
Party Like Its 2019

"Take those shots. Take it like you take dick. Come on bitch drink drink drink," a girl drunkenly yelled as she poured a bottle into another woman's mouth. The girl drinking has massive bags under her eyes, her curly shoulder length white and black hair smelled of liquor. Her clothes covered in it as well, she chugged the bottle for 10 seconds straight. Cheers erupted in the party as the girl danced around with the crowd.

Music bounced off the room, strobe lights and LEDs crawled around the drunk and ecstasy filled people.

"Let me give you a shot," the black and haired girl slurred, she stumbled back and forth with half a bottle.

"Yokyo, last time you did this. You didn't stop and I puked everywhere," the blue haired girl laughed.

"Isnt that the fun part. Now be a doll and tilt your head back," Yokyo smirked. She poured and poured and stopped after six seconds. The party kept going on, seconds turned into minutes and minutes turned into hours. Soon Yokyo felt the room spinning 1,000 miles an hour. Seconds she was on all fours and was outside puking out her guts out onto wet, cold grass. The night sky was filled with stars, and was quiet except for the party in the background.

"I need some peace and quiet," Yokyo slurred. She looked around and realized that she was by herself. She preferred it that way, to be alone and in the quiet, Yokyo got up and walked her way towards her apartment. A white light flashed on her eyes and a loud crack. Everything spun around once again, then darkness.