
double chaos: SILVER

My name is silver, pretty weird name right well my life is quite a peaceful one ( do not believe me) and complicated ,my mom left me at a very early age , well I don't blame her she did it to protect me now all I have to do is to train to become stronger than anyone I could ever imagine, plonder the heavens and make the world go on its knees for me  I know I can't do it alone that's why I tagged along a few of my friends; Leo and Xander don't be deceived by their looks they are two heck of a monster and together we shall grow and defy the heavens.

immortal_dragon · Fantasía
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20 Chs

chapter 1: mom

"Nola , you don't have to do this!" Lola said looking at her sister mainly upset with her , she was leaving her year old baby in her care and she didn't feel right since a child is meant to feel the mother fulls care but she leaving was obviously spoiling it ," Lola we have talked about this already, haven't we ?" Nola complained in a tired tone , she didn't have any other options to choose from. If she took the child with her It would be detrimental to both of them and putting the child's life at risk was the last option she ever took. " But....." Lola wanted to complain but Nola wouldn't let her " no buts .... Just promise you will keep my little silver safe , and take care of him as you would take care of yours " Nola said holding her hands and looking at her eyes, Nola had done many things for her and saying at this point Will mean she wasn't grateful for the sister type of love she had been shown

" Ok I promise you that, but when are you coming back?" Lola asked " I can't say for sure but I'll come get you both when the dust has settled down.....but until then try to lay low will you? " Nola said turning her attention to her little baby boy" wait for me little silver mommy loves you and Will be back " Nola said planting a kiss on his forehead before turning to leave" we'll be waiting " Lola said looking at Nola who stopped midway , touching her veil hat with a smile looking at Lola " I'll be back" those were the last thing she said before disappearing

*Fifteen years later*

A young boy could be seen sitting on the branch of a tall tree, he had a pair of calm bluish gray pupils which was more of grey and less of blue which made look very much different from any average person, his skin was fair and smooth apart from a few scratch and bruises he sustained maybe from training or bullies, he kept looking at the sky thinking of something no one would want to ask " silver, come down for dinner" a familiar voice called out to him drawing his attention noticing his aunt who was beneath him but he ignored and kept looking somewhere else" hey , I'm talking to you young man " his aunt shouted again but silver still didn't reply, looking at the sky . His mood looked like he was very upset or rather she would call it rebellious at that point in time and she noticed this quickly , climbing up to meet him" what's it little silver?" She asked in a calm voice not forgetting to add his pet name to calm him further noticing his obviously sour mood, being an elven she could obviously read his mood

Unlike other race , elven looked like humans but had longer ears which are pointing and green hair except for silver who looked more human since he hadn't really experience what Lola referred to as a" bloom " as they call it, Lola also looked like humans because she used a rear shape shifting technique to tone her looks. " It's been fifteen years since mom left ,when is she coming back?" Silver asked In a really low tone which looked like a whisper but being able to still be heard by her, he hadn't seen her since when he was one year old and only heard stories about her from from his aunt lola , he found out when he wanted to attend a ceremony which he would use to awaken their innate origin which will then allow him to use the ability he possessed, his aunt didn't want him to attend it for reasons best known to her , he insisted on going to the extent she was enraged forcing her to tell him a little about himself and it was a stupid decision she had to regret the moment she did it

" I don't know, I still hope she comes back" Lola answered and silver didn't find it soothing " for how long am I going to stay here, I'm weak and useless if not even hopeless " silver said referring to the fact that he didn't awaken his innate Origin being like a normal human without any origin ability which hurt him very much, tears flowed freely down his face looking frustrated, he jumped down from the tree heading straight to the house" you won't understand, it's hard on everyone.. not only you " Lola said trying to console Silver but it didn't even budge an inch" hard my ass" silver shouted smashing the door behind him," Nola you did a really good job giving birth to a stubborn lad like this one..... I guess I have to do it now " Lola said with a calm sigh now looking straight to the sky