
Double Awakening

Louis_Wiryaatmaja · Fantasía
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1 Chs

Chapter 1 The awakening

"How long has it been" the king asked the royal guard.

"Its been 7 days, your highness" the royal guard reply.

This story takes places in a world called earth, where the two strongest kingdom clash and blood is splatter everywhere.

After 2 long weeks of blood and tears the kingdom of Spade won its battle however they lost the one and only king, King Louis XVI. He died not because of the enemy, but he died because of the royal servent. King Louis thought he was dead and suddently he opens his eye and he see a woman and a man.

He feel strange and he says to himself why are my body are so small, and who are these people and why they are so friendly and kind. Not long after that he realize" No way I have been reborn" he scream in his head but the mother and the father sees him cried.

"Don't cry mama is here" says the mom.

Three months after the king was reborn, it is the first time he went out from his house with his mom to buy some groceries. When he went out to buy some groceries he sees a miracle for the first time.

He saw different type of races ( Human, elves, dwarf, and giants), he saw magic is used for daily purposes, and old school world where there is 0 technology, and the old school currency where it uses white gold, gold, silver and copper. 100 copper it is equivalent to 1 silver, 100 silver is equivalent to 1 gold coin, where as 1000 gold is equivalent to 1 white gold coin.

Living standard for basic human can live for 2 copper coins a day.

Time have passed now the king was 3 years old. Now he know his name, he is no longer King Louis XVI but he is now Kristoffer Helsky. Helsky the name of the king new family after his new father named Jonathan Helsky and his mother Sophis Helsky.

When Kris was 2 he liked to go to the small libary at his small house in the village, the village called Drum village. Since he is was reborn, he have the knowledge of his previous life so he can read. One sunny evening when the king is having a nice evening nap suddently there was a huge quack and a huge purple light glowing from Kris' room.

This world is called htrae where people have magic power. Normal human awaken at the age of 12 and for elves it is more early at 9 and Dwarf at the age of 10, giants doesn't have magic power.

When someone awaken there are 2 possibility where if the light colour is white it means that the person who awaken only can be awaken once if it is purple like Kris' light, it means Kris can do double awakening.

This world magic consists of 3 different types of magic. First is the basic known as the 4 elements and second is double awakening magic and third it is called the grand magic.

1 in 1000 people can have the chance to awaken, the person who awakens can get at least one out of the four magic in the basic magic or the 4 elements. These 4 elements consist of Fire, Water, Wind and Earth magic.

1 out of 1 million have the chance of double awakening where it gives more stronger magic elements than the 4 basic elements. If the person is double awaken the person is guarentee to have at least 2 out of the 4 basic and 1 out of 6 double awakening magic. The six magic are Lighting, ice, shadow, light, metal, and rock.

If the magician level or power is high enough he or she may learn what is called grand magic. There are 4 grand magic and this magic is the strongest of them all which include Wood magic, gravity magic, sound magic, and last but not least space magic.