
Doomsday is online

[Ding–] “The earth and the Planet Guta are 100% integrated. Please welcome the new forces and strive to survive. I wish all humans on earth good luck.” This is the powerful combination of Krypton Gold and Alliance bases. [1v1 + infrastructure + game world + system + doomsday]

Dark_sorcerer · Fantasía
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58 Chs

Chapter 37: Inquire about news

The three of them stayed in the mine for more than three hours before they came out, but they were reluctant to part with it.

At the entrance of the cave, the three of them camouflaged the entrance together, erected a not-very thick earth wall, and sprinkled gravel, at least it wouldn't be so easy to be found.

In the end, the three of them divided more than 160 pieces of various low-grade ores and more than 230 pieces of low-grade gemstones. Well, they have no other way, it was not easy to dig more than 80 pieces of low-grade emeralds

Zhuang Yun felt the taste of sudden wealth, while Lu Jiu was just playing around with a beautiful purple gemstone.

"Let's find a good place today and cook something to eat." Lu Jiu misses warm food, and today, they must celebrate their bumper harvest.

Shen Jufeng nodded, "Well, I'm in charge of eating." He doesn't know how to cook, and he hasn't learned chef card skills.

Zhuang Yun recommended himself: "I'm not bad at cooking, because I often cook for my daughter. If you don't dislike me as the chef."

Lu Jiu nodded her head right away. Her culinary skills still need improvement. It was better to leave this matter to the experienced ones: "Then let's start. I still have pork ribs. I want to eat sweet and sour pork ribs."

"Braised pork." Shen Jufeng ordered a dish without being polite.

"No problem." Zhuang Yun grinned, anyway, the seasoning and kitchen utensils can be bought in the game mall.

Zhuang Yun's cooking was smooth and fast. It seems that he was experienced. In addition to the dishes ordered by Lu Jiu and Shen Jufeng, he also steamed a sausage. The aroma made Lu Jiu want to ask to eat it.

Even Shen Jufeng looked at the cooking pot frequently.

People can cook quickly in the game world. Everything was done in 20 minutes. The three of them held their bowls and ate meat, feeling very satisfied.


It was a good night's sleep, and the next morning, the three of them got up and nestled nearby.

No one came in the afternoon: "Why don't we go first, at worst, come and see before we leave." Lu Jiu suggested.

Zhuang Yun also nodded, "Anyway, we waited for almost a day, and there are no ordinary wild monsters here, so we can go to other places to have a look."

Shen Jufeng thought about it, but there was no movement until now: "Then let's go, go to Huyi Forest."

The three of them packed up and set off. Huyi Forest was some distance away from Pingjing Mountain, which was the common forest area in the southern forest.

Huyi Forest, as the name suggests, there was a lake in this forest area, but there was no city-state by the lake. This was because there was still no map when the city-state was established, otherwise, someone will choose to establish a city-state there.

As they got closer to Huyi Forest, they heard the sound of someone talking not far away. The three of them tacitly got off and put away their bicycles. Since there were people, they will walk.

Not long after they walked, they found that the sound was getting closer and closer. It turned out that someone was coming behind them.

Lu Jiu hasn't seen the figure yet, but the other party was not far away from them, "It seems that many people are coming from Huyi Forest, and there are probably a lot of materials to collect."

According to the distribution of city-states and their observations before, there were usually large fields of grain growing in places with lakes, which was a good base for establishing city-states.

Shen Jufeng has already seen the figures of the group of people coming from behind, "I'm afraid that's the case, but it's okay, just treat it as a collecting supply and adapt to the situation."

The three of them slowed down, and soon the people behind them appeared in their line of sight. The people on both sides looked at each other, and finally, the people on the opposite side didn't say much, just walked past them in a calm conversation.

Shen Jufeng looked at the backs of those people going away: "Those people don't have much hostility in their eyes, they probably think that we came to collect supplies."

Several people continued to walk and finally arrived at Huyi Forest, where they first saw a lake with sparkling water, which was a good sight.

Not far from the lake was a large field, where all kinds of crops swayed with the wind. In the vast field, there were hundreds of people bending over to collect them, occasionally speaking a few words to people not far away from them.

Zhuang Yun was fine, he does city-state tasks every day and collects materials with ease.

Lu Jiu was still admiring the scenery, while Shen Jufeng didn't want to move at all.

However, not long after, Li Jiu collected together with Zhuang Yun. Shen Jufeng looked around: "I'll go around and come back later."

The two of them did not raise their heads, but signaled that they heard: "Go, go." After all, he stood out by doing nothing.

The two of them collected food and found that there were foods that were not available in Xuantian City, such as potatoes and sweet potatoes.

These two items were Zhuang Yun's focus on collecting materials, after all, Xuantian City also has them.

Shen Jufeng was going for a walk along the edge of the field. Occasionally someone would look at him along the way. After all, his appearance and temperament showed that he was a nobleman.

When he came back, Lu Jiu immediately stopped collecting: "How about it, the scenery is not bad?"

Shen Jufeng nodded, "There are no wild monsters around, and there are professional players here. They should have cleaned up those wild monsters so that life-skill players can collect here."

The cooperative relationship between the two players was quite good.

When the two wanted to find Zhuang Yun, they found that he was chatting with a middle-aged man. The two of them didn't bother him and just waited for him to come back by himself.

After waiting for a while, Zhuang Yun's expression did not change, and when he came, the three of them could see what they meant with a glance.

No one else noticed when they left.

"How is it?" Shen Jufeng asked.

"I asked about the information about the black scorpion. They just said that they saw the black scorpion from afar, and then that uncle told me that several nearby city-states know that there are scorpions there, but we better stay away from it. Some groups wanted to capture this BOSS before. In the end, of the group of more than fifty people, only a dozen escaped. It was because the black scorpion could not leave that range, or they would all be wiped out."

Lu Jiu frowned and thought, so the mining area has not been discovered because of the black scorpion. But now it was dead. She doesn't know if it will be refreshed, so she was a little worried.

"That means that no one knows about the mine for the time being. After all, this is a quiet area. I'll come back when I have a chance."

If the mine was discovered, people will guard it, and it will not be so easy for them to enter.

But Lu Jiu vaguely remembered that she had a prop called the teleportation array. She had too many props, so she only remembered the commonly used items. She will look at how to use that prop when she has nothing to do at night.

"Well, I heard from that uncle that people from several nearby city-states will go to check the situation on the side of the black scorpion regularly, thinking that maybe someone will kill the mutant boss." Zhuang Yun thought of something and continued: "There is also a BOSS in Jinghe District that will refresh, but unlike ours, it's not a wild boar, but a pair of chickens."

Lu Jiu's attention was drawn by the chicken, "Chicken? Is it big, I want to eat fried chicken legs?" Before, she thought that she would meet a boss-level chicken, and now her dream came true.

After hearing this, Zhuang Yun thought about what his uncle told him before, and then said, "It's very big. It seems most of the BOSS is not small. Those two chickens have been killed twice so far, which is similar to ours, but you must kill the two of them together before they refresh."

Shen Jufeng lowered his eyes and thought for a while: "Since the two bosses have been killed twice, it means that its strength should be shared. So to say, the two chickens' strength is equal to the black pig boss on our side. Otherwise, it means the players here are too good and skilled."


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