
Chapter 6 4 vs 342 part 2

"Everyone, aim for the back of his head. It's the spot that contains the least amount of fat on the human body. It will be easier to get through. Don't be greedy on bullets. His skin is still too thick to get past with a single shot."

Every single member of the containment force fired at Blob's brain. Over 100 bullets were hitting his head every second. 2 seconds later, Jack managed to finally reach the bracelet.

Jack picked up the bracelet and quickly put it around his shoulder. The bracelet was made of pure titanium and had a futuristic vibe to it. It was glowing with in a neon blue light. Jack used the little amounts of Qi he had to activated the bracelet.

Jack's body jolted from the sudden electric shock. He felt intense pain from his muscles getting strained and he barely kept himself sane. The intense pain soon spread through his entire body.

This was another flaw of the thunder type body stimulator. It used thunder type Qi to boost your physical strength. It last a long time, over an hour at a time, but people don't use it for longer than 10 minutes. The reason behind that is the intense pain it causes. It is a great stimulator, but it does long term damage and causes intense pain.

Jack barely hanged onto his already stretched thin sanity. He stood up and rushed at his top speed. If not for his eyes, he wouldn't even be able to adjust his trajectory with this kind of intense speed.

Jack went directly darted towards Blob. Behind Blob were the Containment force members and behind them was the magic imprint jammer. Jack ran at a speed of 100 meters per second and instantly passed Blob. Jack took out Specs that turned into an extremely sharp and long fencing sword. The sword was about 1.7 meters long

Jack rushed Towards the nearest Containment force group and skewered 12 containment Force members heart's. After all twelve were skewered, Specs retracted the entire blade and became just a handle. Jack rushed towards the next group and skewered 10 more people.

Jack was in almost no danger. Farsight told him of any dangers that would come his way and he had enough speed to easily dodge them.

"Focus on that Fat tub of lard! I will handle this handler myself!"

"*Farsight, concentrate on bullet warnings. I don't trust this fucker to actually fight me one on one. Ains, my good man! How are you? How about you just let me take the magic imprint jammer and I will be on my marry way!"

"Can't believe you think I'm stupid enough to actually allow you to leave with one of the jammers."

"You're stupid enough to fight me one on one. Why can't you just be stupid enough to let me go with the thing I want!"

"Reason one: I have learnt how to control my transformation. And even with that artifact, you are no match for me!" Ains howled with a deafening voice and fur began to grow on his body.

Ains began his transformation. His limbs grew out and became thicker. The muscles became so dense that they looked like steel,mouth they still looked as flexible as rubber. His arms doubled in length and his legs tripled. His spines extended and looked like it had become crooked, but, in truth, it had actually become a lot more flexible. Being capable of 420 degree rotations.

His face extended and looked like a wolf's face. His teeth became bigger and as sharp as knifes. His eyes became bigger, rounder and more ferocious. Just a single glance from those blue, slitted eyes is enough to scare a normal human so much he would die from a heart attack.

All 20 of His fingers grew two time longer and the nails on his finger grew longer and a lot sharper. His transformation had only taken 0.3 seconds, but to Jack that was already too much time.

His reaction speed may be overcharged, but his body is only 5 times faster. He could control his body almost perfectly, but his body was no match to a werewolf's mighty and immortal body.

"Wow! Didn't think you would take revenge on me, for the grudge you hold against Vincent. He bit you, not me! Although I was there and did dare him to do it, I didn't think you would actually survive. If I had known that, I wouldn't have left you there."

"I'm going to cut you up and feed you to the dogs. You won't live for much longer!"

"You little male bitch!"

A.N. This chapter may be shorter than usual, but the next chapter is longer than usual.

I meant the wait time, not the chapter contents

Nike13Kcreators' thoughts