
Your Moves Are Predictable

"And your winner is TOYMAN," the female announcer yelled into the mic. A seven foot tattooed cover bald man raised both of his hands in the air.

"Do you have anything to say to the audience." the woman asked offering a microphone to the victorious fighter.

"I don't need a mic, my voice is as loud as my punches. I came in this arena to fight warriors and not garbage like this guy," Toyman yelled as he pointed at an unconscious, bloodied man that was surrounded by doctors. "I am sending out an open challenge to anybody in this crowd or any fool that calls themselves a fighter. I AM RIGHT HERE! FACE ME," he yelled.

The once cheering stadium filled crowd grew silent.

"Pathetic, even if you lose, you will have the honor of having your ass kicked like a man," Toyman yelled. He began to walk towards the exit of a cage when someone stopped him in his tracks.

"A warrior eh," a man chuckled as he looked up at the fighter. "If I were you I'd choose my words more carefully," the stranger continued.

"And just who the fuck do you think you are," Toyman laughed, "you're 5'7 and weigh about 190 pounds. Where I'm 7'8 and weigh 370 pounds, I'm beyond your weight class and you've got the nerve to come into my yard and give me advice. I just laid out one of the world's greatest fighters and yet you come here," Toyman chuckled.

"It doesn't matter who I am, what matters is that you're talking alot of shit about being a warrior, when all I see is a fool," the stranger said.

"Sir it isnt smart to try to piss off Toyman," the announcer suggested.

"Yeah it isnt smart to piss off a bear, but with enough bullets and a big enough calibur, itll eventually fall," the stranger quickly said without looking away from Toyman.

At this point the tension in the air was thick enough to cut with an axe.

"And where's your gun at little man," Toyman snickered as he got close to the stranger's face.

Some parts of the crowd began to whisper and murmur to each other.

"Dont worry about where it's at. I dont think that you're not worthy enough to feel them. Just giving you a warning to watch your mouth as a warning," the stranger said. He turned away from Toyman when I hand grasped onto his shoulder. It was the unconcious fighter who was now enraged.

"Who the hell do you think you are to come here and disgrace all of the fighters of this sport. Never mind that, I'm going to teach you a lesson," he yelled as he began to throw the stranger.

The Toyman stepped out of the cage to watch the ensuing fight.

The stranger was launched into the air and like a cat landed on his feet, but was faced with a barreling man charging his position. The stranger side stepped to the right, dodging a deadly tackle, he kicked the fighter his leg, then a body blow with a hook, the fighter stumbled to one knee. The stranger quickly followed it up with a kick to the fighter's jaw and once again he was out cold.

The crowd was in complete shock, more people began to mumble amongst each other.

Toyman walked back into the cage.

"I am no fool, I know a good fighter when I see one. And you're good, but I am not going to let you fight me all because of a few flashy moves. You need to earn it, fight twelve of my opponents without losing and I'll fight you man to man. By that time I'll be the champ, I'll let you fight me for that title," Toyman said as he extended his hand for a handshake.

The stranger looked at his hand and shook it, "I didn't come here to fight, I only came here to deliver a warning but if it's a fight that you want, I'll play your games and give you want you want," the stranger said. With that the stranger walked out of the cage and through a now cheering crowd and out of the arena.

Toyman grabbed a mic and began to yell, "Turn the cameras on me, listen to me champ! I hope that you are! Your perfect record means nothing to me, you and your perfect style will be tarnished by a man that controls men like toys! You hear me! I know that you're back home watching this fight, praying on my downfall! When in reality it should be you praying that you dont fall, because when you do, you'll be met with nothing but fists and knees to your face. You HEAR ME! I want our fight to continue until one of us cant walk or nearly dead. Get out of retirement and give me what I crave....A REAL FUCKING FIGHT," Toyman yelled as he threw down the mic and stormed into the locker room.