

*Year 2019*

"Boom, you will never receive porn ads again," a nerdy teenager said.

Another guy slowly rubbed his hands together, "finally now I can watch porn without ads," he said.

The nerd looked at the guy with disgust all over his face. "Wait you paid me 500 dollars to get rid of ads of porn so that you can watch porn," he asked.

"Well duh, I'm tired of the lies, telling me that theres milfs in my area. I asked door to door and there was nothing but creepy guys. A lie, you wont last five seconds playing this game, I lasted seven, I'm tired of being lied to you know, so yes I'm paying you 500 dollars so that I wont be lied to again," a guy with matted hair and coffee induced hyper eyes said. He clearly needs to go to sleep.

"Well okay then," the nerd said. Turning his attention to his laptop.

"Whatcha working on over there," the guy asked.

"You know, the same shit that you're worried about, a time machine," the nerd said.

He was furiously fidgeting a bunch of buttons and knobs, he turned on a switch and a sure of electricity surged throughout the underground room. The concrete walls was lined with pipes, and multiple breaker boxes.

"Come on man, I told you that time travel is impossible," the porn addicted guy said.

"Well if you think its impossible, just leave then. You got what you came for, so fuck off," the nerd said.

"Yeah flip those little switch you nerd, but when you electrocute yourself dont come to me," the guy said as he walked out of the room.

"I wouldnt call you, you fucking idiot! I'd be dead, and my name is Billy," the nerd yelled. He hit a monitor that was smoking. "Just a bit more juice, and it'll work," Billy said. He put on a belt and turned on a switch, he typed up a year, set up a recorder and sat down on a wooden chair.

"Time travel test 35, in 3.....2.....1," Billy said as he pressed a red button on a chair.

Sparks flew everywhere as a stream of electricity surged into his chair. The lights went dim, then everything went dark.