
Scarlet Cinder

Dear reader's my name is Scarlet

My day started like any other when I was getting ready, my alarm didn't go off on time so I was late to school but here's the twist

Recently some big shot built an enterprise around here a few months back and he finally appeared, but our fates crossed when I clumsily bumped into him and didn't look where I was going .

His hair was jet black nice and short how I like it he had grey cloudy eyes that a girl could dream but , I'm trying to apologize.

I'm sorry , Mr. umm He cut me off Mr.Black

Very sternly he looked me in my eyes and said I have no time to deal with children .I immediately didn't like his tone and the way he tried to dismiss me like if he owned the place. I got up since he didn't help me up and finally settled myself to say your arrogant and whoever married you would suffer I hissed . I ran to class since I was late enough but all I could think about was getting on time. He's the type that plays with girls feelings I thought . Maybe I'm overthinking I thought . I shook the thought from my head and came to terms that I walked in my psychology while my professor was giving a lecture for our upcoming test this Friday .He saw me Mr.Smith saw me and is known for teasing his girl students . He holds a reputation that doesn't quit. Mr.Smith let the rest of the students leave class but told me to stay behind. I did as i was told . Scarlet when will you arrive to my class on time said Mr.Smith. It's the third week of this semester but I'm thinking of dropping you from my class . What will you do if I do drop you from this class he asked with a sly grin on his face . I asked myself why'd he have to be the way he is with threatening his students and than sleeping with them for better grades .

Before I would accept my fate Mr.Black walks in saving me from inches away with contact to his skin . Clarence you can't keep doing this he said . Clarence ???? Who, Wait is that Mr.Smith's First name , no way !!! I usually could careless about the First Names of my professors but this was an exception. Mr.Black looked at me up and down and said she isn't even that appealing .I thought that's my cue. On my way out I walked up to Mr.Black and slapped him across the face .

It felt so good I couldn't resist to smile and say good day gentlemen . Oh and Mr.Smith I won't be coming back to this class ever, you disgust me . I spit on the floor and hurriedly on my way out see my best friend Skylar. She looked dumbfounded and asked What just happened ?

I told her on our way to my apartment.

I explained that the rumors were true about Mr.Smith and almost blurted out clare... you get the gist.

Skylar eyed me and asked who's Mr.Black anyway ?

I'm not sure I said .

She grabbed her laptop and searched up Mr.Smiths profile on the school website .

It appeared to say he had family in the city very close by.

I scoffed Mr.Black and Mr.Smith brothers are you kidding me , I thought I'm in trouble .

Well tell me is he handsome or charming like the say .

What is she saying that man is arrogant and full of himself hmpph.

I despise men like Mr.Black I told her .

Her smile faltered and asked what did he do ?

What didn't he do ! I snapped .

He was arrogant and cold not only that he called me a child not realizing I'm in college until he came to my class and got that immediately clarified.

Oh you know he had something to say again and did .

He said I wasn't appealing and that that's why Mr.Smith shouldn't touch me.

Isn't that good Skylar exclaimed , She was right I'm not trying to get pregnant or have rumors go around that I'm one of the girls that have slept there way for better grades.

Skylar leaves my apartment and told me to let her know if I need anything.

Skylar is wealthy and I sure am not .

I'm in the middle class section while her rich and famous .

She acts and sings and I guess you can say I'm her biggest fan .

I make myself dinner, two ramen packs one spicy one chicken and have veggies and fruit on the side . I've never been picky but I ate half and left the rest in the fridge for later .

I am exhausted from the thought of today with Mr.Black and Mr.Smith being brothers .

I turned off the light in the kitchen washed my dish and put the rest in a container for lunch tomorrow.

I go to the bathroom and get ready in a shirt and some shorts. I was hesitantly falling asleep because little did I know that the rest of my life wouldn't be the same .