.

Danielle was waiting for Olivia outside when the driver came in. She hugged Olivia and said,“Come on sweetie, go get changed okay, we'll be leaving in 10.”

Olivia nodded, changed into a designer wear she got from Julia's mom. She wore black sun shades and came out. Danielle smiled. “Looking good as always. Your dad is busy at the office today, so we'll go alone okay.” Olivia nodded and they went into the car and Danielle drove off.

Danielle and Olivia got down as Janet, Alex and Sarah came to greet her.

“Thank you so much for sponsoring the charity ma'am. We appreciate your efforts and we are so grateful. You can come in.” Janet said

Then she directed them inside and said, “Here are the list of children who got here just yesterday.” Danielle looked at the list and said, “Alright, I'll go check on this McKenzie, while Olivia would go over to this Stacy I think.” Then she looked at Olivia, “My dear, I'm allowing you to go check on this Stacy cause she's your age mate. Once I'm done with McKenzie, I'll come over okay. Take care. I love you.” Then she left with Janet and Sarah leaving her with Alex. Alex asked, “Olivia right, do you know you look so much like the Stacy you are about to meet. I actually thought it was her until I went to check.”

Olivia was shocked but she braced herself and said, “That's not true, just show me her room and I'll take it from there.....and please, don't tell my mom about it, she'll panic.” Alex nodded and led her to the front of Stacy's room.

Olivia sighed heavily and opened the door slowly. She could not feel her legs as she walked towards the bed where Stacy was lying down. Stacy was backing her so she could not see her face.

She sighed and said,“Hello!”

Immediately Stacy turned to her side to respond but stopped at the sight of the image she was seeing.

Olivia placed her hands on her mouth and shrieked quietly.

Stacy was shocked at the sight to and.......