
Doting husband, loving wife

Love at first sight, I don't believe in such things, they don't happen in real life may be in movies. Like most of the love stories where the male lead and female lead don't believe in love at first sight, both Eva Williams and Andrew Thompsons don't as well, but as their journey began, they realized they felt something for each other at first sight but are too proud to confess their love. Who will be the first to confess their love? Will it be a smooth journey or a rocky one? The female lead is a successful businesswoman who started her company at the age of 21 and a single mother to a beautiful daughter. After finishing her first degree in business management at the age of 19 with first-class honours she got scholarships to further her education which she did International business and HMR and also finished with first-class honours. After being satisfied with her education, she decided to go on a holiday just to have fun and celebrate. “Hey beautiful, it seems you are getting drunk slow down” Marcus shouted into Eva’s ears “It’s fine, I have a high tolerance. One or two more shots should be fine “ Eva replied The following morning Eva sneaked out of Marcus room and went to her room to shower and packed her things and head to the airport...not knowing that she was already pregnant. The Male lead Andrew is the only child who is the heir and CEO to the biggest company in the country. He doesn’t believe in love at first sight or date as he feels it a waste of his time. “Do you know since we met I couldn’t stop thinking about you?” Addy said “Me too, it feels like I’m not alright if I don’t talk to you in a day “ Eva replied *************** “I promise to protect you and our daughter, with everything I’ve got “ Addy replied ************** Hi guys, SarangLove here, I’m the author of this novel and I hope you will enjoy this story. This is my first time writing a novel and I hope you support me by reading it, commenting, adding it in your collection, voting and rating this novel.

SarangLove · Ciudad
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54 Chs

Chapter 28


Eva entered her office to see a bunch of flowers. The flowers filled the whole table she sets aside as the dining table. There were two types of flowers on the table, the pink roses were about a thousand pieces and the other one is purple hyacinth.

Immediately, she called Gary to ask him who the flowers are from, and he told her he left the cards on her table.

She saw one was addressed to her and the other to Lily. Woah the person must be close to Lilian to refer to her as Lily. She checked the card and her eyes went straight to the bottom to see who sent the flowers.

She saw the name Andrew Thompsons, there was a handwritten letter on the card that says

'I hope you love the pink roses, sorry I couldn't deliver them myself this morning, but it's my way of saying thank you for the lift.

P.S I hope you haven't forgotten my request, I will be expecting a positive response.

From: Andrew Thompsons'

She smiled to herself and thought how cute that was, she sure loves flowers and appreciate the gesture and decided to send him a message over the phone that she has received his appreciation gift.

After a long day at work, Eva pondered whether to take Lilian flowers home or not. She eventually decided to take it with her home.

On getting home, she was greeted by her daughter, as she entered her mansion, she saw the own floor was filled with pink roses, she immediately knew it was Addy. She immediately dialled his number, at the first ring she could hear his voice, it was as if he was waiting for her to call

"Don't you think the flowers are too much?" Eva said angrily

"Nothing is too much for the beautiful and gorgeous Eva" he replied with a cheeky smile

"Where do you expect me to put all of them?" she hissed

"Well, I'm only saying thank you"

"How many thank you do you want to say, I appreciate the gesture anyway so you didn't have to send flowers to my house, anyway I need to figure out where to put them all Bye" she hung up before he could reply.

After she was done with the call, Rhoda came in with a present that was nicely wrapped

"This came with the flowers" Rhoda handed the present to her, as she opened it, she was so shocked to see a diamond necklace.

"Wow that looks expensive, is it from a secret admirer or your boyfriend," her grandma asked

"Neither, he said its a thank you gift, I did a little bit of charity yesterday" she replied and smiled

"Well that doesn't look like a thank you gift to me, it looks like be my girlfriend gift" her grandma teased. Everyone in the room agreed

"Is he the one that gave you that one as well" her grandma pointed to the purple flower

"No, this one is for Lilian" she picked the flower and card up as she passed it to Lilian

"ME?" Lilian was surprised. Eva nodded as she gestured for her to take the flower and card.

"I would suggest you read that in your room after dinner" Eva doesn't know what is written in there, but she was sure it's from Leo, in case what is written in there changes her mood.

"But who is it from," Lilian asked

"Ermm, I don't know as well, you will find out later" Eva replied as she made her way to her bedroom to change into a comfortable outfit before eating dinner.

After dinner, she instructed Rhoda to put the flowers away.

She had some family time with her grandma, Rosie and Lilian before they went to bed.

When Lilian got in her room, she opened the card and it was from Leo

'I don't know how you can forgive me, but I truly hope you would find someplace in your heart to forgive me, and I hope we stay cool at least'

Lilian just sat on her bed, she couldn't process what happened. She didn't know how to react to what she just read, she decided to put it in the drawer beside her bed as she used her medication. After a few minutes, she felt drowsy and dosed off.

Meanwhile, when Eva got to her room, she had a quick shower and decided to call Addy, because she forgot to ask how he knew her home address

"Hi, do you like it?" Addy asked he knew why she was calling. He was so happy when he saw her name appear.

"How did you know my home address?" Eva asked

"Well I have my ways" he replied,

"Do you secretly look for strangers address"

"First of all, you are not a stranger to me, secondly I would if I have a business to do with the person" he meant if the person offends him or his loved ones, he would fish them out even if they run to the end of the world.

"Anyway why would you go through that trouble, it looks expensive," Eva asked

"Its no trouble at all, I would buy the world for you if I have to"

"Oh stop with your sweet mouth" Eva rolled her eyes. She paused for a moment

"Thanks anyway" she continued

"Well it's my pleasure" Addy replied

"Good night then," Eva said

"Alright, do have sweet dreams" Addy replied. He waited for her to hang up the call.

After she hangs up

'That guy so smooth does he not know when to stop flirting' she cupped her face with her hands to cool down the heat she was feeling.

'What is wrong with me these days, thinking about him alone makes my body hot and tingly, how weird. Eva, you need to focus and not lose concentration, I don't have time to think about men or should I say, Addy, I need to focus on my business'

She kept talking to herself trying to convince herself not to fall for Addy.