
Doomsday Chat Group [RE-UPLOAD]

When Kenji was reincarnated into this seemingly normal and parallel version of Japan, he thought it was just another version of the Japan he once lived in. Now, he has come to learn that the supernatural are more than just pieces of fiction here. Now finding his fate intertwined with a mysterious chat group that has linked not only his future, but the future of others as well. Kenji is about to show the supernatural side of this world just how terrifying a human can really be! After all, when you're not only armed with the help of the chat group but also the adaptive abilities of one of DC's strongest villains, not many things out there would want to stand in your way.

ShatteredTranquil · Cómic
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17 Chs

Liyue Harbor

Before this starts, just wanted to ask if some of you can just send a comment or something on the previous iteration of this book about how it's been moved here. Not entirely sure if that'll work or not, but it'll be greatly appreciated.

Also, I may be a bit busy as I have singing practice to do since I'm going to be singing in front of my damn school. I will try and keep the updates as frequent as I've always been, but it might be a bit slower than usual. Not entirely sure.

Here's the next chapter, hope you enjoy it.


Another journey of two hours took place with Neptune complaining as usual, and after those two hours, the group had finally arrived in Liyue Harbor. Once they arrived, all the Yaksha aside from the main five scattered to do whatever it was they were going to do, Pervases having said his quick farewells to the chat group members before leaving.

Right now, the group were walking through the harbor as they followed the five Yakshas.

Since it was night time now, there didn't seem to be any of the residents walking around. All the members, aside from Ganyu, all looked around curiously at the sights. The harbor itself looked to be currently under construction, there were numerous buildings still uncompleted.

Soon enough, the Yakshas took the group towards and up one of the mountains that overlooked the entire harbor. The one that complained the most about it was Neptune, Kojou didn't voice his complaints and just climbed it as well with the others.

"Why... did we climb this thing?!" Neptune panted heavily as she collapsed onto her back on the mountain top. She was the last one to reach the top as the others were already there waiting for her. "Wait, why didn't I just fly...? Damn you, Kojou!"

"Why are you blaming me?" Kojou smirked slightly as he turned to look at Neptune's exhausted state. "You're the one who accepted my challenge to see who'd get to the top first out of the two of us. If anything, it was your fault for not thinking it through and not flying up as you claim you can do."

"You won this time...!"

"Why exactly did we climb this mountain anyway?" Kenji couldn't help but ask as he looked down towards the harbor. From the looks of it, the Yakshas were all waiting for something. Bosacius was the one that answered him as the large male turned his head slightly to look at Kenji.

"We wanted Lord Morax to meet you, I'm sure he'll be very interested in seeing all of you." Bosacius smiled as he answered. Kenji blinked at the words before nodding his head, he was honestly interested in seeing this Archon that Ganyu seemed to respect so much. "However, it seems that he has yet to return."

"Wha?! So we climbed up this pile of dirt for nothing?!"

"Not at all, Sister Neptune. While Lord Morax may not be here just yet, I'm sure he'll be arriving anytime now. We just need to be patient." Bonanus giggled a bit as she walked over next to both Bosacius and Kenji. "Brother Kenji, what are those on your head?"

"Hm? Oh, yeah mean my headphones?" Kenji blinked at the sudden question as he touched the headphones he had over his ears. Since he didn't turn on the noise cancellation, he could still hear the others clearly. "Just a piece of equipment to help relax myself, it plays music."

"Really? Music through such a small device?"

"Yeah, you can try it on. Just don't break it please." Kenji nodded as he handed his headphones over to Bonanus, who took hold of them curiously. Kenji was about to panic since he forgot about her claws, but relaxed when Bonanus was already careful to not accidentally slice them.

"They just go over my head, correct?" When Kenji nodded, Bonanus curiously placed them over her head. The headband rested behind her horns as the ear cups rested comfortably over her ears, she was silent for a second as the music played into her ears. "Amazing! How does this work?"

"It's a bit complicated, don't worry about it."

While Kenji did make sure to bring the necessary essentials for this quest, he decided to also pack these headphones for some form of entertainment. They weren't cheap either, he had bought them before the chat group had revealed itself to him.

The reason for why they were expensive was because not only did it have its own storage drive for songs that he could play whenever he wanted, but also because it had a small solar panel built into it to allow for charging even without access to an electric port or device.

"Let me try, Bonanus!" Indarias grinned as she skipped over to them. Taking the headphones off of Bonanus's head before the female could say anything, she then placed them over her own head. Though the headband couldn't rest atop her head due to her hair, so the headband had to rest on the back of her head. "Woah!"

"Sister Indarias, I wasn't finished listening yet!"

"Just give me a second!"

Both Kenji and Bosacius gave them amused looks, Kenji then leaving them to fight over his headphones as he walked on over towards the chat group members who were all sitting together further away from the Yakshas.

"You know, for someone who claims to be a goddess, I at least assumed you to have better stamina than this." Kojou deadpanned as Neptune was still trying to catch her breath after the climb. "I'm still finding that claim hard to believe..."

