
Dou Luo: This Tang San is Different

Transmigrator 1: "Tang San, you reincarnated by seizing someone else's body, how despicable!" Slap! Tang San slapped him back and scolded: "You are the one who reincarnated and awakened your previous life's memories, and I am the one who seized someone else's body, right?" Transmigrator 2: "Tang San, you are so hypocritical! You actually told Dugu Bo the worst way to treat his poison, and stole his immortal grass." Slap! Tang San slapped him again and said: "Were those immortal grasses planted by Dugu Bo? No? Then in this fantasy world, killing and robbing is very normal, right? As long as I am strong, then everything I do is right!" Transmigrator 3: "I'd rather be Xiao Yan's lackey than Tang San's brother!" Bang! Tang San smashed his head with a Sky Hammer and said: "You like Xiao Yan so much, why did you transmigrate to Douluo Continent? I am kind-hearted, I'll send you to Douqi Continent!" In his previous life, Tang Chuan transmigrated to Tang San, without any cheats, he wanted to follow the rules, practice Xuantian Gong diligently, and break through the hundredth level by researching his martial soul. He didn't expect that transmigrators would come one after another, and each one of them was a "moral model". Tang San said: "You guys are bored, right?" ****** Power Stone Goal: 200PS = 1 CHAP 600PS = 5 CHAP Have early access to over 25 chapters on patreon along with weekly mass chapter drop: patreon.com/ZeroMoney Announcement: For every 5 patron that join my patreon before 1 Feb I will mass release 15 chapters. patreon.com/ZeroMoney This is a translation.

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317 Chs

The Moment of Martial Soul Awakening

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Announcement: I would mass release 15 chapters of each book on Patreon for every five patrons I receive on my Patreon before 31st January.


For the future, Tang San naturally had his own plan.

The first step was to awaken the Martial Soul, which was the most important thing, after all, the Martial Soul was the extraordinary foundation of this world.

  And after the Martial Soul awakened, he would go to Nuoding Academy to study.

  It wasn't that Tang San didn't want to find other academies, but that he had no money at home and could only go as a work-study student.

  Note: Yu Xiaogang, that's a pit, avoid it.

  Since he was three years old, Tang San made friends with Su Yuntao, and occasionally went to the Soul Hall branch in Nuoding City with him.

  He read a lot of public books there, and also learned about the theories published by Yu Xiaogang, and truly understood why he was called a joke.

  One thing to admit is that Yu Xiaogang's theory had some correct parts, but only some, and that was the common sense of the soul master world.

  What was common sense?

  It was the knowledge that had been summed up by most of the soul masters in the past generations and recognized by everyone.

  Yu Xiaogang published it as if he had summed it up by himself.

  Secondly, the part of Yu Xiaogang's theory that was not recognized basically had no proof, and some were just his personal subjective fantasies.

  With this level, he dared to publish it, which was really ridiculous.

  Of course, because of his identity as the son of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon family, no one dared to mock him in front of him, which would only make him unhappy, and nothing else.

  The benefits of being a disciple of Yu Xiaogang, Tang San also thought about, aside from the fate of the heavens, the biggest benefit that Yu Xiaogang could bring to Tang San was the rich knowledge of soul beasts, some ancient books that outsiders could not see.

  Besides, there was no need to worry too much about life in the early stage.

  But Tang San felt that he had the ability to support himself.

  As for the knowledge of soul beasts, Tang San felt that the books he got from the Soul Hall branch in Nuoding City were enough for him to figure out what kind of soul ring he should choose.

  After avoiding the pit of Yu Xiaogang, it was six years of study, during which Tang San planned to build his own team for the future.

  He was not a gentleman.

  Fame, power, wealth, beauty, knowledge, and truth, he wanted them all!

  Thinking of getting these, one person couldn't do it, and one person's research was not as good as cooperating with many people, different brains could spark different inspirations.

  And after graduating from Nuoding Academy, where to go···

  Anyway, Shrek definitely couldn't go.

  The environment had a great influence on people.

  The students had talent, they could go to prostitution, gambling, and cause trouble at will, Tang San really didn't appreciate this kind of teaching method.

  To be fair, the original Wuxia Tang San, born in the Tang Sect, was an assassin, his fighting style wasn't kind of exposing his face, assassinating the target was the key, he could sneak attack, never harden, this was the principle of the hidden weapon sect.

