
Doted by the Alpha (S1&S2)

In an alternate world where evolution has given the male species the ability to get pregnant, a young man named Daniel Sullen had his life turn 180 degrees when he discovered he wasn't what he was supposed to be. He discovered the secret of his birth and upon knowing comes along an evil twin sister that wants to ruin his life every chance she gets to and parents that don't even consider him as their own. The only person on his side was his grandfather who favors him more than anyone until that fateful night. Maybe it's good karma but who would think he'd end up being pregnant with a billionaire's child??! ... This is a work of fiction. It has no connection to real individuals groups or events. Unauthorized reproduction, distribution, or transmission (Including websites) of this work, in part or in whole is prohibited and punishable by the law. All Rights Reserve. lesson101 2018 ... Disclaimer: The picture used in the book cover is not mine. No copyright infringement intended. If you are the owner of this art and wish for me to take it down then my DM's are always open and I will remove it immediately. Or you can email me on lesson101.lightnovels@gmail.com

lesson101 · LGBT+
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237 Chs

Deserves to Know

* * *

"Please give our peaceful lives back." Ian looked at Hanlu proudly as he said this, the loud gasps from the crowd in front of them didn't bother Ian as he kept drowning in his husband's deep brown orbs.

"I love you so much. I know I hurt you more than a hundred or a thousand times even, I have no excuse however I am asking you again for your forgiveness. And along with this is a promise that I will never break your heart again, everyone here will be your witness. If I ever dare to cheat on you, I'll give you my permission to cut my manhood and run away with our children and my wealth." Hanlu chuckled remembering that time when Ian threatened to cut off his manhood.

"I would do anything, give you everything, cherish you, and love you and our future children. Ian Andrews Mo, just don't ever leave me. I would kneel here if you want me to, just tell me and I would do it." Hanlu said this with the microphone on, making Ian blush. Hanlu leaned forward wrapping his arms around Ian, suddenly there were only the two of them in the room. Ian nodded with a soft smile as they kissed on screen.

The flashing of cameras and people making urgent phone calls continued to emanate in the room but Ian and Hanlu remained kissing. Lan in the background happily clapped his hands for his parents. When Hanlu and Ian separated, the crowd was still going crazy

"I hope my relationship with the person in the picture is now clear. Regarding Miss Chime, the person who will come forward next will answer your entire questions. And about the company, our current acting CEO will come afterward and answer all of your burning questions. That's all from me today. Please excuse us." Hanlu said and quickly excused himself. He ignored how the people at the front complained about his immediate leave from the conference. But Hanlu didn't care, he was not like how he used to be anymore.

From now on everything he says can possibly cause harm to his small family. He was not a single bachelor anymore and he was striving to be the man that would fit best on Ian's preference. Although he knew Ian would love him anyway no matter what, he still wanted to change for the better.

Lifting Lan on his arm, Hanlu and Ian left together to the back with a few men guarding them.

And as they left, a man in formal attire came forward to the podium. No one had noticed him yet as the people in the front were focused on Mo Hanlu and his wife's leaving backs. The blue pigment in his eyes intensified as he stared at the crowd. Honestly, today he was extremely nervous that his hands were shaking. He was supposed to be dead but here he was revealing himself.

Suddenly, a document projected on the white background at the far back for everyone to see and notice it. Finally, the crowd's attention was directed to the image. When he noticed that he had now caught almost everyone's attention, he briefly cleared his throat.

"Good Morning everyone, I'm Ethan Morris…and I am the father of the actress Veronica Chime's baby," Ethan introduced himself and it was enough for everyone to finally focus on him after looking at the copy of the medical results projected on the white background.

* * *

Everyone in the room listened to Mo Hanlu on the TV and later everyone gasped at his sudden announcement. The Sullens and Lopez being because they initially didn't know that the baby Veronica Chime was carrying was not Mo Hanlu's and the Mos were hearing the word wife from Hanlu and the kiss they did on screen. Daniel and Laura also didn't fail to notice the couple were both wearing a ring on their ring fingers so they doubt that Hanlu was calling Ian his wife because he just wanted to but actually because they were truly already married and now a happy married couple.

