
Door of no secret

The wall has become an accomplice of both bad and good deeds, blocking all views from the happenings behind it, keeping the secrets and mysteries away from the world and the door becoming the key that locks it away. But also the only key to unlock it.        The cloud was dark and unsettled. Heavy rain pours down on thousands of skulls. The deafening screams, painful tears, and horror of the people filled the air as the vampires attacked every single hospital in the country. A powerful man has prophecied that the chosen babies who shall end the tyranny and the existence of vampires shall be born on that particular day which results in the killing of newborn babies, the pregnant women being murdered brutally, sounds and explosion of cars involved in an accident provides more victims. The mothers ran with the determination of saving the lives of their babies. Suddenly, the cries of the babies echoed, shaking the earth, the venomous fangs of Lord, the leaders of the vampires stared into the eyes of the babies with a dangerous smirk, then the rain stopped and the prophecy man disappeared.

Dammy_Dimples · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
21 Chs

Chapter Thirty nine

Lyndia was busy doing the dishes in the kitchen and setting the plates into the drainboard while Vanessa was in the bedroom. She just tidied up the bed and take the prophecy book to read. She sat on the bed and relaxed her head on the board as she reads. She continue reading till she got to a page that got her to sit upright.

~ It shall rain heavily on the day the saviors will arrive on the earth. They are the chosen ones to end the existence of the vampires as they shall possess supernatural powers. They are the saviors but also the curse. The saviors shall become a curse if their water or blood should come in contact. They shall become uncontrollable demons that will end the world if they fall in love and have intercourse. Their love shall destroy the world~.

Vanessa was dumbfounded, lost, and speechless with her hands shaking that the book fell off. She shook her head in disapproval, not wanting to believe the prophecy but she couldn't control the drop of tears that fall from her eyes.

" just stop falling, it's not true", she angrily wiped the tears away but they won't stop falling.

" Can I just stop being so emotional for goodness sake", she cried out and finally break down. " who dares decide our fate, because we are saviors means we can't decide our own life? so ridiculous", she lamented,

Lyndia walked in at the moment and was surprised to see her weeping bitterly,

" oh my goodness! what's wrong", she climbed the bed and pulled her into her arms,

" what's it? what happened?",

" Lyndia!", she cried and lifted the book weakly for her to see. She collected the book from her and read. She was surprised at the prophecy,

" OMG!", She hugged her more tightly. She doesn't even know how to pacify her knowing how much she and Collins love each other. Like what the hell. If truly gods existed then she would say they're being unreasonable and foolish. Now she understands what Alice means when she said their love is forbidden, that they ain't supposed to be in love not to talk of getting intimate.

" I love Collins too much to even think of letting him go", she cried as her heart ached.

Lyndia tried calming her down at least making her stop crying but she knew how painful it could be. They love each other too much to even think of separating but this is the prophecy, a prophecy that demands them to sacrifice their love. Vanessa cried out her eyes till she gets exhausted and fell asleep. Lyndia couldn't help but feel for her sister as she watched tears stream out even in her sleep. It must have hurt so much, if there's anything to present as what true love means then this is it. Vanessa wouldn't stop having nightmares of Collins slipping away, his charming smiles that trapped her faded away slowly. She tried reaching out to him but couldn't and that hurt a lot that she felt a stab in her chest.

A few minutes later, Lyndia got a call from Lissa,

" Hi ",


" what's wrong with your voice, it sounds so low",

"no I'm fine", Lyndia replied,

" And don't tell me you've forgotten that we are going out",

"of course not",

" We are at the compound already so will you guys come out or we should come in",

"no no no you don't have to, we are coming out now", She said and hung up. She would have lied that Vanessa isn't feeling too good but they'll come upstairs, especially Collins and she didn't want him to see her in this miserable state. She tapped Vanessa awake, gently.

" Vanessa", she called,

" hm", she mumbled and opened her eyes,

" others are here already but you know you don't have to go I can just make up some excuse",

" no no it's fine",

"you sure about that?",

" yeah", she said and stood up and went to the bathroom to wash her face.

" are you going to tell him?", Lyndia asked when she comes out,

She stopped on her track, she doesn't even know how to tell him or if to tell him at all. Seeing her being quiet, Lyndia knew she might decide not to tell him,

" he deserves to know, you can just.... break up with him without telling him the reason",

Vanessa fell on the bed weakly, tears gathering up on her face again,

" he'll get to know the truth, and...I can stand him going through the same pain",

" so?",

She sobbed silently, " let just go",

Lyndia didn't bother pestering her knowing full well what she was going through. She needs time but Vanessa already makes up her mind on what to do.

They went out to join their friends, she tried hard not to cry especially when she heard the sound of his laughter which weakens her knees. Her heart sank, she felt like running back inside and crying out to her satisfaction but hide in the alcove along the way and fell on her knees,

" Lyndia I can't. I can't pretend as if nothing happened", she cried. She looks miserable and that breaks Lyndia's heart.

"I'll be back", she said and went to meet their friends instead,

" where's Vanessa?" Collins asked immediately he saw her without Vanessa,

"She's a bit ill",

" Seriously?", he wanted to walk past her as he become worried already but she stopped him,

" what's wrong?", he asked confused at why she stopped him,

" she needs some time alone",

" what?", now he became more confused,

"c'mon if she's ill we should check up on her", Max said,

She turned back to them, " I'm sorry but she needs some time alone and less noise . She's asleep right now", She said trying to convince them. Lissa was playing a slow romantic song in the car. Seeing that her attention has divided, he used this opportunity to sneak away but he met Vanessa walking slowly towards him.

She got to him at smiled sadly, tears flowing down her cheeks freely even though she tried holding them back. She blinked her eyes severally but couldn't.

" my goodness Vanessa what's the matter?", he was so worried and confused. He wiped away the tears and hugged her.

" Did something happen?", he asked, " please stop crying, I hate it", he said with his heart aching as he sees her depressed face, her tears falling like it was the end of the world. What could have happened, which bastard dare hurt her this way and he swore to make his life a living hell, he couldn't stand it, he couldn't stand hearing the aching sobs as it breaks his heart also.

She knew she had to make a choice, she knew she had to do it even though it was so heartbreaking. This is the love of her life, her source of joy, the only man that is capable of setting her body, her soul, and her heart on fire. The one she has come to get obsessed, addicted, and in love with. But also the one whom she shouldn't have loved, whom she shouldn't have longed for. So now she has to make the worst choice she has ever made in her life.

She broke the hug slowly and stared into his eyes, smiling bitterly,

" the best days I ever had is the days I had with you, it hasn't been long but it feels like I have been in love with you for a very long time, I love you so much Collins and I still do",

" ok Vanessa can you stop and tell me what happened, why are you crying so much like this", he asked getting scared unknowingly and confused,

" I have no choice, Collins",

" What choice?",

She draw him closer and planted a kiss on his lips. Tears keeps falling as she wrapped her arms around his neck and deepened the kiss so that he could taste how salty her tears is. Before Collins get to know what was happening, she erased his memory, every moment they'd spent together, the love they shared, and everything about her. This was the choice she made, the choice to bare the pain alone as she can't watch or stand him being miserable because of her. She has to save the world, she has to save everyone and so, she sacrificed her love.

She pulled back after erasing everything, Collins held his head and groaned out in pain. His vision becomes blurry, everything was blurry and it makes him dizzy. He groaned from the pain as he felt his head banging. He then fainted.