  But the original Wuxia Tang San was brought astray by the "not daring to cause trouble is mediocrity," and became arrogant.

  Perhaps because he crossed and became Tang San, he was psychologically inclined to explain for Wuxia Tang San, but from the perspective of the original book, Tang San dared to say that Wuxia Tang San was more hypocritical and double-standard than most of the Douluo fanfiction protagonists, and he was really a "moral model."

  It was only in Douluo II that he started to "go crazy" and became not a person, but a ruthless god.

  Back to the topic.

  After graduating from Nuoding Academy, you could choose any advanced academy, participate in the elite competition of the whole continent's advanced soul master academy, and become famous in one fell swoop.

  And his personal identity problem?

  Tang Hao's son was indeed a trouble, but as long as he dealt with the rabbit's problem, Tang Hao should not be stupid enough to jump out at the last moment.

  The four affiliated families of the former Hao Tian Sect, if he wanted to use their power, he had to abandon the identity of the Hao Tian Sect.

  This also suited him.

  Anyway, he didn't intend to play any ancestral return.

  Modern people didn't have much concept of ancestors and don't want to have an extra ancestor on their heads.

  Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect?

  Ning Fengzhi was an old fox, in terms of conspiracy and tricks, he, a modern person, couldn't beat a sect master.

  Then, there was no need to play conspiracy, wait for the strength to go up, you could make friends, Ning Fengzhi had a great kindness to the genius soul master.

  But, Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect seemed to have no academy of its own? At least it didn't appear in the original book.

  Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Family? Thunder Academy?

  This was possible, Yu Tianheng was a good person, and he was in a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship with Dugu Yan, he could pull in the relationship···wait, Yu Tianheng seemed to be the royal team of Tian Dou.

  And Blue Tyrant Academy···

  Cross it out!

  This academy recruited civilians vigorously, but it was likely to meet Yu Xiaogang.

  The specific academy, not yet determined, there were six years to consider-

  And after the competition, you could travel the continent, after all, looking at the map from the Soul Hall, the area of Douluo Continent was equivalent to Eurasia, very large, and a large part of the area had not been explored by human soul masters.

  At that time, becoming an explorer, was not a bad choice.

  But, there was a place to avoid-

  The City of Slaughter.

  Although you could get the Slaughter God Domain, that place was a paradise of sin, all kinds of depraved things happened there, Tang San guessed that

the protagonist of the original book was so perverted in Douluo II and Douluo III, maybe it was influenced by this place.

  Although he washed away the lead in Yue Xuan later, Tang San estimated that he just put on a more hypocritical face-seeing the most dark and fallen scene of the world, could the etiquette of the nobles wash away those memories?

  Absolutely impossible!

  Washing away the lead, I'm afraid it just made his soul calm for a while, when the Slaughter God Domain opened, the scene of corpses and blood appeared in his mind, and the calm naturally dissipated in the invisible.

  As for Sea God Island···you could go there once.

  The god position was still very fragrant.

  At least you could live forever.

  Above, this was Tang San's current general life plan, if there were any other changes in the meantime, such as: after he awakened his Martial Soul, he was not innate full soul power, Tang Hao really lay down, and asked him to cook for him in this village for the rest of his life.

  Then, he would practice and study the Martial Soul, and become a respected Martial Soul theory master.

  As for the future war outbreak, the Soul Hall wanted to unify the continent, the Tian Dou Empire rebelled against the Soul Hall and the like, and he had nothing to do with him directly, when the war spread to the Holy Soul Village, he would take Old Jack and escape to the nearby woods.

  But it shouldn't be that bad, after all, in the original book's ending, the Holy Soul Village was safe and sound.

  War, a war that affected the whole continent, to exaggerate, it was actually just a few important places in the war, other small cities and towns, unless they were unlucky, just happened to be passed by the army, otherwise they could feel the war atmosphere, it was the price rise around them.

  Tang San came back to his senses and put the forging hammer aside, and began to practice Xuantian Gong.

  And Tang Hao, who lay on the bed for a while, noticed Tang San's movements, and thought: "I said, the soul master hadn't awakened, meditation was useless···forget it, let him be."

  After a while, Tang Hao got up from the bed, walked out with a black face. Because it was noon, he was hungry.