"This isn't my true goddess form though, so hold your judgements until you see me transform!" Neptune pouted as she voiced this. The others gave her doubtful looks, even Ganyu. Seeing these looks, Neptune's pout increased. "You guys don't believe me, do you?"

"Can you blame us?"

"G-Gah! Your words wound me!" Neptune groaned as she visibly recoiled backwards. "J-Just you wait, once you three see me transform, we'll be singing a different tune! A different... nep-tune that is!"

"Okay, please shut up now." Kenji deadpanned as he said this, obviously seeing Neptune's little joke in there. He then gave a small sigh before turning to face Ganyu before speaking a bit softer just to make sure the Yakshas couldn't hear. "So, we're here at Liyue Harbor, do you perhaps know how far back we are?"

"It's a bit hard to tell, but I'd probably assume... around two and half thousand years ago?" The way Ganyu answered the question was more like a question itself. She obviously wasn't entirely sure herself. "I apologise, I cannot clearly remember..."

"It's fine, if it's as long ago as you say, then it's pretty understandable why you can't remember." Neptune waved it off, the two males nodding in agreement as well to the words. "Oh yeah, what about your younger self? Since we travelled in time, she should be somewhere here, right?"

"Well, yes..."

"Coolsies! We should totally go see her!" Neptune nodded with a large smile. "I wonder what younger you looks like!"

"H-H-Hold on, we shouldn't do that...!" Ganyu stuttered heavily as she waved both hands in front of her face in a panic. The three members gave her confused looks seeing her overreaction. "Wh-What I mean is... oh yes, Kenji told us that it might be bad if my younger self saw me. To avoid problems, we should stay away!"

"Okay? You didn't need to overreact though." Kojou voiced with suspicion clear in his tone, Ganyu began sweating a bit as the three gave her scrutinising looks. Especially Neptune, who leaned in towards her. "You're not trying to hide something from us, are you?"

"N-Not at all...!"

"Whether or not you're hiding something from us, I assume you'd have a reason." Kenji shrugged it off as he turned to look towards the Yakshas, who were still staring off towards the distance. "We should probably ask them if there's a place for us to sleep..."

"Yeah, I don't really want to sleep on the cold rocks." Neptune groaned a bit at the thought. She was honestly already missing the comfort of her bed, oh yeah, and also her games. "Wait... is that music I hear? Where is it coming from?"

"Over there." Kenji responded as he gestured towards both Indarias and Bonanus who were still fighting over his headphones. In fact, even Menogias was interested now as he could be seen trying to take them as well. "Oi, don't pull my headphones like that! You're going to break them!"

"I've never heard that kind of music before, give it here!" Neptune also became interested as she jumped up before sprinting over towards the Yakshas. Kenji merely groaned as he face palmed, the other two giving him sympathetic smiles.

"I might need to hold a funeral for my headphones, better start preparing my speech..."

"Brothers and sisters, he has arrived!" Bosacius suddenly shouted, catching every single one of their attention. Soon afterwards, a loud roar seemed to boom through the area, the roar was loud enough that the residents who were sleeping below all woke up and came out to see the commotion.

All the chat group members stood up as the ones fighting over Kenji's headphones also stopped, turning their attention to the sky as the roar faded away. They all watched as a figure shot through the sky and could be seen flying towards them at incredible speeds.

As the figure slowed down, the chat group members who didn't know what Rex Lapis looked like watched in surprise and amazement as a brown and amber serpentine dragon slithered through the night sky. The dragon circled in the sky above before diving down towards their location atop the mountain.

Once it arrived, the dragon remained flying a few meters above them while staring down. While Rex Lapis was not at all the biggest of dragons, he was definitely an incredible sight to behold with the golden accents that made up his amber body.

All the Yakshas knelt down onto one knee, Ganyu doing the same beside the other chat group members. Seeing their fellow member doing this, the others decided to follow suit as they also knelt down, Kenji having to push Neptune down since she was still staring at Rex Lapis.

A few quick seconds later, Rex Lapis released another booming roar that shook the mountain top before his body began glowing a brilliant orange. The Yakshas, along with the chat group members all stood up as the body began to morph.

They all began backing away as the morphing form of Rex Lapis hovered down before stopping in the spot where they previously stood. Soon enough, Rex Lapis took the shape of a humanoid individual that continued glowing for a second before the light started fading away.

Once it was gone, they were all able to see Rex Lapis's new form.

In front of them stood a tall humanoid figure that donned a skin-tight black and gold outfit underneath a hooded white coat of sorts reached down to his feet. The bottom half of the coat being split into various sections, and the hood was covering the individual's features.

The only thing they could see was his chin along with a few strands of hair hanging down past the beak of the hood, and they could also see a long ponytail that flowed out from the back of the hood somewhere. The ponytail swaying in the cold breeze of the night.

Seeing the figure in front of them, all the Yakshas spoke simultaneously. "Lord Morax!"