"Laotian, Hanlu, and Ian had secretly gotten married," Daniel mentioned excitedly. He was actually hoping Hanlu would marry Ian so Veronica would not have a chance to enter the family but he was worried Ian wouldn't forgive Hanlu so he doubted it would happen but now they actually married themselves on their own.

Laotian on the other hand, kind of expected the two had gotten married already because Hanlu was surprisingly serious about finding the Omega. If Ian Andrews isn't important to his younger brother, Laotian doubts the younger Alpha would have even bothered looking for the Omega. And given that Hanlu believed that he was forced to marry Veronica even though it was just a front, Laotian was sure Hanlu didn't want to even pretend to marry the actress if their situation forced him to.

Secretly marrying Ian Andrews was the only solution to that in any case. It was just quite surprising for Laotian that the inspector agreed in the end. Laotian expected more resistance since the Omega already went as far as running away.

"What is wrong with our sons?! Marrying without us getting invited, I will not accept this Chen." Laura complained looking at her husband who knew the news all along because he had contacts with Henry. Initially, he already knew that Tian Zi was tracking down the car he used to transport Ian and Lan to that white villa so he was sure that if ever Hanlu tried to look for his family, he would surely find them in a week at most. Henry also already knew this so the moment Hanlu came, he reported it immediately to Mo Chendong and other activities involved for the past days.

Mo Chendong just purposely hid it because he knew his wife would get upset and would probably come rushing straight to the couple and force them to marry again with all of them invited. That very reason made Mo Chendong decide to choose silence for the time being and given that it was still a bad time. He was secretly happy for his son to finally find someone who had changed his mind indefinitely and he was relieved that Ian Andrews agreed.

"Hmmm, we can arrange another wedding if all of this is settled." Mo Chendong cooed his wife.

"It would still be different…Xiao Zi, don't you dare marry without us knowing. You have to tell us." Laura then looked at Tian Zi who was busy texting on his phone that when he heard what his mother had said, he choked on his own saliva.

"Don't joke around, Mother! I'm never planning to marry…and you can't force me. Eldest brother and Older brother Hanlu will give you lots of grandchildren so don't ask me to give you one as well." Tian Zi quickly said causing Laura to frown.

"You unfilial child! Your father and I will soon leave this world so you better let us see at least one grandchild from you." Laura nagged, making Tian Zi roll his eyes. 'Here we go again! Why do they like children so much?' Tian Zi thought and didn't bother listening to his mother's nags again. He just focused on his phone and texted back his friend. [Yeah sure, I'm going to check him out. I'll come by later.]

Meanwhile, the three brothers from the Sullen listened and slightly felt sorry for Tian Zi because unlike them, their father was not forcing them to marry anyone. They were also slightly amused that the Mos was quite a warm family unlike theirs.

"They're coming here later right?" Daniel asked again as he couldn't wait to congratulate Ian and Hanlu for their marriage. He was already planning to give the two a two weeks honeymoon vacation since unlike before, he had quite a lot of money after inheriting a large share of the Sullen corporation's assets. He just didn't have the chance to use the money since Mo Laotian tends to give him everything he needed already. Buying a painting was supposed to be a chance to spend some money from his account but then that was canceled due to what had happened to him.

"Hmmm, they will,." Laotian replied, he finished peeling the last grape and fed it to Daniel who gladly accepted it with a bright and loving thank you.

"Then we should be telling everybody soon,." Daniel mentioned excitedly while Laotian nodded with a smile.

"I'm sure they'll be happy to hear our news," Laotian agreed as he stood and kissed Daniel's forehead. After what had happened to them yesterday, he quickly called for the doctor to go check on Daniel. When the doctor came to them and heard their explanation, Laotian could tell that the doctor wanted to scold both of them but couldn't because of their status. They quickly made Daniel go through multiple tests like the ultrasound and were glad that no harm was done.

