
double chaos: SILVER

My name is silver, pretty weird name right well my life is quite a peaceful one ( do not believe me) and complicated ,my mom left me at a very early age , well I don't blame her she did it to protect me now all I have to do is to train to become stronger than anyone I could ever imagine, plonder the heavens and make the world go on its knees for me  I know I can't do it alone that's why I tagged along a few of my friends; Leo and Xander don't be deceived by their looks they are two heck of a monster and together we shall grow and defy the heavens.

immortal_dragon · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
20 Chs

chapter 10:path begins

The ability he possessed was known as the sacred elven mirror which is possessed by decendants of the royal family , inside the his body lies part of a powerful artifact known as the Pandora box which is held only by the grand priestess which was his mother , she had him two years after of being the apparent ruler, after a few months of giving birth to him he developed a strange Illness which threatened his life and she couldn't lose him so she took out a piece of the Pandora box which healed him but caused a huge misunderstanding between she and the elders and priestesses in the kingdom which was putting his life at risk as the quest for power increased among the people under her Increased she had no other option but to take a risky step which was to hide him away with her twin Lola In the human kingdom and release a fake news of his death. Although not all were fooled by this words , it at least put him in a safe situation

"...... So that's how we ended up here " Lola said In a calm tone after explaining the story to silver who had a gloomy expression which was also filled with anger it was as if his resolve to become stronger was given a major boost and his will power tripled a hundred times. " So what do I have to do?" Silver asked with his head down looking at the ground" become stronger and break your limit" Lola said in a smiling tone getting the felling of a stronger will from him" and how do I become strong ? If there is a way then show me the path * Silver said looking at her with passionate eyes " ok don't worry, but are you really sure you want to chase this path because from what I see you don't look ready" Lola said trying to tease him but silver refused to bulge instead he kept insisting that he could do it and not slack

"Ok , I'll pass you these technique which you are going to use to train everyday, do not waste any day because time is precious and you have to become strong Incase those guys finds you, you can easily defend yourself" Lola said as she touched his temple with her index finger which gave out a slight glow, she was passing him the technique and he noticed that this time it wasn't painful at all , unlike the last one when his head nearly split open.

He calmed down and began to cultivate the technique which was known as the " sacred divine mirror" in it contained a few mirror battle techniques which are extremely powerful if used properly

" Nola I hope you don't get mad at me for doing this.... He can't live that sweet and peaceful life you promised" Lola said with an extremely sad expression, they only both wanted a good life where he could live in peace but it wasn't possible when he had that thing inside his body


Silver opened his eyes as the Ray's of the sun touched his face, he took his time all night and was able to learn the first and most easiest which was known as the mirror sheild which is both an offensive and defensive technique, it defends the user against attacks and also reflects back the attack in a multiplied amount and the user can increase the amount to what ever he or she wishes so far their soul essence could take it , with silver current state he could only multiply the reflection by three times.

He stretched his body out causing his bones to give out snapping sounds, which gave him a relived feeling, he took a quick bath getting ready for the day activities but just then it dawn on him that he was now on his weekend break, " up pretty late, you'll get a little punishment for that" Lola said to silver as he got downstairs to meet her , she was busy sorting out fruits and vegetables that she was going to sell to xevlar family which coincidentally was the family that Alexa was from

Lola owned a large farm where she had a few hand's employed to relieve her of the too work even though there were not too much for her since she was a cultivator but instead of being in the spotlight she choose to work on the farm with a few helping hand ( including silver) and xevlar family was one of her major customers, one could say she was a rich person but Lola wasn't someone who loves showing off(it's not as if she had any option) instead stayed down like a normal civilian

" Which of the technique were you able to master " Lola asked and silver raised his hand activating the mirror shield causing a translucent shield to appear Infront of him , it wasn't in the perfected stage so she wasn't expecting too much from him" you tried ,this is good for starters" Lola commented casually waving her hand which at first showed nothing but suddenly a strong wave hit silver pushing him back a few meters even the shield had cracks all over , his expression was filled with both supriced and shocked he didn't even sense any attack coming his way and the power was too terrifying, his hand was shaking from the after effect and he was sure he didn't want to experience it again

" Your stamina is too little , I didn't even use too much power in that attack and you are already in this state just know your training is no joke" Lola said looking at silver whose body was shaking as if he had seen a ghost" if you didn't use much power then….." silver paused trying to collect his thoughts which were now scattered leaving him too shocked to move" don't be too scared but you still have a long way to go" Lola said with a calm sigh " I know I have a long way to go but you are way too far from my reach...… so much for nearly shattering my hopes" silver cursed under his breath