After all the tests, the twins remained stable, the doctor then quickly warned the two that such an act was forbidden and if they break the rule and insist on doing what they just did, the hospital wouldn't be held responsible if Daniel and the twins' health fall into grave danger. Hearing the scolding from the doctor, Daniel of course felt bad because he was the one who seduced Laotian but later the doctor sighed and looked at the two as if understanding their predicament.

He then told them that it was okay to do such stuff but absolutely no penetration. Daniel was blushing the whole time the doctor explained to them what the consequences of their action were and later told them that it was okay. Daniel was so embarrassed he wished the ground would just swallow him up. In addition to that, the nurse that was assigned to him heard them doing 'that' in the bathroom and he couldn't face her anymore.

"Laotian, can I talk to you in private," finally after contemplating for a long time, George Sullen at last came and approached the Alpha. It was just recently that he discovered that his wife, Susan Sullen, managed to get out of the mental facility with the help of his brother-in-law, and then later he found out that Mo Laotian put her back in after causing harm to Daniel.

George Sullen would have told this to Daniel but then he felt like he needed to tell this to Mo Laotian first since he believed the Alpha would know what the best thing to do is. Additionally, his brother-in-law came to him and asked if he could arrange a meeting for Daniel and him because he wanted to apologize for what had happened and to explain his sister's side.

At first, George declined but later he decided that it was best for Daniel to understand his biological mother's state of mind so the Omega won't continue to blame himself as to why he couldn't get his biological mother to love him despite his efforts when he was still with the Sullens. That is if Daniel ever wonders.

Laotian looked at his father-in-law and wasn't convinced to talk to him in private and so George whispered to him. "It's about my wife." After Laotian heard him, he shifted his attention to Daniel who was now focused on listening to Ethan Morris on TV along with everyone in the room.

"Okay," Laotian said and left with George outside of the room. Meanwhile, Daniel noticed the Alpha leaving with his father so he frowned and wondered what could have been the problem.

* * *

"Ronald Ronner came to me," George started making Mo Laotian frown. He very much remembers the man, he was Susan Sullen's older brother who bribed the higher-ups at the mental facility into allowing Susan Sullen to be free despite her unstable and violent tendencies.

"He asked me and wondered if he could talk to his nephew, Daniel. He told me that he wants to apologize for what Susan did to him." George continued hearing no response from Mo Laotian.

"Daniel doesn't need his apology," Laotian simply said and was about to go back to the room because there was just no way he would let such a man talk to Daniel especially when the Omega's emotions are unstable.

"Please consider it. I initially didn't want him to talk to Daniel as well but I believe Daniel has the right to know why his mother despises him. If Daniel ever wonders why he wasn't loved, why he was thrown away. I know there were no excuses for what my wife did to Daniel but even if he doesn't forgive her, I think he still needs to know the truth. I think he needs to know that it was not him that was in the wrong, it was not him that was not good enough. Daniel deserves to at least know that," George said, making Laotian think.

However, he only momentarily halted from his attempt to go back inside the room, in the end, he still didn't say anything and later disappeared behind the door leaving George Sullen with a heavy sigh.

Hi, Lovelies,

Thank you so much for your encouraging words in the previous Chapter. I will definitely take care of myself better from now on so I can finish all my delayed Chapters as soon as possible and make you guys happy. Anyway, this chapter serves as the opening of the new Arc. this is the arc where Daniel will find out Laotian's other identity. Please look forward to it.

Also, just a little promotion for my Pa tre on, if you become a patron on Nov. 2, 2020, you'll be able to read as much as 30 chapters in advance read for as low as $2. This is only temporary, when the book is finished on P at reo n, I will be lowering the number of Advance read to 10 Chapters Advance read so take this chance now before it's too late, we're 75% finish on the book.

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